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I finally lost it...kinda long

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  • I finally lost it...kinda long

    So while I know this is CS not Employees suck, I have seen other posts here like this so one more can't hurt. And probably to the other customers in the store who did not know the full story I was the Sucky one. But anyway, here is the story.

    On my way home from work tonight I decided to order a Pizza from Dominos. In my town they only have 1 location. I tried to call 5 times, and the line was busy. No biggie, I understand that during peak times the lines may be busy. I figure I will just stop in the store on my way home. Usually the order will only take 10 minutes, and I can run over to the store nearby and grab a 6 pack of Newcastle while it cooks.

    So I arrive at the store, there is one other customer in the store, who apparently either was an off duty employee or friends with them. She moves aside when I come in, so no big deal, but the 3 employees working do continue to talk and joke with her while making pizzas, and ignore me. It should be noted that this is a VERY SMALL store, from the counter you can see the entire store, including where the phones are. The Managers office is actually behind you from where you stand in line. The only thing you can't see from the counter is the walk in. What catches my eye here are all three phones are OFF THE HOOK! Just for fun I call the store from my cell phone, and yes, I got a busy signal. During my entire time in the store (see below) nobody went over to the phones, so I doubt they had anyone on hold.

    So its now been 5 minutes (no, I do not overstate wait times like the SC's do). Even though I can see everyone working and they can see me, nobody has A. Taken my order B. Greeted me or C. Told me that they will be with me in a minute.

    At this point I make eye contact with the other customer and jokingly tell her "gee, its a good thing that I am a patient guy". She laughed and said yeah, they are just pretty busy. She was kinda cute, so I made some small talk with her for a few minutes. She finally gets what she was waiting on, and she tells the guy (by name) that I have been here for awhile and needed to place an order. He looks at me and walked off. Also, I should note that they were really not that busy. The warming rack where they keep the completed pizzas had 3 small orders on it, and they only had 6 tickets hanging on the rack and none in the printer. For the volume this store does, thats nothing. Sometimes it pays to have Pizza/Foodservice experience

    Finally, one of them, who may have been the shiftleader tells another guy to help not only me, but the 4 other people who have just shown up, and are in line behind me. He finally comes up after the other guy asked him to help us 4 more times,and asks me if I have ordered, I tell him no, its kinda hard to when the phones are off the hook and nobody takes your order when you are physically in the store either. He then asks the other people who just came in if they had ordered, 1 of them had, so he gets their food. I am still not all that upset, I am a pretty patient guy, especially after years working with SC's, and I understand he is just trying to expediate the service by getting the lucky ones that managed to place an order out first.

    What got me was that he knew the person in line behind me, who had not ordered yet. Even though I was still standing in front of him, he started to take that guys order before mine. I excused myself, and told him that I was first in line. He said yeah, I know, but I already know what this guy wants. I simply told him fine. I will take my business elsewhere this evening. I did do a little bit of arm waving as I walked off, which seemed to alarm the other customers, but I did not yell.

    The only thing that I did that could be considered sucky is I emailed Dominos customer service when I got home. Since I could see all 3 people working in the store, from the way they were acting, if one of them was the Manager/Shiftleader it would have been pointless in my eyes to talk to them while I was there. I did not, however, threaten to not eat there again and demand free stuff. In fact, I told them that I would eat there again, and I don't want anything free. We'll see what happens.

    The pizza I got from the other place was very good, and the Newcastle was excellent as always. I prefer local pizza places over the chains anyway, I just wanted to try the new garlic bread pizza they have at Doms.
    If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?

  • #2
    You were so far from being sucky, you are the Anti-Suck.

    You did good.

    You reacted far better than I would have in such a situation.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      You didn't lose it. Your actions were discrete and entirely justified. Not answering phones? No acknowledgment or apology for making you wait? Preferential treatment for friends? That's complete nonsense.
      Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


      • #4
        Dude, you must be the pope, cuz I would have raised some hell after the employee took the friends order before mine. Seriously, I am very impressed with your patience in that situation. I can't believe those employees got away with the phones being off the hook. Where the eff was the management?
        I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
        "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


        • #5
          RR you were most deffinitely not in the suck on this one. In fact you were so much not in the suck you may have been in the blow..... or some such thing.

