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pain in mind and body

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  • pain in mind and body

    So, I just had my all 4 of my wisdom teeth cut out, which feels fantastic if you were wondering. These are the sightings that I have accumulated in the last couple of weeks.

    I'm not blind asshole
    So, I was waiting in line in the cafeteria at school the week before finals. It was a really long line, mainly because the whole staff was out except for one girl, who had to run the register and the grill all at the same time. I felt bad for her and didn't really mind the wait since I had an hour and half before my next class. The guy in front of me,on the other hand, apparently had to be somewhere real fast because he didn't start out in front of me. He came in about 10 minutes after me and stood there talking the a guy who had been in front of me the whole time. As the line slowly moved, I could see what the guy was doing. We get up to the register and with a shit eating grin, the guy steps in front of me and pays. Yeah, I'm not blind, I know you just cut in front of me. Have fun with that soup, I hear it's really....owned. The guy was having such a good time cutting me, he wasn't paying attention and spilled his really HOT soup all over his front. I couldn't help but grin as I paid and left.

    *picard facepalm*
    I love my father dearly, but he can be a sc at times. We were waiting in the waiting room of my oral surgeon the day of my surgery. My appointment was at 8:30am. It got to be around 9:30 and we were still waiting. Dad, being slightly disabled and not able to sit for very long periods of time was getting annoyed. 'What, he is out golfing or something?!" "What is taking so damn long?!" He is practically shouting this periodically. I just shook my head and swatted him saying, "Dad it's a doctor's office. You of all people know they take forever. Just deal with it."

    Excuse me?
    Went to Super Wally's to get a refill on my painkillers yesterday. Now, I am completely out, as in no more make me feel good pills. I have stitches in my mouth bugging the crap out of me and the pain is indescribable. I am nearly in tears and the pharmacist tells me it's going to be about 15 minutes until they're ready. I could tell she really wanted to help me, but there was a line, so I just waved her off and said it was fine, I needed to get a few things anyway. As I'm bending down to get my bag off the floor, an older lady shoves her way to the front, shoves me (quite hard) and starts waving her finger at the pharmacist.

    "I have been waiting a half an hour for my meds! Fuck the rest of these things, I need my meds now!" Everyone is staring at this woman while an older gentleman helped me up. The pharmacist assures her that her meds are on their way and to please not rough house the other customers. The woman waves her hand dismissively at me and says, "What, does the little bitch need a refill on her birth control? Learn to close your legs and you wouldn't need them!"

    Me: *pretty much in tears from the added pain of falling* For your information bitch, I'm here getting my pain meds because I just had my wisdom teeth cut out friday. I am in a lot of pain and I don't need you shoving me to the floor and insulting me. Unless they are your crazy pills to help with your obvious emotional problems, I suggest you wait patiently with the rest of the customers. If you don't like it, I will be happy to call the cops for assault." I didn't see what her face looked like cause I walked away at this point. After I got my meds, the pharmacist apologized and asked if I was ok. I popped my pain med right there and nodded. "I'm good now, thanks." I hate people so much.

    Holy crap, why?
    so, me and bf finally moved out of the hell hole we shared with our asshole roommate (which is a very long, detailed story I will tell later on Fratching). We now live in a triplex, with one of the apartments empty. The one right next to us has two floors and a lady and her son live there. I swear, ever since my bf left to visit his family in Pakistan, they have lost all sense of neighborly feelings. They are constantly loud, slamming doors, barreling down their stairs to the point where I think they are going to fall through my living room wall. Every time they run around, it literally shakes my living room. I hear shouting matches and video games as loud as they can go. The car port we share is right in front of our bedroom, so when they start the car, we can hear it. We can also hear them shouting at each other, as well as them slamming their car doors. Her car only has 2 doors, yet they seem to have to SLAM those two doors frequently and loudly before they leave. Not to mention, she is supposed to live there by herself with her son visiting every so often. I have seen at least 4 people going in and out of the house since we moved in that do not look like her or her son at all. The guy drives a semi periodically and parks it illegally on our small street, sits in it for hours with it running, which is loud and annoying. He also likes to sit in his car parked across the street, with his driver's side window open, and yells at someone over the phone almost every night. he's also a creeper who waits until I'm standing out front alone smoking a cig to say hi and flirt with me. You're old and disgusting, please leave me alone.
    I want to say something to our landlord, but I don't want to start something because we've had problems with neighbors in the past and I really don't want to repeat that process. I especially don't want to piss her off because our fuse box is in her basement and she can decide to refuse to let us in there to flip a breaker when we need to.
    Just because they serve you, doesn't mean they like you. And just because they smile and act polite doesn't mean they aren't planning to destroy you.

