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Why does PetSMART have DUMBcustomers??

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  • Why does PetSMART have DUMBcustomers??

    With my birthday money, I decided to buy an aquarium and some fish. Because of this, I've been spending quite a bit of time prowling the local PetSmart doing research on exactly what items and fish I'm going to buy. During my visits, I've encountered a few SC's.

    Does it bite?

    I decided to take a break from the fish section and wandered over to the reptiles where I see a female sales associate with some sort of lizard on her sholder (I believe it was a Panther Gecko?) and a boy who looks to be about 12 or so with his mother behind him. The boy is quite obviously infatuated with the little creature and has that kid-in-a-candy-warehouse look on his face while he bombards the girl with questions. Clearly, he has an interest in learning about animals. His mother, on the other hand, stood a few METERS away, arms crossed, nose upturned with a disgusted look on her face. Finally, the boy turned to his mother and asked if he could pleasepleasepleeeeeeeaseee get this one.

    Mother: No, we're looking for a NICE pet. Those things are diseased and probably bite! *snotty*
    Kid: But, mom! They have a guarantee so if he gets sick, we can bring him back and get a new one and they are very friendly and (rambles off 20 or so facts about the gecko that he likely learned from the girl moments prior).
    Mother: (to the girl) Do they bite?? *huffy/snotty*
    SA: Well everything bites lady. You bite.
    Mother: WELL! Then I guess we're done here! *grabs son* AAALLLL pets bite so YOOOUUU don't get one! Thank the NICE LADY! *stomps off*
    Me: Pfft. Nicely done!
    SA: It's the truth, isn't it?
    Me: Poor kid..

    Research, research, research

    A pet, ANY pet, is a big responsibility. As such, the decision to buy a pet should never be made on a whim and research should be done to be sure you are capable and willing to provide whatever care is needed for a particular animal and to make sure that pet will fit into your lifestyle. For example, if a person has small children, a hamster may not be the best choice because they are small, fast and can work little ones into a frenzy if they take off. Hamsters are also very fragile and will nip small hands that squeeze them too tightly.
    So I was looking at the fish when a woman slid up next to me and randomly struck up conversation...

    Random Mother: Fish are so soothing, don't you agree?
    Me: Mhmm *smile and nod and nod*
    RM: *sighs loudly*
    Me: *oh, good! She shut up. I thought this was going to be one of those I'm-going-to-stalk-you-around-the-store-cuz-you're-my-new-victim things*
    RM: That's why I got my son a fish tank. He has ADHD and all the other mom's said it would help him calm down.
    Me: That makes sense.... *scoots a few tanks over*
    RM: *scoots over with me* His next fish has to be alll silver because he names his fish after super heros. He has spiderman, batman, green lantern, yadayadayada. Now, he wants an all silver fish to be silver surfer.
    Me: Neato...

    And so we go on for a few moments as I inch down the row of tanks with her practically plastered to my side going on and on about her son's super hero fish until we get to the catfish tanks. I'm eyeing the Pictus Cats when she let out a squeal like a bubbly school girl.

    RM: OMGOMGOMG! It's an all silver fish! *jabs a finger at a tank above my head(i was crouched down)*

    I geeently stand up trying not to knock my noggin on her flailing arm only to see she is pointing at the Pangasius Catfish. Quick b/g on the Pangasius:
    In pet store tanks, they are BABIES only 2-3" long. When full grown, they reach lengths of 3-4 FEET! The Pangasius Catfish is a very skittish fish that does best in groups of 5 or more as this helps the fish feel more secure and it will come out of hiding more. Most people buy one of these fish for a 55-75 gallon tank (both of which are 4' long and you can do the math to see the issue there) and wind up with a skittish, stunted, unhealthy fish that 9 tims out of 10 goes blind from rubbing the tank as it tries to turn. Also, this fish is STRONG. Even in a large tank, if something spooks this fish there's a good chance he's going through the glass because this catfish goes into a frenzy when scared.

