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Movie Theatre Talkers

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  • Movie Theatre Talkers

    I'd love to hear some input on things I can have in my arsenal for the next time this happens.

    I went to see Sherlock Holmes tonight. Great, fabulous movie. Love me some RDJ.

    Anyway, I was unfortunate enough to be seated in front of a small group of talkers. At first I could only hear the murmuring (you know, when you mostly hear s and t sounds) and did the "glance over my shoulder", but it got louder. So I turned and said "Seriously?" It stopped for a little while, but then started up again.

    After the movie, during the credits, I turned around and offered a bit of advice that they stay home next time so they can talk undisturbed. The guy directly behind us replied that we were in a public place, so I had no jurisdiction. I retorted that may be true, but I knew how to behave in said public place. At that point, my companion convinced me to sit down and let it go. Obviously I haven't done the latter. Heh.

    I hate movie talkers.


  • #2
    My coworker pal happened to park right next to me at the mall today (yay!) so we decided to do some shopping together and she was telling me that she went to see Sherlock Holmes today, but it was Senior Day, and she and her date were the only two that weren't asleep or breathing loudly throughout the whole movie.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Wrong. the movie theater is not a public place. The owners have rules in place, one of them being is that you (in theory) waive your right to free speach when you are seated in a theater.

      That would have been my response.
      To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


      • #4
        You have PAID to be there where it is supposed to be quiet during the movie.


        • #5
          It's not a public place, it's a private business establishment where you have paid for the privilege of watching & listening to a movie - and paid through the nose, too! Their right to talk is not superceded by everyone around them's right to enjoy the feature unimpeded.

          Yes, I hate talkers too
          This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
          I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


          • #6
            I hate hate hate this!
            I had Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 1 ruined because of a small child that had been brought to see it, constantly asking "what's happening?" "I don't understand" and then of course the inevitable "I'm scared" seriously, don't bring your 6 year old to a 12A rated film if they can't handle it. There were bits that made me jump and I'm 23!
            I didn't say anything to them though because I didn't think it was the kids fault, I did glare at the mother on the way out.

            Conversely I've been to see Kids films like Despicable Me and had parents apologise for their kids behaviour when I honestly hadn't even noticed it.

            I will speak up if I am in the theatre though. If I've paid a stupid amount of money to see a Shakespeare/Musical/Period Drama I will not have anyone talk through it - or rustle sweets! GAH!

            Thank you for starting this topic I didn't realise how much I needed to get this off my chest
            My Crafting Profile;u=139859


            • #7
              Second time I saw Avatar, some kids kept talking ALL THE WAY through it, and despite the theatre being packed, NOBODY said anything about it! And I could hear these kids talking during the fucking BATTLE SCENES. I looked back and I could see them and they were some rows back. It must have been pissing everyone else off. My friend (who was a bit spineless) was pretending not to notice and acting like I made a big deal over nothing but it was just so annoying. So as soon as the movie ended, I got up and stomped over to the kids, loomed over them menacingly*....

              ...and then sweetly said "Hi there kids! Did you know I could hear you talking from all the way over there?" *points* Next time you're at the cinema, you should try and whisper so everyone else can enjoy the movie too, 'kay?" *beam*

              *stomps off*

              The boys looked sheepish, the parents just gaped at me.

              *I am a goth and I wear big boots XD


              • #8
                Talking through a movie is never acceptable.

                I have an escalation scale for chronic talkers.

                1) Turn and lightly go Shush!
                2) Turn, glare, louder Shush!
                3) Turn, glare, soft Please stop talking (so as not to annoy other movie goers)
                4) Turn, glare, indignant, "Shut up!", just a little louder. This often gets the attention of an employee who comes and fixes the problem.
                5) Get up, find an employee, ask them to deal with the situation.

                I have no problem getting up and complaining. Movies are expensive, I'm not going to have it ruined by some dipwad who can't be quiet. Nine time out of ten, I can get them to shut up by the time I get to step 3. I seldom have to escalate to step 4, or 5.

                But I will!
                They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                • #9
                  This is why we go to a drive in now, along with having a 20 month old who likes to "chat".


                  • #10
                    Quoth Panacea View Post
                    5) Get up, find an employee, ask them to deal with the situation.

                    I have no problem getting up and complaining.
                    ^ This. Definitely. You paid to watch the movie, not hear some jerk's commentary on it.

                    That said, there's a special hell for people who talk in the theater.


                    • #11
                      Quoth 24601 View Post
                      This is why we go to a drive in now, along with having a 20 month old who likes to "chat".
                      Which means you have common sense, respect for others, an ability to view your own children in a fairly unbiased way, and the desire to actually parent.
                      All traits that SC's somehow seem to lack.

                      Madness takes it's toll....
                      Please have exact change ready.


                      • #12
                        Quoth camjuniper

                        That said, there's a special hell for people who talk in the theater.
                        Dammit. I remember this scene but can't remember the episode. Love Book. Love all of the Firefly/Serenity characters.
                        Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
                        Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


                        • #13
                          You know what's sad? When I worked at the movie theatre we were discouraged and sometimes flat out told not to attempt to stop people from talking in the theatres because they "may complain to corporate." True story.


                          • #14
                            Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
                            You know what's sad? When I worked at the movie theatre we were discouraged and sometimes flat out told not to attempt to stop people from talking in the theatres because they "may complain to corporate." True story.
                            What if someone complained about the talkers? Could you say something then? I can completely understand not wanting to say something to talkers because they might complain. If they are going to be sucky in the first place, they might as well seal the deal by getting free stuff by complaining to corporate. However, I would think that if you didn't handle the complaint of another customer then that would be worse?


                            • #15
                              I know I posted about this a while back (but I can't find the danged thread). Da Dairy Druid and I went to go see Sucker Punch when it was still in the theaters. There were a rowdy group of teens behind us who just wouldn't shut up and it was obvious they'd seen the movie before because they kept stage whispering about what was going on next. I gave them a few dirty looks, then went to find someone after the third glare.

                              They shut up after that.

                              If the people can't shut up after being asked at least twice, then it's time to find someone who will shut them up or kick them out. Yes, they paid to be there just like you did, but it's also common courtesy to STFU and watch the movie. If you need to talk, do it after. That's what the lobby is for.
                              Random conversation:
                              Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                              DDD: Cuz it's cool

                              So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.

