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Don't fight the Christmas Crowds... (language)

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  • Don't fight the Christmas Crowds... (language)

    ...You can't win. You just can't.

    So my theatre company is touring a show in January and even though it's the same show we did in the Summer we need new props due to changes and things being broken. This give me the option of buying things now, and battle the Xmas crowds or buying them after Xmas and battle the January Sale crowds... not good either way

    I can't just shove people!

    I'm walking down a busy street and hear from behind:

    Shrill Woman: Go faster you've got to go faster
    Impatient Man: I can't just shove people out the way!
    SW: Tell them to MOVE
    IP: 'scuse me! 'scuse me!
    SW: rams into my shoulder as she barges past They don't care just push them!

    Erm actually I do care, that hurt you stupid cow

    Kid out of control one

    Screaming kid: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!
    Mum: Calm down
    SK: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
    M: SHUT UP
    SK: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    That made me laugh actually but god it got loud!

    Kid out of control 2

    I was crouching down to look at some saucepans on a bottom shelf

    Parent1: Don't run in the shop
    Parent 2: Come here and hold my hand
    Kid: No no no no no no (repeat til fade then fade back in)
    Kid runs round the corner crashes into me knocking a saucepan out of my hand and knocks me off balance and onto the floor (I wasn't balanced very well to begin with considering my bags and everything)
    K: Whaaaaaaaaaa!
    P1: Oh no are you hurt are you okay? (picks child up)
    P2: You knocked my child to the floor! Apologise
    Me: Actually your child ran into me, in fact if you want to be picky your child knocked me down
    P2: You're not crying, my child is!
    P1: Don't create a fuss...

    They left after that. You knew your child was running about, how can you blame it on me!

    Crazy at the Checkout

    In a discount shop I noticed a couple of novelty items that would be good for gifts as well as getting some props. The queues were not massively big and moving quickly. As I have to have receipts for the props it's annoying to have other items on them that aren't for the company

    Me: Can I run these two items through separately?
    Cashier: Sure
    SC behind me: *Sigh*
    Cashier: The till just there has become free
    SC: No! I've unloaded my items now! She shouldn't be able to have two transactions she's holding the queue up!
    Cashier: Ma'am it won't take much longer
    SC: I can't wait! I have to be somewhere and I'm late!!
    Me: Look I have 5 items in total, I'm paying with cash for both which is probably quicker for both than if I was paying for all of them with card. There's no one in the queue behind and there's another till there that's free. If you want I will move your items across for you
    She was properly shouting so much a security guard came over
    SG: What' the problem
    SC: oh, oh nothing. It's fine.

    Well at least someone shut her up.

    I felt so sorry for this guy

    People from Friends of the Earth were canvassing on the street

    Friendly guy: Can I talk to you about...
    Horrible Chav: FUCK OFF!

    I couldn't do their job, I really couldn't. I spoke to him for a good 10 min even though I couldn't donate anything I just felt sorry for him having to deal with idiots like that
    My Crafting Profile;u=139859

  • #2
    Quoth Beki710 View Post
    I can't just shove people!

    I'm walking down a busy street and hear from behind:

    Shrill Woman: Go faster you've got to go faster
    Impatient Man: I can't just shove people out the way!
    SW: Tell them to MOVE
    IP: 'scuse me! 'scuse me!
    SW: rams into my shoulder as she barges past They don't care just push them!

    Erm actually I do care, that hurt you stupid cow
    Frick I hate when people do that. When I'm in a hurry and going through crowds, I apologize and say my excuse me's when I accidentally push past people.

    Quoth Beki710 View Post
    Kid out of control 2

    I was crouching down to look at some saucepans on a bottom shelf

    Parent1: Don't run in the shop
    Parent 2: Come here and hold my hand
    Kid: No no no no no no (repeat til fade then fade back in)
    Kid runs round the corner crashes into me knocking a saucepan out of my hand and knocks me off balance and onto the floor (I wasn't balanced very well to begin with considering my bags and everything)
    K: Whaaaaaaaaaa!
    P1: Oh no are you hurt are you okay? (picks child up)
    P2: You knocked my child to the floor! Apologise
    Me: Actually your child ran into me, in fact if you want to be picky your child knocked me down
    P2: You're not crying, my child is!
    P1: Don't create a fuss...

    They left after that. You knew your child was running about, how can you blame it on me!
    Got to love Parents like that. 'I don't want to properly look after my kid but if you make them cry because they were doing something they weren't suppose to, you will pay' Whether paying be an apology or trying to con you into buying something for them.

    What's worse are the kids who know to apologize and get snarled at by their parent not to apologize because *insert insult to your physical appearance here that apparently caused you to be in their way* or because They and their child are speshil snowflakes that don't have to apologize.


    • #3
      Quoth Beki710 View Post
      P2: You're not crying, my child is!
      At that point I would make the saddest face possible and utilize my skill for crying on cue, see what she has to say then.


      • #4
        Quoth Beki710 View Post
        I felt so sorry for this guy

        People from Friends of the Earth were canvassing on the street

        Friendly guy: Can I talk to you about...
        Horrible Chav: FUCK OFF!

