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Slightly annoying cashier

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  • Slightly annoying cashier

    Okay, had to do a bit of grocery shopping last night, and we were pressed for time (I know, I usually prefer to do it when I'm at my leisure and can take my time, but it was unexpected).

    So there are three cashes open (it's a sucky grocery store to begin with) and one has a long line-up (lord knows why) and the other two are DESERTED. As I've learned the futility (and often danger to your health) of mentioning open cashes to people waiting there, I just headed for one of the empty ones. Young lad is standing there, looking bored, so we start putting our groceries on the belt....

    Suddenly he runs around to the end of the belt with a "cash closed, please use the next lane" sign and says "oh, I'm sorry, I'm closed.


    I look up, his light's on. He's not doing anything, and his register is logged in. I didn't say anything, I just went over to the other EMPTY lane, which was open, and got out of there. My point is, if he's closed, shouldn't the sign have ALREADY been on the belt and his light off? No, he let us put half our groceries down and THEN came to and told us it was closed. *Grumble* By the way, after we had paid for our groceries and bagged them, buddy boy was STILL standing there just staring off into space.

    I need a car so I can go to the better grocery store down the street.
    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.

  • #2
    I'd have said something. Maybe he had some problem with his register and was waiting for it to be fixed? Only excuse I can think of for just standing there. But he should have turned off his light and not let you put half your stuff up...grr. At least the other cashier didn't do that..
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      actually, I was kind of expecting the second one to do it too LOL I was pleasantly surprised when she didn't. Still doesn't explain why the long line-up at the third cash.... I didn't notice any BO wafting off the cashier or anything....
      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


      • #4
        Well, that's really bad when one register is really busy but they have two other registers that are open too and aren't doing anything. I mean I don't understand why the people in that line could go over to the other registers (I mean they weren't express lanes) or the other cashiers could have gotten people to come over to their registers. Also what was up that guy who put up his sign up when y'll already had stuff on the belt and even had his light on (kind a weird). Also the why didn't the busy cashier say something to their co-workers that they need help and do some work.

        Seems like this store really needs some good managers since they have employees that aren't doing their job. However, next time you might try find a manager and tell them what happen or write a letter to corporate/owner about it. I mean I think they need to know that they have employees that aren't doing anything while another employee is very busy and needed help getting a line down.
        Yours truly, Robyn unless your an SC
        My space


        • #5
          to be honest, sounds like something i would have done but even I'M not that bad but no, what we hate are the people who HAVE to ask wether youre open or not, so i always say, "is my light on? (checks) yep, i think its working" it may be polite, but when you put up with it for 5 hours straight, it gets slightly irritating.
          ALL UNATENDED GROCERIES SHAL BE RESTOCKED! (or incinerated, pick your poison )


          • #6
            Just last night I stopped at the store for a few things, and got on the express line, which had about 6-8 people in front of me. The other express also had a long line, and there were regular lanes open further down; not especially long lines but several had large cartloads. There were several empty registers in between the express and regular lines.

            The guy 2 people ahead of me commented, rather loudly, twice, about how "they don't have any cashiers open" and they need to open more. I was tempted to say something about how they only have so many people to work, and it's Wednesday afternoon, not Saturday. Oh, and that they do have more lines open - down that way -> (the CS effect in action!) but I didn't think it was worth it. He was really just talking to the air cuz I noticed no one else responded to him either. BTW, I was in line for 5 minutes, tops. Some people need to get a grip.
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

