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Sucky Landlords X3 (very long)

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  • Sucky Landlords X3 (very long)

    Back before my 2nd ex and I got married, I got pregnant, had 2 kids already so we decided to move to a larger 3 bedroom apartment. It was a nice place, rent was a decent rate for the area. The problem with that place was that the land lady had a fetish for towing cars off. I had an old '84 tercel, I had stopped working and so I did not drive it much, plus it had an oil leak when I drove it. One day I was getting out of the shower and saw it hooked up to a tow truck so I ran (Not recommended while 7 months pregnant) down 2 flights of stairs made toe tow truck driver stop, explained that it was my car, he said I'd have to talk to the land lady, I asked him to meet me at the office and he did. Because the plate was in my name and the lease was in his name, they thought it was abandoned (I cant say that I blame them on that assumption though.. It did look really crappy) I told her that it was my car and to please put it back and I would move it later that week to my dads house. Fast foward a few months, we had to borrow my dads car (I forget the reason) and that bitch had it towed while I was giving birth because again, the plate didn't match residents.. Now I know she saw me driving it, I think she was in with the towing company.

    Sucky Landlord # 2

    When I was about 20 weeks along with the baby, my fiance (now my 2nd ex) lost his very excellent paying job, he was getting unemployment and it didn't even cover the rent (Bill collectors don't like hearing that you can not pay them.. They'd ask if we could defer something, I told them no, I could not.. they'd get all pissy, asking if I could borrow from somebody, I told them if I was going to borrow money it'd be for food, electricity, something that can be taken away from us and not go towards a credit card.. They'd try to say "Well you can afford a phone" I told them we needed the phone for jobs, interveiws and such). About 2 weeks before my 2nd son was born we were served evicion papers, so we looked for a new place to live, Fiance had a new job but we owed too much back rent and his new job paid 1/3 of what he was making. I called around, found a mobile home park and I called them, he told me what I needed 200$ deposit, 90$ a week rent and no credit check. Problem is that this was the mosy God awful, trashiest, Jerry Springer spawning trailer park I had ever seen. It would only be for a while I thought. The inside walls were all colored the depressing Blue-Grey and roaches galore!!. We move in and our dryer does not work right, it would spin but not heat (We had it in storage since the previous apartment provided washer and dryer), so we went to a rent to own place and got a new one, it did the same thing, I brought this up to the mantience man and his clever response was that both dryers must be broken in the exact same way. We took our dryer to my dads and plugged it up and it worked perfectly, my dad came with us to explain this to the maintanence man and have him fixed whatever was causing that. One time the toilet backed up into the tub, took em 3 weeks to fix, one time water was draining very slowly, took em 3 weeks to fix, one time the water heatre quit and that took em 3 weeks to fix. Some of the neighbors were just awful, there was this one fat ugly kid who picked on my daughter, I told the mom and she didn't GAF. Our neighbors played their music loud all the time and decided that 3 am was a good time to fixed their floor, I nicknamed them "The Knuckle Dragging Neanderthal and The Unwashed Bag of Bones, if you complained about their music volume, they'd cut it up even louder, I knew several neighbors who complained and nothing was done about it. They finally moved out and the neighbors wth the fat bully moved in next door.. They were worse, leaving used cat litter in our yard, apples from a Halloween party, egging our car. The police were called a few times and yet that did no good, they would get all these animals and not feed them and then call the cops when I let their cats in to eat. I got my revenge though, one day while getting the mail I saw a US Treasury check, confused as I have my tax return direct deposited I looked at the name and address on it, it was the horrible neighbors! Now I was gonna make "Return to sended" on it and sent it back.. But that just did not seem good enough, I took it and turned it into confetti (Note: I do not condone stealing mail, it is a federal offense.. Please don't do it because I did.. It was a very stupid thing to do.. But I do not regret it in the least) And the icing on the cake? The next day I saw the Pink Slip of Death from the power company (Means they shut off the power) on their door, they had no power for a week.

    Sucky Landlord # 3

    Our penultimate landlord. First few years, everything ran smoothly. If something broke, he fixed it, if we had a problem with a neighbors, he corrected it. We were late a couple of times with the rent but always caught up on in. The floor started to rot, had soft spots everywhere, I told him about it and he said he'd send someone over.. No one ever came. The floor got worse and worse, even falling in in some places, there was a water leak that we couldn't find in the kitchen that was causing the kitchen floor and some of the living room floor to fall in. I stopped paying him full rent, I wasn't going to pay full rent on a place that was falling apart. He would not fail to come knocking at my door at 8 am on the 1st, even after I told him numerous times that my husband does not get paid until after 3 pm and that I sleep til noon. He started taking up banging on my bedroom window. We played the false promise game, I'd promise to pay the back rent and he'd promise to fix all the problems. The bath room floor fell partially in and the kitchen floor fell partiailly in, we covered the holes with ply wood, then some dogs tore down the venting ducts and I had to buy and air conditioner and heaters. Then the big thing, a tree fell and smashed in a bedroom. He came and took pics and an insurance adjuster came and looked and acessed the damage, the landlord the whole time promising to have in fixed with the insurance money came through. That bedroom was still damaged when we moved out a year and a half after the tree fell. The last couple of years I lived there, the landlord started asking for hugs, I obliged figuring their was nothing wrong with that.. But they were the creepy uncle kinda hugs. I had to keep my front door shut so he wouldn't know that I was home, I would drive past my street if he was at his car wash at the end of the street. He would make kinda tame albiet creepy comments about my looks, and then he started the light groping (I was too scared to just scream no at him.. He knew where we lived and everything) Then he kept wanting to come inside and go to the bedroom.. I quickly said I had to go to the Dr and avoided him like the plague until we moved out. At the end of it, we owed him nearly 4000$ in back rent.. I sent him a letter with the time line of the damages and how much rent should have been reduced and how much I spent adjusting things to the damage and that he owes me 1500$.

