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Banking WTF.

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  • Banking WTF.

    I'm thouroughtly fed up of the "worlds local bank" and am opening another accoutn elsewhere. There's a number of reasons but little niggles like this one only serve to irritate me more.

    I wanted to make an ATM withdrawal but i know my card has been temporarily blocked, I requested it a couple of days ago and checked this morning when i had to deal with some of the fraudulent transactions that have come out.

    I called to get it lifted so I could make the withdrawal. After i would get the stop put back in place.

    This is what happened.

    CS: Customer services.
    Me: i think you can guess.

    CS: Good afternoon Ms Phoenix, how can i help you?
    Me: Hi, I need to get the temporary stop on my card lifted to I can make a withdrawal.
    CS: Ok, no problem, bear with me one moment while I check your account.
    CS: Ok, could you confirm the last 4 digits of the card you are trying to use.
    Me: Uhhh....I don't know it. My husband has the card, I'm heading up to the cashpoint when he gets back.
    CS: Hmm, ok, did you make a transaction with InterCorp via the internet or the phone?
    Me: Um, internet.
    CS: Ok, could you log into your account and check your card details.
    Me: Uh, ok.
    Me: It doesn't have my card details. Oh! But I know my amazon account does!
    Me: Right, the last 4 digits on the card are 2345.
    CS: Ah, ok, it looks like you tried to make the transaction with InterCorp on card 1234 which has expired. You need to use card 2345.
    Me: ...
    Me: Um, that is the card i'm using.
    CS: Yes but you tried to make the transaction with card 1234.
    Me: I'm confused. I'm not sure where this stuff about InterCorp has come from, i just needed to lift the block that is on card 2345. I know 1234 is expired, i cut it up ages ago, I don't even have it any more.
    CS: Oh! ok, I can do that.
    CS: Ok, there is no block on your current card so you can use it as normal.
    Me: Huh?! I was sure there was a block, they told me so this morning.
    CS: Well, there is no block on that card. Can I help you with anything else.
    Me: No. Thank you.

    It's late and i couldn't eb bothered to argue. But grrr. New bank, here I come.

  • #2
    So, if I'm understanding this right, what they actually did was to put the block on your old card, the one you had already destroyed, and left the current card that you'd requested the block on wide open so the fraudsters can continue to steal your money...?

    Yeah, I'd be switching banks at that point.


    • #3
      Not quite,

      For some unknown reason they decided that what i *really* wanted to ask was why my transaction to InterCorp hadn't gone through.

      However that wasn't what i asked and caused a lot fo confusion and caused the call to be at least twice what it needed to be.

      Also they told me there was a block on the new card, when there wasn't, meaning those fraudulent charges could easily be continued.


      • #4
        Grrrr! I'm through with them!

        I went into town to pick up a few odds and ends that we needed, mostly food, tried to use the card

        Can't check my balance, can't do anything.

        Rang the "worlds local bank" and was informed that there was still a block on tha card.

        Good job the supermarket was kind enough to let me use their phone.

        I got put on hold and eventually transferred to the fraud prevention department.

        Who then decided to lecture me about getting my card unblocked. Apparently if i unblock the card then the scammers could use the info to make more fraudulent transactions. *Gasp* Who knew?!

        I told him i knew that but i had a choice, risk the transactions, or starve. Hmm, i know which i'll choose.

        This prompted another lecture but he did (finally) unblock the card, ten minutes of argueing for someting that should have taken two.


        I just wish they'd stop telling me what I want rather than listening to what I actually want.


        • #5
          Quoth Shalom View Post
          Yeah, I'd be switching banks at that point.

          + 1000000000000000


          • #6


            • #7
              Yep time to change banks.

              Back when I was young I couldn't find my checkbook. On Mom's advice I told the bank (in person IIRC) to put a hold on my account in case they couldn't be found.

              Maybe they figured I'd misplaced them since I was in my early to mid teens. Because ... yeah I did find them, but when I went back to the bank to get the hold lifted I found out ... they'd never put it on hold.

              I closed my account immediately.

