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I finally lost it...kinda long

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  • #16
    You were incredibly non-sucky, and I'm with everyone else here in applauding you and your self-control. I don't think I could have handled that without some rage.

    My mom and I were discussing yesterday that we think the advent of online/email complaints is fabulous, as you can take the time to re-read your statement, and it's must easier to remain calm and not get all emotional when you're explaining what happened.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


    • #17
      Quoth myswtghst View Post
      My mom and I were discussing yesterday that we think the advent of online/email complaints is fabulous, as you can take the time to re-read your statement, and it's must easier to remain calm and not get all emotional when you're explaining what happened.
      The bonus on that, 99% of the time that I've actually had to complain, I've gotten a response in a timely manner. I recently got a 100$ credit for a crappy stay I had in a hotel while in California, within 2 days of registering the complaint.

      On the flip side, don't be afraid to use the "contact us" link of places like that when you come across exceptional employees too. Companies love it when their customers compliment one of their workers and it usually leads to some sort of bonus for the one you wrote about. (Thanks a million friendly drive-thru Taco Bell worker dude)!
      I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
      "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


      • #18

        Over the weekend I got the standardized response/apology letter, but it did say that since the store is a franchisee they will forward my comments to the franchise director of the area, and to the store. Which in the end is all I wanted.

        Thank You to all of you for your positive comments
        If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


        • #19
          Final Update

          Not to but here is the end of the saga.

          Today I got a call from the Dominos Director of Operations for this part of the country.
          It started off a little rough as he tried to make several excuses about why the phones were no being answered. He said that they were short staffed, that they were busy etc etc. I pretty much told him that if they were truly that busy, they sure spent enough time joking and talking with each other, and the girl who is line in front of me. He did tell me that the computer showed a 30 minute period where no orders where taken which he admitted was odd. Lucky me I guess, I arrived at just the right time! Hell, I should have bought a lotto ticket on the way home!

          Anyway, he apologized to me for my experience, and told me that they have taken action to ensure that incidents like this do not occur in the future. He also told me that he had got 6 other complaints about that store that night, and that mine was the most thorough and well written one And, I was the only one not to demand free stuff. He said that if 6 people actually took the time to complain, then obviously Doms had a bad night, and in reality they probably upset many more people that night who did not bother to complain.

          He insisted on sending me free pizza coupons, even though I said I did not want them several times. Come to think of it, he overcame 3 objections....he would be a hell of a sales guy. I plan to either throw a Pizza party for my staff since corporate does not give us $$ for those anymore, or I have a friend who volunteers at a domestic violence shelter for abused women/children, I am sure they would take them as a gift.
          If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


          • #20
            That's great that you got a response and a positive one at that.
            The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


            • #21
              It's kinda SE (sucky employee) of him to make excuses about why phones were off the hook (there is no excuse), but you didn't bite on that one and he realized that-so good for you stickin to your guns. I'm impressed that they insisted on giving you coupons despite your declining them, it shows they want to keep you as a customer and are willing to give in good faith to do that.

              Oh, and on a side note while it's nice that you would think to share it with your co-workers, it is amazing that you would consider giving it to the women's shelter. Quite an impressive gesture of kindness-rare these days...
              I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
              "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


              • #22
                I gotta say I'm truly impressed with your self control in this situation.

                I've seen similar situations... nothing quite this blatant, but I've been in places where they obviously didn't have their act together when I walked through the door. I get ignored for a bit, shrug and turn and leave. At that point, even if someone does notice me and ask me if they can help, I just smile and say 'No thanks' and go on my merry way. Of course I'm a bit growly inside... which is why I leave, I know I don't have your kind of patience, and I DON'T want to turn into an SC.

                Kudos, and try and to arrange to enjoy a little of that free pizza yourself, you deserve it.
                Check out my webcomic!


                • #23
                  wow, professional courtesy at its finest! while i exhibit SOME professional courtesy () i woulda just flat out lost it with those guys. and off the hook?! uhmmmmmm, yeah, i would check back in a while to see if those same guys are working there.
                  ALL UNATENDED GROCERIES SHAL BE RESTOCKED! (or incinerated, pick your poison )