    Now, let me ask ya'll.. Can I have him turned in for insurance fraud since he collected the money from the damage and did not fix them? Granted it was his home, but he was renting out that home to other people and still charging them full rent.
    Last edited by HappyFun Ball; 11-23-2011, 01:52 AM.

    My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is telling me.

  • #2
    Quoth HappyFun Ball View Post
    Can I have him turned in for insurance fraud since he collected the money from the damage and did not fix them?
    Do you know what insurance company he was using? I'm sure you could call and ask them.


    • #3
      I think it goes beyond just insurance fraud - As the landlord, it is his RESPONSIBILITY to fix it if it's broken. Do y'all qualify for Hud? If so, you can get rentals at more adjusted rates, if I recall what my mother told me right(Even with her working two jobs and me working, we actually qualify for hud housing). When we lived up in Olympia, we rented a nicely-sized three-bedroom house... Hud would come through and inspect it, and our landlord HAD to have it fixed, or he'd be penalized. So if that had been a Hud rental... Those rotting floors would have been taken care of VERY fast. If you're still renting, I'd look into Hud housing.
      Look, a signature!

      If every cashier in the world went on strike, retail would come to a screeching halt, even if for a couple hours.


      • #4
        At least in Australia, a rental property must be maintained in a condition fit for people to live in. There's some formal legal term for it, but it basically means it must be safe.

        Structurally sound, electrically sound, plumbing sound, any provided appliances in good repair. In certain climates, it must be heated and/or air conditioned. Damage must be repaired promptly - and if it isn't repaired within a certain period of time, the tenant may make an application to a rental authority. If approved (and unless the application is fraudulant it usually is), the tenant can organise the repair themselves and take the money out of the rent. There are certain conditions on this, such as it having to be a safety-threatening repair, and the repairer has to have a licence. But it's basically a good law!

        At any rate, my point is that there may well be some legal reparations you can claim for landlord 3.
        Seshat's self-help guide:
        1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
        2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
        3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
        4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

        "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


        • #5
          I know that in California, the landlord is required to keep the property habitable. That includes things like hot water, plumbing, roof, etc.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            Most states have laws that require properties for lease to be in habitable condition.

            But in many states they are very difficult to enforce. It got so bad in Greensboro, that the city council actually passed an ordinance requiring a certificate of occupancy and an annual inspection for all rental properties in city limits (amazing, considering one of our county commissioners is one of the city's worst slum lords). Renters loved it, advocates for the poor loved it, even land lords loved it because it leveled the rental playing field for the ones who are actually decent land lords (yes, Virginia, they exist).

            Then the state legislature had to come and ruin the good times by passing a law overturning the city ordinance.

            Holding back rent is dicey. It's illegal in most states, and can get you evicted. It's better to just find another place to live and move out; if the place is uninhabitable, a judge won't make you pay back rent.

            Another option is to see if your area has a process for landlord tenant disputes, and use that. California has a pretty tenant favorable law. Some states (North Carolina) don't.

            I had a land lord, generally a pretty decent guy, try to charge me several hundred dollars in repairs after I moved out of an apartment he owned, which included disposing of a couch I couldn't get out of the apartment that was actually in really good condition. I was in another state by this point; I wrote him back and told him since he was keeping my security deposit, that made the difference $40. I'd paid a $100 pet deposit, so he actually owed me $60

            Knowing he'd never pay up, I just told him we ought to leave things as they were. Never heard another peep outta him
            They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


            • #7
              I no longer live there, in my state withholding rent like that is at most a grey area. I fully documented all the damage and kept receipts for any emergency repairs needed.

              My ex filed debt consolidation shortly before we moved out, he offered to have the back rent (which I don't feel that we even owed) put on it, but sucky ll #3 declined. So my ex just said "fuck it" and forgot about it.

              My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is telling me.


              • #8
                Quoth HappyFun Ball View Post
                I no longer live there, in my state withholding rent like that is at most a grey area. I fully documented all the damage and kept receipts for any emergency repairs needed.

                My ex filed debt consolidation shortly before we moved out, he offered to have the back rent (which I don't feel that we even owed) put on it, but sucky ll #3 declined. So my ex just said "fuck it" and forgot about it.
                What an idiot (the LL, not your ex). He could have gotten his money out of you, and it wouldn't have cost him a cent to get it.

                Otherwise, he has to go to court, pay a filing fee, and hope the judge doesn't tell him to GTFO when you show up with your pics of how disgusting the place was.
                They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                • #9
                  Your best bet is to send the landlord a certified letter stating that if the issue is not fixed by a certain date, you will be hiring someone to fix it yourself, and rent will be withheld to account for your expenditures. Check local laws, but if it is a habitation issue, almost no court in the U.S. will hold that against you, as long as it can be proved you gave the landlord a fair chance to fix it.
                  The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                  "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                  Hoc spatio locantur.

