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Massage Parlour EW

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  • Massage Parlour EW

    And that refers to an ACTUAL massage parlour, not a "massage parlour", just to be clear.

    I saw (mostly heard) this standard Entitlement Whore the other day when I was getting a massage at this tiny, cheap little place that I go to quite often. It's just a little whole in the wall with three beds separated by curtains for lying down massages and a few chairs for shoulder rubs. They're good, but not high-class at all. I just use them to hold off the back spasms between physiotherapy appointments.


    I'm in one of the little curtained off booths when I hear an extremely loud man make his entrance. At first I'm not really paying attention, but he's talking so loudly that I can't help but hear him.

    E1: Employee one, male
    E2: Employee two, female
    EW: Entitlement whore

    EW: I want one of the oil massages, but I want it for longer than the usual one. I think about an hour and a half?
    E1: We can't do that right-
    EW: Yes you can! You've done it before! Last week I had an hour and a half long massage!
    E1: Yes, usually we could but we close in 40 minutes.

    I thought that would be the end of it, but instead he decides to argue.

    EW: So? 40 minutes isn't long enough. I want at least an hour and a half. At least. I don't think that's unreasonable, you've done it for me before.
    E1: Sir, [shopping complex the parlour is in] will close in less than an hour. We just can't do it right now. If you want to come back tomorrow-
    EW: No, listen. I am a regular. A REG-U-LAR. I'm in here all the time and you've done it before, you can do it now! I'll pay for it!
    E1: I understand, but we really can't. We won't be open. The building won't be open.
    EW: *huge sigh* Fine, but I want the whole 40 minutes.
    E2: Come this way, please - no, not-!

    That was when he decided to take a short cut to the empty booth - through the booth that I was in. My masseur gasps and tries to step between me and the now open-to-the-whole-store curtain, EW makes a startled noise, and the two employees look horrified. I look up for long enough to see the Entitlement Whore look sheepish before E2 pushed the curtain shut (while giving me a frantically apologetic look) and directed him to his booth. My masseur apologises quickly before continuing my massage for the last minute or so. After I'm done, just as I'm dragging my cardigan back on, the curtain that connects by booth to the next one is ripped open, and there stands the Entitlement Whore. In nothing but his underwear.

    EW: I waiting for - oh shit!

    He pushing the curtain closed again when he realises that I'm not one of the employees, and I'm left knowing that the Entitlement Whore might be part Wookie. Again, my masseur comes back in and starts apologising, but I just told her it was fine, not her fault, paid, and left. Gah. Cannot unsee.

    The most annoying thing has got to be that he actually seemed embarrassed to act like that in front of me, but not in front of the employees. Like, "Oh noez, I look like a tool in front of a person instead of just these robots here to cater to my every whim! TEH SHAME." Douchebag.
    I'm busy, you're an idiot, have a nice day

    At least I shall die as I have lived; completely surrounded by morons.

  • #2
    Quoth Nox View Post
    ...and I'm left knowing that the Entitlement Whore might be part Wookie. ....
    That might be why he needs 90 minutes. It take a long time to get the weed whacker going.
    "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


    • #3
      I'm left knowing that the Entitlement Whore might be part Wookie.
      I have a Wahl hair trimmer they can.....keep ...for just such erm..."customers" My son bought me a new one because this one's blades have dulled and it pulls...


      • #4
        I wondered if one of these might be useful......
        Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


        • #5
          The Weed Wacker would have been their best bet. And even that might just have gotten tangled. Do not want. >.<
          I'm busy, you're an idiot, have a nice day

          At least I shall die as I have lived; completely surrounded by morons.

