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A sexual harassment story....

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  • A sexual harassment story....

    I saw this yesterday evening, when I went out to eat at a local Italian restaurant. It is not a high class Italian restaurant, it is a family owned small building with a smoking section. One waitress. I live in Texas by the way.

    So I go to the counter with my wife and we are waiting for the two people ahead of us to finish paying for their meal. These two guys were disgusting middle aged hicks and they were outright sexually harassing the waitress. They shot off some really disgusting lines like this:

    "What's the total? And how much can I have you for?"
    "Yeah, all we really wanted was you anyway."

    One of the guys holds up a dime and goes says that he'll buy her for a dime. They continued on like this for a little bit longer, but I didn't catch every word because I was seeing red all of a sudden. My fists clenched, I started breathing deep, and I couldn't mutter a word. I wanted to thrash them both because NOBODY trets a lady like that unless they are propositioning a hooker or something, even then that's really a stretch. The waitress had her back turned and head down, I can see she was pretending not to hear. And what did the owner of the restaurant do? He joined in with their "joking" and made conversation with them. I caught glimpse of a different customer, a male, sitting on a bench in the restaurant. He seemed to be feeling the same thing I was, just disbelief and anger. I sat at a table with my wife, and she said I looked like I was ready to throw down with the both of them.

    These sleazeballs acted like they were oggling a topless dancer!

    It was hard to resist the urge to not throw them both out the front door myself. I know I can hardly relate because I am a guy, but I put myself in her shoes at that moment and I felt like I was being bullied in junior high all over again. Only now I have the attitude and strength to say enough is enough!

    But I said nothing, did nothing, but I was pumped for some action. I know I made the right decision....I just turned my head and looked the other way. Just the survival instinct that kept me out of prison last night.

    I don't condone violence, but this just got me red hot!

  • #2
    You really should have done something. Trust me, good Samaritan men and women like you who see red when inbreds and nasty filth are hitting on poor girls in situations where nothing can be done, your good deeds never go unpunished. Standing up for what is right and stopping sexual harrassment when it starts is imperative.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      I've grown up around women my whole life and I have more women friends than guy friends and I was taught to respect others. What really sickens me is that the owner joined in on this, THE OWNER!!! All three jerkwads deserve a trip through the
      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


      • #4
        Yeah I would've have totally gone off on the owner for that one. Wouldn't have been pretty either.


        • #5
          I hope the waitress finds a different job--SOON.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Sometimes, a fight might be worth it. If I'm ever treated like that, I sincerely hope someone comes to my defense.
            I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

            Oh, and your tool box got out again.


            • #7
              there has to be some sort of way to report this, perhaps the owner, smartly realising that a lawsuit could effectively close them down would be interested in knowing that the manager failed in his duties by not shielding this poor girl from that kind of filth.

              please take the time; no one deserves this kind of abuse, and if it goes unreported, any other girl who unknowingly takes her place will receive the same treatment from these filth.
              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


              • #8
                Absolutely say something immediately please. That is horrifying to hear that they would allow employees to be subjected to that. The Better Business Bureau, the owners... someone. If it is a local restaurant I'm not sure who you would contact actually.
                I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


                • #9

                  That makes me a sad panda...
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #10
                    Crikey's mate that was definately a display of the disgusting pig in full regalia. It was hoped that the species could be placed on the endangered list at least but unfortunately no amount of sterilization or euthenasia can wipe these blighters out! As you can see no amount of good sense or taste will deter them and their horrible mating call is contagious to other males.

                    (Sorry for the really bad Steve Irwin impersonation)

                    But seriously that sucked. I think I'd have stood up and at least said something to the idiots. Those guys where real jerks and didnt need to be allowed back into the gene pool. Its guys like that that make me doubt evolution works for everyone at the same rate.......Seriously that is not much past the caveman grunt and grab method.


                    • #11
                      Quoth squall View Post
                      So I go to the counter with my wife and we are waiting for the two people ahead of us to finish paying for their meal. These two guys were disgusting middle aged hicks and they were outright sexually harassing the waitress. They shot off some really disgusting lines like this:

                      "What's the total? And how much can I have you for?"
                      "Yeah, all we really wanted was you anyway." <snip>*EDIT - No need to quote the entire post. We already read it and understand the point.

                      Nothing makes me more angry than seeing a waitress get obviously harassed by a bunch of wanna be slick guys who A)think they are Christian Troy B)Think she likes it and C)think they have the right to talk to her like that.

                      What sucks the most is it is OBVIOUS she does not like being spoken to like that but is afraid to say anything for fear of having some sort of complaint filed against her. I really need to make a point to stand up and say something. Unfortunately I have not stood up for anyone yet
                      Last edited by Ree; 02-25-2007, 02:49 PM. Reason: Excessive quoting


                      • #12
                        Not to lump all Italian men into any category, but the owner of the place and his younger...I'll say co-owner.....have the typical fuhgedaboudit New York Italian meathead personalities. The kind that would just as soon as throw you out of the restaurant than to take what anybody else says very seriously. They crack oddball jokes with customers, even going as far as almost insulting them. I can't picture anything good coming out of talking to them about their harassment. They would just say "gedtheheckoudahere, it's just joking". The thing is, they own the place, no corporate entities to go to. About all one can do is contact the better business bureau or not ever go there again.

                        The only reason I go is that they make the best Italian food in town, I'm a regular there. I can honestly say that this is the most unnerving experience I've had there the few years I've been going.
                        Last edited by squall; 02-25-2007, 11:57 AM.


                        • #13
                          Squall, next time you go there, I'll give you my daddy's number. Nothing pisses off that 300 pound grizzly bear more than inbreds with no respect for women. I'd love to see the look on those men's faces as they get their asses kicked and thrown out of their own restaurant.

                          Dirty filthy men are just that. It doesn't matter if they are Italian, German, black, purple or polka dotted.
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #14
                            Well, I don't know if they'd see it as sexual harassment because she didn't ask them to stop. Crappy as that sounds something like that probably could get them off the hook. I hate creeps who think they can just say whatever their hormonal minds barf out. It makes me sick.

                            I feel bad for that waitress. You know I'd be too afraid to say something right then and there. Who knows maybe the jerks had a knife or a gun... It could've gotten uglier than it already was. As someone mentioned earlier, maybe say something to the owner? I really hate it when the sick people come out from under their rocks and spread their nasty comments like a plague.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Anakah View Post
                              Well, I don't know if they'd see it as sexual harassment because she didn't ask them to stop.
                              Sadly, it wouldn't matter if she did, mostlike. If someone is so far gone as to think it's okay to make comments like the ones quoted here, they're not going to register the waitress as "really meaning it" if she's respectfully asking them, and if she pushes the issue, or is caught documenting, she's a "bitch" and gets fired.

                              And yes, she maybe can sue, but she still has no job, and no way of paying the bills, nor any way of hiring/paying a lawyer. Plus, unless the offense is really blatant, a lawsuit is unlikely to pay out for her.