    "I put the laughter in slaughter."

  • #2
    If you're still in pain, talk to your doctor. Mine ordered me refills three times until all my pain went away. I was really nervous about asking him since I know how people abuse those things, but he was very helpful. He also had me come in and he saw that one of the openings was infected and ordered my antibiotics and he put some weird cotton thing in another opening which tasted really spicy and dissolved after a few days and made 75% of my pain go away. So definitely, if you are still in a lot of pain, let your doctor know. He will probably be able to help you. Although this post might be stuff that has happened a while ago and you're fine now. If this is the case, ignore me.


    • #3
      Next time the semi is setting on your road call the cops they don't need to know who called.
      Also just talking to the landlord, shooting the breeze, your could mention some of the things you have been seeing. Not actually gripping just talking so as to give the landlord a bug to pick at.
      "Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are your own fears." – Rudyard Kipling

      I don't have hot flashes. I have short, private vacations to the tropics.


      • #4
        Quoth pitmonkey View Post
        Next time the semi is setting on your road call the cops they don't need to know who called.
        Also check your local ordinances; in many locations, not only can't they park on residential streets, but iding for more than a specified time (3 to 5 minutes typically) is a separate offense.

        I also thing it's a good idea to mention the noise to your landlady (non-confrontationally of course). It would be incredibly petty of her not to let you have access to your fuse box in case you blow one just because you dared to complain (may even be a violation of your lease, come to think of it). Of course I don't know her, and if she is that much of a bitch you may have a problem. On the gripping hand, your neighbors might wind up with a worse problem; bitchiness, when it's on your side, is not always a bad thing.


        • #5
          That bitch in the pharmacy was awful. So glad you put her in her place Isn't it awesome to not be staff, and get away with saying the stuff you WANT customers to say?
          Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum! - Don't you dare erase my hard disk!

          This is Tech Support, not Customer Service.
          What's the difference?
          We're allowed to tell you "no".


          • #6
            Oh man, I feel for you! I had my wisdom teeth out decades ago, but luckily that was when I could get it done in hospital, under full anesthesia, and have it totally covered. Don't know if you can do that anymore. Admittedly I still woke up looking like a chipmunk, and yeah, there were those damn stitches, but ... Hope you are feeling better!

            As for the bitch in the store, what a real shame that staff are not allowed to put these people in their place. "Fine, we will put you first in line on one condition: you don't ever come back here again." And then refuse to serve her if she does come back.

            And OMG, I'm really sorry to hear about your neighbours. I've just acquired one like that: music and video games with volume and bass turned to maximum. It's usually on weekends -- not during the week. Yet. It starts about noon and if we're lucky, shuts down around 10 p.m. It does look like management is not going to slack off about it, but until he either gets a brain (not likely) or they have enough complaints about him to order him out, it's a real PITA situation.

            I agree that, if at all possible, you should first try mentioning it to her non-confrontationally. Some people actually just don't realize that they are thundering up and down the stairs and across the floors -- hard to believe, but it's true; it's what they've always done and they just don't think about it. The video games are a little harder to excuse. I guess it's like parents with shrieking kids or people with perpetually yapping dogs; that too is what they're used to and it doesn't register with them that it might be a problem to others.

            If that doesn't work -- or if she gets vindictive in return -- you may have to take it to the owner and/or decide to find someplace else to live. Hopefully not ...


            • #7
              Quoth Pixilated View Post
              Some people actually just don't realize that they are thundering up and down the stairs and across the floors -- hard to believe, but it's true; it's what they've always done and they just don't think about it.
              I'm noisy in that way, apparently. I'm also noisy in the kitchen, but that's because my coordination sucks these days. (Part of my illness.) All our everyday cutlery and crockery is both tough and expendable.

