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Drive Thru Hell

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  • Drive Thru Hell

    My husband and I just got off of work (had semi-crappy days) and just felt like driving through Carl's JR. Well, we get in line and are about to order when this little red POS car is revving its engine behind us. I'm getting annoyed because I can't hear the guy on the speaker and the kids (a group of guys probably under 18--which makes me wonder how a cop can pass by and not think hey, these kids are out past midnight maybe it's past curfew) but whatever.

    Anyway, I wasn't up the ass of the truck infront of me especially since it wasn't an automatic and kept sliding backwards. The little brats had their windows down (as did I since I had just finished ordering) and were yelling obscenities at me for not moving up. I stayed put and rolled up the window.

    I started getting really nervous when two of the punks got out of their car and were heading towards me. I told hubbie that I was ready to call the police. He told me to stay calm. I felt a bit threatened. I know it may sound lame but I don't know them they could've had a gun or wanted to cause some extra "fun."

    I held my breath until the idiots looked inside my window (not tinted assholes!) and figured out why I hadn't moved up. I guess they rubbed a few brain cells together and realized that moving wouldn't benefit them or me.

    I was getting edgy as they got back into their car. My hubbie told me to chill but I had a bad feeling. If I had been alone I may have called the cops. It's NEVER okay to leave your car and go investigating the other ones around you!

    The jerks were also tossing random shit out of the sun roof in their car. Littering and being generally obnoxious. It was being kids being kids. I'm in my 20's and was very unnerved by their behavior.

    That and the truck infront of me decided it would be fun to keep switching drivers. WTF people!? I finally made it up to the window and felt bad for the cashier. I think there was one cook and just him.

    I made sure to be extra nice to him. Just before leaving I wished him good luck, a good night and to watch out for the shit heads behind us. The little assholes started yelling at us about being fat and other goodies while we got our bag and drove away. I ignored them but I was carefully watching them in my mirror.

    Also, I have always wondered how do you call the cops for something like that? It wasn't a case for 911 but is there another number that is just for a general HELP I could use cop assistance?

  • #2
    First, to answer your question, yes, most places have a non-emergency number for the police.sherrif/whatever. I know ours is in the phone book. That said, Karma is a vindictive bitch. Those punks will do that shit to the wrong person one of these days, and learn a valuable, though no doubt painful, lesson.
    "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


    • #3
      That would be enough to terrify me. Teenagers in wild packs are a dangerous lot.
      Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


      • #4
        I'm not feeling too good about big packs of kids/teens, who are verbally abusive and threatening - so I can imagine how you were feeling

        And then people always go "you were like that as a teen, too, so quit complaining" - heck no, I wasn't! We were far better behaved than that, when I was a teen. Well, there were some clowns, but most of us knew how to behave.
        Last edited by Engmfj; 12-03-2011, 04:21 PM. Reason: Adding


        • #5
          Quoth BrenDAnn View Post
          First, to answer your question, yes, most places have a non-emergency number for the police.sherrif/whatever. I know ours is in the phone book. That said, Karma is a vindictive bitch. Those punks will do that shit to the wrong person one of these days, and learn a valuable, though no doubt painful, lesson.
          and you can probably at least get them for littering.

          As for them approaching... if you are worried about them being armed it's better to just *leave*. Closing the windows won't do much if they walk right up next to your car. The safety glass will protect you better if you're driving away from the threat. (more apt to glance off the glass vs penetrating)


          • #6
            I always have the non-emergency number for the local police programed into my phone, and would have used it. You would have been fine calling 911 since you felt your safety was in jeopardy. It's reasons like this that remind me to get my CCP, didn't need one in Alaska.


            • #7
              Next time, you could always make it look like you're reaching for a weapon of some kind (and at night, with it being hard to see, you could be just going into the glovebox and one could think you were reaching for a gun).

              I agree. Hordes of teenagers are freaking dangerous.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                Sadly I couldn't have left the drive through. There were two other cars infront of me and the way its set up I was boxed it by a guard rail and then the building is on the left.

