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Baffeling resturant behavior

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  • Baffeling resturant behavior

    Some background. I grew up and lived in California up until about 5 years ago, when, due to the cost of living, my ex and I moved to Texas. We landed in a city known for George Bush Sr, maroon, and.... not much else. It's a college town. Just one, and a community college.
    Okay, right, many big cities area have three or more.
    (No offense if you are a member of this particular universities cultish fan base. It's a university. Get over it.)
    This particular university has one of the biggest drinking cultures around, the main bar area is right across the street from campus.
    Underage drinking is a MAJOR problem.
    Many of the student life events revolve around drinks, which happens mainly in the bar district or at peoples homes.
    Last Friday my boyfriend and I arrived to some fancy pants Italian restaurant for a date night/birthday dinner. We had made reservations two weeks in advance. They called and confirmed so no issues there. We'd heard that the food was good, so we made reservations for during their Happy Hour, which is always fun, and just before the live music was supposed to start.
    The hostess takes us to our table, hands our menus and leaves.
    We look at the menu, no happy hours items as advertised online. Hmm. We figure maybe she forgot. All good, so we ask the server when he shows.

    VioliaV: Can we see the Happy Hour menu?
    Server: Oh no, we cancelled that tonight because of ring.
    VV (confused, looking at my boyfriend who has lived here longer): I'm sorry?
    Server: Ring day.
    BF: That's today? We're not students.
    I look at my boyfriend and look around expecting to see hordes of students. No, mainly people in the 60+ crowd.
    Server: I'm sorry, it's been cancelled today.
    Server leaves. MY boyfriend and I look at the menu, look at each other.
    VV: What's ring day?
    BF: It's when seniors get their rings, then they party afterwards. Although, not here.
    VV: Is there, like, a ceremony?
    BF: No one goes.
    Server (arriving with water): Is there anything I can get for you?
    VV: Okay, an appetizer. Fried calamari.
    Server: We are not serving that tonight.
    BF: Because of ring day...?
    Server: Yes. Nor are we serving (he lists several more appetizers, half the soups, and a salad) .
    VV (looks at BF, who's getting frustrated at this point): Because of ring...?
    Server: Yes.
    VV: How about the entrees? It there anything else that's you're not serving?
    Server: Actually there are quite a few more things we are not serving tonight because of ring day.
    We left. Went to the new sushi place next door instead, who had their entire menu available. And after talking to other people who went out to eat that night, no other place reduced their menu in any way.
    I later learned that one of the things students do, after they get their class ring, is drop it in a pitcher of beer and chug said beer. They do this at home with their underage friends.
    It's not like there was a sign, or the hostess actually told us on the way to the table. Or the server told us when he showed up.
    It was just weird.

  • #2
    We'll make sure that no kids eat here... NO ONE will want to!!! HAHAHA...

    Who really thought this was a good idea?


    • #3
      I've never heard of that done with rings but I've heard of it being done with Military warfare pins. Most especially the "dolphins".

      The military started discouraging people from it when some of the lads accidentally swallowed them.


      • #4
        Quoth Raveni View Post
        We'll make sure that no kids eat here... NO ONE will want to!!! HAHAHA...

        Who really thought this was a good idea?
        I don't know, but I think a well-worded letter to the owner might make them see their mistake. That was seriously a stupid idea, and it cost them your patronage, and probably a lot of others as well.
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #5
          Quoth PepperElf View Post
          I've never heard of that done with rings but I've heard of it being done with Military warfare pins. Most especially the "dolphins".

          The military started discouraging people from it when some of the lads accidentally swallowed them.
          Badges, medals, "coins," basically anything that won't dissolve in your beer. Did it with my lead sled, crab, and BSM. Fun times.


          • #6
            Hee, like service coins; if you didn't have yours when you went to the bar and they did a call for them, the round was on you!
            "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


            • #7
              I understand not serving alcohol because of the ring day thing, but no appetizers and several entrees either? Just weird.


              • #8
                Oh, they served booze, at least wine. The cancelled happy hour, which had no beer at all on the list.


                • #9
                  Maybe i'm being stupid.

                  Why were they running a smaller menu because of ring day, i still don't see the connection?


                  • #10
                    I really don't understand either. I posted this on a local message board and the responses were mostly either, "you live in a college town so you need to learn the student life events because these things happen." or "how dare you disrespect the fine and proud tradition of ring dunking and if you think it's stupid you can leave this city."
                    1. I don't and these things, they do not happen. We're talking about one single place severly changing their menu without notice.
                    2. Dropping your ring in a pitcher of beer and chugging it is a little stupid, dangerous, etc. Especially with the major underage drinking problem here.
                    Yeah, I live not-normal land.


                    • #11
                      I got my BA there.... :-(

                      Just wanted to say that I never cared about football, never drank at Northgate (in fact, never drank at all while in college), and never attended any event that put an emphasis on alcohol, and I had a really wonderful time, so not everything is about underage drinking.... My friends dunked their rings in ice cream sundaes.

                      I am really surprised at the restaurant. The only thing I can think of is maybe they had too much of a reduction in staff because all their employees were out dunking rings, and were trying to simplify things? Yeah, it's a reach.... But everyone knows where you go for this, and it's not an Italian restaurant. :-p Especially not if it's the one I'm thinking of.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jack Doe View Post
                        Badges, medals, "coins," basically anything that won't dissolve in your beer. Did it with my lead sled, crab, and BSM. Fun times.
                        yeah but I can't imagine having THIS in my stomach...

                        it's about 2 inches long or so....

                        ah... my bf explained the crab to me. hope you didn't swallow those. those lightning bolts on the crabs can be sharp!
                        Last edited by PepperElf; 11-23-2011, 10:17 PM.


                        • #13
                          Quoth PepperElf View Post
                          yeah but I can't imagine having THIS in my stomach...

                          it's about 2 inches long or so....

                          ah... my bf explained the crab to me. hope you didn't swallow those. those lightning bolts on the crabs can be sharp!
                          That's gorgeous!

                          As far as the OP...I still don't see why 'ring day' results in a smaller menu. Especially as there were no students in the place. You would think they could have at least put a mention on their website saying they would have a smaller menu that day. And they should have mentioned it on the phone when the reservation was made. Fail.
                          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                          • #14
                            Your idea of a major drinking culture is having a bar across the road from the campus?

                            In my hometown, and this just may be the Irishness talking, our main college has two pubs right in the main campus grounds.....
                            Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho Marx


                            • #15
                              Sounds like the justification is that business would be slow, since all the students would be home chugging beer or something.

                              Sounds like a dumb idea.

                              My theory is that the restaurant has other problems.
                              Women can do anything men can.
                              But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.

