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Pawn shop preek

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  • Pawn shop preek

    I had some business in town and wound up driving by the pawn shop which reminded me of somethign that happened inside that place that belonged here.

    This place is a hole in the wall low budget operation that I have no idea how it continues to exist other than the fact that the guy who runs the place is part of the good ol boy network and buddies with the chief of police in town.SO he gets to be a total arsehat to anyone and get away with it. He also will accuse people of being thieves for the slightest reason and try to undercut you on the prices. I had been in there and bought a few things before this final trip but I have never been back in there to this day as I am still rather peeved with them. Now to the story. And I know this isnt the suckiest or worst but it still galls me.

    This happened a few years back before my youngest was old enough for school so about 2-3 years ago. My wife had an eye doctor's appointment up in town. SO since I had some time to kill I took the youngest and wandered into the pawn shop down the street from the eye doctors as he was getting bored with the toys and there not being any other kids that I recall.

    At the very least I wound up in the pawn shop, i forget why i got there. I think there was something in the window that caught my eye. BUt anyhow I didnt like it and was looking around when my son saw a used video he wanted. It was cheap and I had the cash on me so I picked it up and went to go pay for it.

    This is where it gets sucky. Since I had checked my wallet to see if I had the cash I went ahead and pulled it out. I think it was under ten bucks and I had a ten on me. So my son on one hip my other hand holding the video and the bill on top of it we walk up to the counter. There is one bubba on the phone at one end of it and the other one is sitting there looking at something or doing something. I stand there, go ahem and lay the video on the counter. The bubba looks up and goes into the back to continue his phone conversation. At about the same time jerk2 decides he wants to go to the back. I wait a few moments longer and neither one comes back out. So I go "hello, I'd like to buy something." Wait a bit longer and no sign of them coming out. SO I repeat myself. And then just walk out leaving the video on the counter.

    Unfortunately my son really wanted this video so he got rather upset that we didnt get it and started crying. SO I stopped and said rather loudly "Well it looks like no one wants to help us so we cant buy that video for you." No good as they just ignored that. So we walked out and I wound up taking my son to mcdonlads so he could get a happy meal and sundae to make up for it.

    There was totally no acknowledgement of my existence or one moment or anything even resembling politeness in either of them. How rude! And I did try to be the way he seemed to want it. Show up, have cash in hand, and get out of his sight without talking to him unless you are one of the chosen few worthy of his wit. *sigh* Sometimes a small town is not as good as you might think..

    I just wanted to get this off my chest as this memory had floated back up to the surface of the dark mill pond of my mind. Thank you and good night.

  • #2
    I hate that. Something like that happened to me this last Friday. I went into this little hole in the wall store. The cashier, just went onto break, as soon as I entered. I was in there for about 20 minutes, and I found something, and was going to buy it. So I rang the little bell, she had out, and she stuck her head out, and mentioned that if I could wait for another 10 minutes, that I would be helped. So I asked her, why 10 minutes. She said, it was because of a show she wanted to watch. I left, right after that.
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