          I don't even want to begin to spell out how many sales they may have lost nor how many customers they may permanently have lost simply by having the phones off the hook.

          Corporate will probably try to kiss up to you big time and majorly chew out that store (or so I would hope)


          • #6
            Quoth ShortTemperHatesStupidity View Post
            Dude, you must be the pope, cuz I would have raised some hell after the employee took the friends order before mine. Seriously, I am very impressed with your patience in that situation. I can't believe those employees got away with the phones being off the hook. Where the eff was the management?
            Believe me, on the inside I was PISSED, hence the arm waving. But yelling at them would have done little more than make me feel better, but look like an ass in return. Honestly if it had not been a place where they prepare your food, I may have been a little more on the sucky side.

            Sadly, I think the guy who told the other guy to help us was the Shiftleader on duty. Since he exhibited a total lack of basic customer service skills based on what I saw my complaint most likely would have fallen on deaf ears.

            I have not heard anything from Dominos yet, but I'll update this when I do. This is actually my first ever "corporate" complaint ever, so I am curious as to what they will say. Any offers of free stuff I will either refuse or donate to one of the shelters around here. My goal is not to get anything free out of this.
            If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


            • #7
              You are a better man/girl/animal/corpeal being/thing than I am. I would have lost it by then. Not asking for freebies, but making my displeasure clear. I wouldn't have even let the person who's pizza was ready go ahead of me. How long does it take to place an order? That other person can wait.


              • #8
                Quoth RentalRacer View Post
                Believe me, on the inside I was PISSED... <snip>... My goal is not to get anything free out of this.
                Wow. Just... wow.
                I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


                • #9
                  I probably wouldn't have hesitated to go a little Linda Blair on that bunch. I can honestly say I've rarely if ever had bad service anywhere. But if I had been subjected to that sort of nonsense, you can bet I would have let them know exactly what I was thinking.

                  SC's have to come up with money to come pester us, so a good lot of them are SEs too.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Chanlin View Post
                    RR you were most deffinitely not in the suck on this one. In fact you were so much not in the suck you may have been in the blow..... or some such thing.

                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #11
                      Mr. Fly, in his pizza managing days, would have drawn and quartered anyone who he caught behaving like that. Phones off the hook?! Gah.


                      • #12
                        I've dated a Dominos boy before. Many nights I rode along with him, or I would just go to Dominos after work at the gas station (only a block away and up a hill). This guy's roomate was the manager, and the other manager never knew that the night boys had friends come over to Dominos, so it was no biggie. As long as we hid in the office away from the customers and orders were still taken and deliveries were made on time, the friends could stay.

                        I can honestly admit that there was a lot of farking around, but NEVER did they unhook the phones or ignore customers or orders. Every order was promptly taken or the driver immediately left for delivery.

                        What you went through was total bullshit, and not to sound SCish, but none of those employees deserve that job. They should all be fired.
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13

                          You did well, you are not a SC at all. Those staff were lazy and disrespectful.
                          I hope they get the sack.
                          Last edited by Ackee; 02-24-2007, 01:39 PM. Reason: it's not spelling, ok , it is :(
                          ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
                          Quoth Gravekeeper


                          • #14
                            Once upon a time, I called in to a local pizza place (remember back when their slogan was pizza pizza?), and was immediately put on hold. After 10 minutes (I'm not exaggerating; I was 10 and had more patience then I have now), I hung up and called back. Was able to place my order right away. Funny thing was you could hear the "off the hook" buzzing in the background from my first call that apparently was still on hold.
                            I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                            Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                            • #15
                              The only thing that I did that could be considered sucky is I emailed Dominos customer service when I got home. Since I could see all 3 people working in the store, from the way they were acting, if one of them was the Manager/Shiftleader it would have been pointless in my eyes to talk to them while I was there. I did not, however, threaten to not eat there again and demand free stuff. In fact, I told them that I would eat there again, and I don't want anything free. We'll see what happens.
                              IMO, that is the best way to complain. Just make the company aware of the problem. As opposed to some people who would angrily state they're never ordering from Dominoes again (thus giving Dominoes no incentive to fix things for them) and then demand a bunch of free pizzas for their "inconvenience".
                              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