        I couldn't do their job, I really couldn't. I spoke to him for a good 10 min even though I couldn't donate anything I just felt sorry for him having to deal with idiots like that
        You can't feel sorry for chuggers! They cost charities more than they ever earn back in donations, it's a ridiculous thing to do.
        This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
        I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


        • #5
          Re: The running child.

          Hubby has a joint condition that causes sim to dislocate about four different major joints per day. More than once an uncontrolled kid has run into him and dislocated his knee, hip or ankle. Putting the damn things back in while the kid is screaming bloody murder because it's "gross" is always fun.

          He also seems to be a magnet for people ramming him with shopping trolleys, i say that next time he should go down hard and deliberately dislocate something, maybe the person would think twice before barging past next time.


          • #6
            I can't just shove people!

            I would have caught up with her and shoved her from behind and told her to look out I am in a hurry.

            Kid out of control 2

            I would have told her to control her rugrat or take him home. And if SHE didnt apologize to ME I would follow her out and get her plate number and turn her into child services as an unfit parent.

            Crazy at the Checkout

            I would have looked at the cashier and said since SC wants to act like a child maybe I should pay each transaction with a different card. Then I would have "forgotten" my pin number.


            • #7
              Quoth Beki710 View Post
              Kid out of control 2

              I was crouching down to look at some saucepans on a bottom shelf

              Parent1: Don't run in the shop
              Parent 2: Come here and hold my hand
              Kid: No no no no no no (repeat til fade then fade back in)
              Kid runs round the corner crashes into me knocking a saucepan out of my hand and knocks me off balance and onto the floor (I wasn't balanced very well to begin with considering my bags and everything)
              K: Whaaaaaaaaaa!
              P1: Oh no are you hurt are you okay? (picks child up)
              P2: You knocked my child to the floor! Apologise
              Me: Actually your child ran into me, in fact if you want to be picky your child knocked me down
              P2: You're not crying, my child is!
              P1: Don't create a fuss...

              They left after that. You knew your child was running about, how can you blame it on me!
              You know what you say to those kinds of parents? "Actually, your kid ran into me. But don't worry, it's nothing a law suit can't fix."

              I like to imagine their face right after I say it.


              • #8
                SW: rams into my shoulder as she barges past They don't care just push them!
                Back in my hometown some of the teen males were doing that. They'd go up to older people and just shove past them knowing it would hurt them.

                One decided to do that to my parents. Mom moved out of the way (cos it would hurt her). Dad just stiffened his shoulder. I think it hurt the kid more than it did him. Teen didn't realize... sure my dad was in his 70s and he's not buff but... he's not a weakling either.

                I like to think that it made the teen think twice before doing that again, but ... you neve rknow.


                • #9
                  I was doing some shopping with younger Web, and about to get in a shop, when younger - been already tired and had an ill knee after walking - passed a woman a bit before door. He was not rushing her anyway, was only busy, but I had a feeling she was not happy about that. I was about to let her get in next, when she kept door open saying " you're wellcome" bit suckyly.
                  What did I do? I simply smiled her broadly and said "Oh, thank you!"
                  And followed younger, who had already found a seat and resting his feet.


                  • #10
                    1) You should have slid your foot out just right to trip her on her way by...or caught up and shoved her back...or screamed as loudly as you coudl about her assaulting you. Me, vindictive? Never.

                    2) Way to stand up to those sucky parents. Also, if you're able to cry on cue, the minute she said "You're not crying my child is" you should've burst into tears saying "YES I AM!" I mean you could've been really hurt, and then what would they have done?

                    3) You should've just grabbed her stuff and moved it for her anyway. Rude, yes, but it would've gotten the point across. Funny that security coming over made her shut up though!

                    4) A polite "No thank you" or "I'm not interested" wouldn't have sufficed? Wow! Asshole! On the other hand you talking to the salesman probably helped him after that!
                    "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                    • #11
                      As much as I would have loved to shove the woman back, in the area I was in, that kind of retaliation would had lead to a fight or even worse a knife or something being pulled. I'm try to avoid conflict especially when there's idiots about.

                      I'm going to learn to cry on queue. Typical I have a drama degree but not that skill!
                      My Crafting Profile;u=139859


                      • #12
                        On reflection, I think a loud "OW!" would have sufficed to get the point across to the first 2....
                        Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum! - Don't you dare erase my hard disk!

                        This is Tech Support, not Customer Service.
                        What's the difference?
                        We're allowed to tell you "no".


                        • #13
                          Quoth rose_metal_nz View Post
                          On reflection, I think a loud "OW!" would have sufficed to get the point across to the first 2....
                          No, because assholes like that would be just as likely to turn around and say "Well you shouldn't have been in the way then!" or some such rudeness.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Beki710 View Post
                            As much as I would have loved to shove the woman back, in the area I was in, that kind of retaliation would had lead to a fight or even worse a knife or something being pulled. I'm try to avoid conflict especially when there's idiots about.
                            Good God, what kind of a war zone do you live in??

                            (Same goes for the poster who commented about young males in their town deliberately shoving elderly people. That one made me think of the way young baboons behave, actually).