    So right away, I think this is a match made in hell. Chances are, this mom didn't buy a 300 gallon tank for her little boy and, even if she did, I doubt she would buy 5 of these fish. Potentially huge fish+teeny tank+hyper child=disaster. As an animal lover, I opened my mouth to try to help save that fish and save the mom a lot of headache.

    Me: How big is your tank?
    RM: 20 gallons.
    Me: Oh, yeah. Then this isn't the fish for you. This catfish gets 3-4 feet long when it's full grown.
    RM: No it's not! It's sooo teeny!
    Me: Yes, it's small now but in a year or so this fish will be bigger than your son. Also, it's a very shy fish so it won't be much fun for him to watch. I'd recommend a silver molly or a hatchetfish as those fish are silver but stay small and will be a much better fit in that tank.
    RM: Do you work here?
    Me: No.
    RM: Then I'll find someone who does. You obviously don't have a clue what you're saying.

    So she walks over to the sales rep and drags him over to the Pangasius tank.

    RM: I want that fish.
    SA: Uhh...ok.
    RM: She said this fish gets 4 feet long and that it wont fit in my 20 gallon tank!
    SA: *to me* You own a Pangasius?
    Me: No, but I know a lot about fish.
    RM: I know such a small store would never sell fish that big as this is a FAMILY store and only sells FAMILY pets.
    SA: Actually, many of these fish require large aquariums when they are full grown. That catfish does indeed grow to such lengths and I'd recommend you shop for fish on that side with the community fish. This is the semi-agressive section.
    SA: Actually, I'm divorced and I shop here quite frequently. I love animals and buy stuff for my snakes.

    She rambles on and on about this being a family store and such but eventually she settled down and bought a silver molly.
    Answers: $1
    Correct Answers: $2
    Answers that require thought: $5
    Dumb looks are still free.

  • #2
    Quoth Kisa View Post
    SA: Well everything bites lady. You bite.
    She sure does!
    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


    • #3
      At least that second woman listened to reason and bought an appropriate sort of fish.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        Quoth Kisa View Post
        That....just doesn't make any sense at all, mate.
        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


        • #5
          People don't really want to learn about fish. They just want to get whatever fish look cool and then wonder why their fish are dying. My current crop of fish is probably the most luck I've had with fish in a while. And I can keep a plecostomus to save my life......they usually end up dying on me.


          • #6
            At the petstore where I used to work, there was a large tank full of pond carp at the back of the fish section. There were loads of idiots who took one look at the pond carp, went "OMG a goldfeeeshhh!!11eleventy!" then tried to buy them to go in their tiny tanks/goldfish bowls. -.- Just cuz it's orange, doesn't mean it's a goldfish.
            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
            My DeviantArt.


            • #7
              I'm so sorry the SA probably cost that child the ability to have a pet. Some of the sales associates are as stupid as the customers. I've learned to only shop in stores where the help actually has animals and some, if not a whole lot of knowledge about them.

              Way before it was possible to check facts on line I had several goldfish in a large tank. I spotted a gold dust koi and fell in love. I've seen koi and goldfish together -- but not in a tank. In tanks koi can become aggressive. The salesperson assured me that the koi would work out well since he was actually a little smaller than my current fish. To my horror I came down the next morning and my lion head was missing an eye. Poor, poor little thing and no way to give pain meds to a fish. I returned the koi and have felt guilty about accidentally abusing a little fish I was responsible for keeping safe.

              This same store sold some of the smaller parrots. A woman wanted a sun conure, which are stunningly gorgeous, but very very noisy. They also bite. I tried to tell her this, but of course I knew nothing -- even though I had had a sun conure for a decade. She got them to open the cage, stuck her hand in before the SA could do anything to stop her and got a sharp bite from the bird who didn't care to have his home invaded by this babbling idiot. I just smiled and said: "Told you they bite." She was not amused. She went stamping out of the store saying we were all idiots. LOL Takes one to know one.


