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Your Lies might work a little better...

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  • Your Lies might work a little better...

    ...if you paid attention to what was happening before you started talking.

    So, yeah, I think I might have to STOP going to this particular Wal-Mart. Aggrivating and Bizzare crap keeps happening there.

    So, I was at the Deli counter, getting Lunchmeats for the week (mmmm, Cracked Pepper Turkey...) and the guy working the counter has his back turned, while he is cutting the first of two meats I'm getting. While he is doing so, this guy comes up to the counter with his cart, and says absolutely nothing, just waiting. Cool, so he's next in line.

    Deliguy finished cutting ham, weighing and bagging it and closing it up, and sets it on the countertop, then looks at me and starts to ask about what else he can get me, and this is what we hear...

    "Why are you serving HIM next? I was here first, I've been waiting almost ten minutes for service!! (Insert rest of his whiny rant about wasting his time)"

    I went into BSoD Mode, staring at this dipstick, cause he honestly couldn't expect that to fly, could he? The Deliguy just looks at him and shakes his head, and tells him that he'd already been serving me before this guy arrived...

    He just kind of looks stupid and pipes down... I finished getting my lunchmeat and went on my way, ignoring the glares from this guy, who just sat there pouting the entire time. I felt bad for the Deliguy, cause this seemed like the type of customer to report outrageous exagerations to management because an employee had the gaul to contradict him.

    Yeah... Maybe a different store is in order...

  • #2
    Quoth Nijiero View Post
    Deliguy finished cutting ham, weighing and bagging it and closing it up, and sets it on the countertop, then looks at me and starts to ask about what else he can get me, and this is what we hear...

    "Why are you serving HIM next? I was here first, I've been waiting almost ten minutes for service!! (Insert rest of his whiny rant about wasting his time)"
    This is when my brain-to-mouth filter usually fails. I probably would have said, "Bullshit you jackass!"

    In his tiny, miniscule mind, "I've been here a nanosecond and not been helped! Why is the deli guy talking to thin air and ignoring me! He shouldn't be doing that as I'm the only person in the whole store!"

    Good on the deli guy for not giving into this asshole.
    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


    • #3
      Quoth Pagan View Post
      He shouldn't be doing that as I'm the only person in the whole store!"
      Don't know if I'd bother going elsewhere, Nijiero, Pagan's pretty much hit it on the head here, and they are EVERYWHERE. When I worked a c-store and my partner or I encountered one of them, we'd sing a little song afterwards: "There's no one in the world but me...there's no one in the world but me..."
      Eventually it got to the point where we could hum or whistle it WHILE we waited on the poor loners. Took some of the irk out of it.


      • #4
        I'd definitely not switch stores; sounds like the staff there are switched on to the idiocy of their clientelle. Why switch & run the risk of going somewhere with either less able staff, or more spineless managers to back them up?
        This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
        I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie

