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Christmas Shopping Fun

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  • Christmas Shopping Fun

    Went Christmas shopping with my Girlfriend last weekend. It was after we both got paid so we decided we would try to get all our Christmas shopping done in one go. I managed though my girlfriend was one gift short (Which she has since gotten though we are avoiding the mall like the plague until Christmas is over). It was fun in Shoppers however as I ended up having a conversation with a person stocking shelves when I was mildly suffering from De-hydration. Either way after we got our food, I went back to Shoppers as I noticed a pop brand was on sale and since I'm hoarding whatever money I can, I'll notice a deal quickly. I proceeded to grab enough drinks to qualify for the deal and went into the line up, where two things happened while waiting for the line to get smaller (and wondering if I'd be able to pop a drink open and pay for it at the register).

    1. A Lady got frustrated as one of the cashier's left to go on her break. She got sarcastic and then acted entitled but amazingly enough reigned herself in and apologized to the line up.

    2. This lady was quite a gem. She apparently saw the husband of a woman who had apparently cheated her out of money in may. She shrieked to high heaven about how his wife was a thief and how he was married to a thief, going into detail about how long she has been waiting for her money (All the while eating a bag of chips which may or may not have been paid for). She eventually demanded that he phone his wife, get her to come all the way there and give her the money or she was going to phone the cops on him. She even held her phone out, repeating the threat a couple times. I didn't see how this ended luckily as I paid for my drinks and ran for the food court.

    Though this didn't included the impatient people who would either try to run me and my girlfriend over or try to shove us into displays. I'm sorry you can't bring yourself to ask me to move or wait until I move out of your way Your Highness! I was just glad I was feed breakfast or I would have been growly and not a friendly person by the time we ate... probably would have eaten a few SC's whole

  • #2
    Quoth YumeIshimaru View Post
    I was just glad I was feed breakfast or I would have been growly and not a friendly person by the time we ate... probably would have eaten a few SC's whole
    Naw, don't do that! Granted, we could use fewer SCs in the world, but we don't want you poisoned, so...
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #3
      I hate that attitude that people should not be allowed to take breaks. It's not like they were going to leave the line hanging without a cashier for 15 minutes!
      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


      • #4
        Quoth XCashier View Post
        Naw, don't do that! Granted, we could use fewer SCs in the world, but we don't want you poisoned, so...
        Alright I'll just keep to the plan of avoiding the mall. It's much better then getting ran over or shoved

        Quoth Food Lady View Post
        I hate that attitude that people should not be allowed to take breaks. It's not like they were going to leave the line hanging without a cashier for 15 minutes!
        I hate that attitude as well I tend to feel more bad for the person getting shouted at then anything else.


        • #5
          Quoth Food Lady View Post
          I hate that attitude that people should not be allowed to take breaks. It's not like they were going to leave the line hanging without a cashier for 15 minutes!
          I also hate that attitude, as when a cashier is about to go on break, there's usually several back-up cashiers available. It only takes a few seconds for the incoming cashier to log in to the register, but sometimes it's not always fast enough for some SC's.


          • #6
            Oh dear God, how dare they take a break, and, you know, go to the bathroom or have something to eat or drink or that glorious cigarette that will probably prevent them from having a meltdown.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              Quoth Food Lady View Post
              I hate that attitude that people should not be allowed to take breaks. It's not like they were going to leave the line hanging without a cashier for 15 minutes!
              I've had people get upset when it's time for me to go home. Where I work we just turn off our lane light and that means we're closed. Then I take care of the last people in line. I had one lady come up to get in line and when I told her I was close she literaly stomped her feet like a 2 yr old when she turned to walk to another register. A lot of times I've worked an eight hr shift. I don't think the sc's of the world care about that.
              "They gave me a badge with my name on it. In case I forget who I am." Dr Who - Closing Time

              "I reject your reality and substitute my own." Adam Savage-Mythbusters


              • #8
                I have a shift lead who doesn't care that we've already worked 12 hours, there will be no winding down, you're getting that very last count for the day and don't you dare take a breath and try to walk out that door!
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  Quoth blas View Post
                  Oh dear God, how dare they take a break, and, you know, go to the bathroom or have something to eat or drink or that glorious cigarette that will probably prevent them from having a meltdown.
                  I often go to the corner store for my beer and cigs. I know the clerks by name and they know mine. Last week, I stopped for my malty beverage and when I got to the counter the clerk had just taken a big bite of a hotdog, but put it down and came right to the counter.

                  I said something like "Hi Clerk. Don't try to talk, just chew and don't gulp it down." She nodded, rang my beer up, I gave her the exact change that I had ready (I know how much my six-pack costs), she tossed my receipt in the trash(because she knows I don't want one) didn't bag my 6-pack because she knows I don't want/need a bag for a 6-pack. I grabbed my beer, told her to have a nice day, Clerk was in the process of swallowing, so she just nodded at me again.

                  I was almost out the door when I heard Clerk greet the next customer who started berating Clerk for being rude.

                  Not to her, but to me. I was so stunned that I stopped and listened. Apparently, Clerks shouldn't be eating anything when she is serving people. Clerk should have gulped (and maybe choked) her food, or spit it out.

                  I went back to the counter, told the "lady" that she was the one who was being rude and that Clerk had just done what I told her to do. The "lady" said that anyone in customer service should NEVER eat on the job. We exchanged words for a few minutes and finally I looked her up and down (it was obvious that she enjoyed food) and asked her if she had ever gone 8 hours without eating. She started sputtering and saying that it didn't matter because she was a *gasp* office worker and Clerk was just a service person.

                  Finally the big burly guy in line behind her told her to shut up and pay and GTFO because he wanted to go home and drink his malty beverage while it was cold. The SC huffed and puffed with indignation, but paid, took her bagged junk food, tossed her receipt on the floor and was walking out the door when the guy told Clerk to take another bite of her food and not talk.

                  The outraged look on her face was so priceless.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Slave to the Phone View Post
                    *snip*I said something like "Hi Clerk. Don't try to talk, just chew and don't gulp it down."*snip*...tossed her receipt on the floor and was walking out the door when the guy told Clerk to take another bite of her food and not talk.*snip*
                    You & BBG are just incredibly awesome. Really. Hope you have a wonderful winter holiday of your choice!
                    "It is traditional when asking for help or advice to listen to the answers you receive" - RealUnimportant

                    Rev that Engine Louder, I Can't Hear How Small Your Dick Is - Jay 2K Winger

                    The Darwin Awards The best site to visit to restore your faith in instant karma.


                    • #11
                      To you and BBG:
                      Maybe if more customers standing nearby would say something, the SCs would at least not be able to leave convinced that they were leaving with the upper hand.


                      • #12
                        I agree, Slave to the Phone...that was all kinds of win!
                        "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"