              On the plus side, we live in a standalone house (It's the norm here) so I'm not causing people other than my family to hear my clomps and clatters. And I'm told that I'm quieter on healthy days, noisier on bad days. It's one of their ways of checking how I'm feeling!

              But yeah - I genuinely didn't notice until it was pointed out to me.
              Seshat's self-help guide:
              1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
              2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
              3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
              4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

              "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


              • #8
                In the words of Bill Clinton, I feel your pain, Tithera. I recently had 6 of my teeth out (4 were the wisdoms, plus two that had gotten severe cavities), and yes, it is an experience I don't care to ever repeat, even though it went better than I expected it to.

                Your dad sounds kind of like mine, except that mine is more passive-aggressive and would have settled for just mumbling his displeasure instead of voicing it overtly. Though mine was surprisingly well-behaved for my venture, so I'm thankful for that.

                I would have said to Pharmacy Bitch, "I'm taking those birth control pills so I don't spawn any more assholes like you." But your pwnage worked just as well, and hopefully got her some nice karmic retribution.
                ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


                • #9
                  Quoth Shalom View Post
                  On the gripping hand....
                  I use this in face-to-face conversation with norms occasionally and it passes undetected for some strange reason.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Seshat View Post
                    I'm noisy in that way, apparently. I'm also noisy in the kitchen... All our everyday cutlery and crockery is both tough and expendable.
                    I too am klutzy (not for the same reason - I'm sorry you're going through that ), so I have decided that these will be my new stemware. (Not only are they unbreakable, they also come apart so you can tuck the stem inside the bowl part, and stack them up neatly! There is a stainless steel version too )

                    Maybe a thoughtful holiday gift of slippers for the entire family, to muffle their footsteps??


                    • #11
                      Quoth Tithera View Post
                      *picard facepalm*
                      I love my father dearly, but he can be a sc at times. We were waiting in the waiting room of my oral surgeon the day of my surgery. My appointment was at 8:30am. It got to be around 9:30 and we were still waiting. Dad, being slightly disabled and not able to sit for very long periods of time was getting annoyed. 'What, he is out golfing or something?!" "What is taking so damn long?!" He is practically shouting this periodically. I just shook my head and swatted him saying, "Dad it's a doctor's office. You of all people know they take forever. Just deal with it."
                      I completely understand why your dad was getting annoyed. The only good reason a doctor can be behind is because of an emergency. If they overbooked themselves or are just taking their time, then no, I'm not going to sit quietly and wait. If I take time off work to go to the doctor's office, then I'll only wait a certain amount of time. If they can't handle getting me in to see the doctor at or around my allotted time, then I'm outta there.


                      • #12
                        I feel for you on the loud neighbors.

                        The girl with the kid downstairs is unbelievably LOUD with stomping around and slamming doors. Her mother comes over every. single. weekend (my time off work!) and she stays the entire time and she is even louder with the door slamming.
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13
                          I agree with Moosenogger that your dad had a right to be angry, although his passive-aggressive behavior just made him into an ass. I've worked in both dental and medical offices, so I'm not just running my mouth.

                          Since you were scheduled at 8:30 am, it seems highly likely that your dentist had some personal issue, which could have been that he slept through his alarm. The staff doesn't want the dentist to look bad and/or they don't want to get in trouble for saying anything that might be construed as negative, so they usually won't say anything at all unless you ask. Since the dentist was that late, it's very probable that he might rush your surgery, which is not good, and then every patient scheduled after you will also be even more late. (There are exceptions, especially with surgeons and ob/gyns, and the staff will normally tell you that the doctor is running late due to surgery/baby arriving, but a dentist showing up late for his first appointment of the day probably has issues.)

                          In future, unless there are extenuating circumstances, tell the front desk that you will be leaving and need to reschedule after waiting a reasonable amount of time (20 to 40 minutes, depending on the time of day). Either they will notify the dentist and he'll hop to, or they'll reschedule you to another day and time.
                          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                          HR believes the first person in the door
                          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                          Document everything
                          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