                My last resort was I was going to monster truck them. I thought about reversing and slamming into their car had they tried anything. I'm in this dodge ram 1500 truck and they're in a car smaller than a neon. I didn't know what to do. I guess I could've make some kind of rukus and started blaring my horn in high hopes that maybe someone inside the restaurant would come out and investigate.


                • #9
                  Two things come to mind, first as others have mentioned, when in doubt call 911, they would much rather get an iffy call that may have been better handled by non emergency than someone end up hurt or killed because they were afraid to call.
                  as far as "kids being kids"
                  I know quite a few teenagers, none of whom act like that. Those kids were being douchebags and dangerous ones at that, don't try to blame it on being young.
                  If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                  • #10
                    Quoth blas View Post
                    Next time, you could always make it look like you're reaching for a weapon of some kind .
                    I'd think hard on that one - might work if they had no weapon, but if they did have a gun, but weren't actually going to use it, that might push them into using it, thinking they're defending themselves.

                    Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                    Two things come to mind, first as others have mentioned, when in doubt call 911, they would much rather get an iffy call that may have been better handled by non emergency than someone end up hurt or killed because they were afraid to call.
                    Agreed totally, if you feel in danger, call 911. If you wait til you know you're in danger, it could be too late. I know 911 workers get mad (with just cause) for totally non-emergency situations (McD's ran out of fries), but they're trained to know what to do, who to send, etc. in legitimate "I don't really know if it's an emergency exactly or not" situations.

                    Oh, and s for kids being kids - yeah, teens do stupid things, mainly cause they just don't realize how stupid it is cause they either don't think it thru or aren't aware of all possible consequences. I was a good kid, but I cringe at some of the things I did. However, doing something with the sole purpose of hurting/scaring/annoying someone is not a "kids will be kids" thing, no matter what the age, it's being a total a**.

                    Madness takes it's toll....
                    Please have exact change ready.


                    • #11
                      If you don't have a weapon, don't bluff acting that you are going for one. This gives reasonable doubt that they would be acting in self defense. Leave if possible, if not, call 911. Having friends who were dispatchers, they would rather send a car to do a welfare/safety check than roll the coroner. If you can see it, also get the plate and descriptions.


                      • #12
                        I called 911 once on our neighbors (when we lived in an apartment complex) for holding a wild party at 3am in the parking lot, blaring music and throwing bottles around. They woke my husband and I up and I couldn't find the non-emergency number off-hand (I was really groggy) so I called 911. I hope I wasn't in the wrong for doing so. But I would have felt the same as the OP in that situation, threatened and nervous, and I would have considered 911 in that situation as well.


                        • #13
                          In Alaska, it is the same dispatchers who answer. In fact, in Wasilla it is just a different ring tone so they know it's the 911 line and to answer it first. If there is a genuine problem and you can't find/don't know the local non-emergency number it is fine.


                          • #14
                            Quoth 24601 View Post
                            If you don't have a weapon, don't bluff acting that you are going for one. This gives reasonable doubt that they would be acting in self defense. Leave if possible, if not, call 911. Having friends who were dispatchers, they would rather send a car to do a welfare/safety check than roll the coroner. If you can see it, also get the plate and descriptions.

                            I know there's a strong instinct to FIGHT with assholes and to prove them wrong but... when it comes to your safety **DON'T** play that game.

                            First of all, it could be considered "brandishing" - even if you're faking it - and then you'd be in the wrong even MORE than the jerk walking up.

                            Second... if the other person IS armed they may take it as a threat and react accordingly. So if you fake-brandished thinking you were going to scare them off... you could end up in worse trouble than you expected.

                            It's OK to back down from a fight. It's OK to drive away from a threat.
                            It may not feel as cool as fighting them and winning but... staying alive IS winning.


                            • #15
                              Discretion's the better part of valor.
                              Friends help you move. Rare friends help you move bodies.

