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stupid phone company

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  • stupid phone company

    This happened at work but it's really about the actions of the customer's cell provider...

    The Polite Woman brought her phone in to us to get repaired under our warranty program and everything was taken care of....

    Until her cell provider got stupid. They decided that PW MUST have gotten her phone replaced through them and not the store she bought it from and sent her a bill for the full price of the phone.


    I gave PW our corporate number just in case but the manager told her that it's nothing we have control over but that indeed that bill is not correct. We replaced the phone - her cell company shouldn't be billing her for it.

    Hope that she gets it fixed.

  • #2
    Jeebus crow, that's stupid!

    If your company can provide proof that they paid for the phone already, maybe that might help? (with actual price information removed, of course)

    I don't supposed you'd mind hinting at the idiot cell provider or pm'ing me who it is?

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Wow. That's just awful!
      Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


      • #4
        i did ask opie if we should print up a copy of her service order but he said no.
        not sure if he wanted me giving her the corp number but hell that's sucky... and frankly i don't see why we couldn't print her up a copy of her records just so she had something to show them

        but yeah there's no reason why her phone company should be asking her to pay for any new phone. WE provided the new phone through our system. Her cell provider did not provide the phone.

        only other thing i can think of is ... that she got a loaner phone and returned it. only thing else i can think of is if they didn't record her turning the loaner back in... but i still dont see why that would result in a charge from her cell carrier since they had nothing to do with the transaction.


        • #5
          Uhm...charging your customer for something YOU DID NOT PROVIDE.....hmmmmmm

          Please correct me, if I am wrong..but...that's FRAUD..and no different than if they'd billed her for her McD's order on the way to your store.

          I brain just rebooted---that's just----STUPID!


          • #6
            o good point. very good point