              • #8
                Quoth ShinyObject View Post
                I'm so sorry the SA probably cost that child the ability to have a pet. Some of the sales associates are as stupid as the customers. I've learned to only shop in stores where the help actually has animals and some, if not a whole lot of knowledge about them.
                Considering that mother, I'm glad that SA did that. I wouldn't want to inflict that woman on some poor, innocent animal.
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                • #9
                  Quoth ShinyObject View Post
                  This same store sold some of the smaller parrots. A woman wanted a sun conure, which are stunningly gorgeous, but very very noisy. They also bite. I tried to tell her this, but of course I knew nothing -- even though I had had a sun conure for a decade. She got them to open the cage, stuck her hand in before the SA could do anything to stop her and got a sharp bite from the bird who didn't care to have his home invaded by this babbling idiot. I just smiled and said: "Told you they bite." She was not amused. She went stamping out of the store saying we were all idiots. LOL Takes one to know one.
                  Conures in general scream more than whistle or talk. Suns are especially bad. But darn it if they aren't gorgeous. Sometimes I think my cockatiel is part conure the way he carries on sometimes, lol.

                  Birds also use their beaks like we use hands. Beak contact isn't necessarily a bite (it could be grabbing on to an unsteady perch), but in the above case, I'd bite too, lol.
                  I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                  • #10
                    It's unfortunate how appallingly stupid some people can be.
                    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                    • #11
                      Quoth Pagan View Post
                      That....just doesn't make any sense at all, mate.
                      this. very much this.

                      i've never heard of a pet store being "family" only.
                      not all people have or want run-of-the-mill pets.

                      after all people who want unusual pets have to shop for supplies too.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Pagan View Post
                        Considering that mother, I'm glad that SA did that. I wouldn't want to inflict that woman on some poor, innocent animal.
                        It's hard to convey tone through text, but in person you could so easily tell this mother was expecting to find a pet that would never ever bite even if you beat the hell out of it and jammed your finger in it's mouth. However, there is a huge difference between pets that DO bite and pets that CAN. I'm too lazy to quote, but someone said something about a type of bird that tends to be very nippy. In that case, biting is a natural behavior and shouldn't be bought by people who want a non-nippy pet. I have had many pets and I've gotten my fair share of nips but I admit it was my mistake and not the animals. For example, I had a Leapord Gecko once who I fed crickets and mealworms to. He was a great little pet and an enthusiastic eater but as he got older, he didn't have all that baby energy to chase his food around. To help him out a bit, I would maim the crickets to slow them down. One day, I tossed 5 crickets in there and let him be. A while later, one remained and my gecko was sleeping close to it. I assumed he was full and was taking his after lunch nap so I reached into the tank and picked it up only to wake him from his slumber and recieve a good hard nip. I touched his food when he wasn't done and that was his way of telling me that.
                        Answers: $1
                        Correct Answers: $2
                        Answers that require thought: $5
                        Dumb looks are still free.


                        • #13
                          I was petting this cockatiel in Petsmart one time when this lady came up to me and snottily asked if I wanted to loose a finger because those birds bite. Before the associate could respond to this rude lady I replied "Any animal can bite ma'am. even the most docile ones. its all how they are handled. This bird obviously was handled in a kind manner throughout its life and therefore does not feel the need to bite my finger off." woman walks off in a huff and the associate just grins and nods.

                          I hate it when people think an animal 'bites' when in fact they know nothing about it. They need to do their research on the animal before they jump to conclusions
                          NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer


                          • #14
                            Sun conures ARE noisy...which is why I got a green-cheek instead. Still noisy but not nearly as bad (at least, mine isn't). Only time she really screams is if anyone touches the broom to sweep. Apparently, sweeping freaks her out and she feels the need to alert everyone to that fact.
                            My dollhouse blog.

                            Blog about life


                            • #15
                              Quoth Kitten in the box View Post
                              I was petting this cockatiel in Petsmart one time when this lady came up to me and snottily asked if I wanted to loose a finger because those birds bite.
                              I imagine that pretty much any bird that has to live with her is likely to bite.

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

