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HomeAgain confusion (only semi-suck)

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  • HomeAgain confusion (only semi-suck)

    long background first:

    We took Dublin for her first vet checkup last week!

    She was excited because every time we put her crate in the car she knows we're taking her someplace fun - like PetSmart or the dog park. This was the first time it wasn't entirely a "fun" outing. Before going to the dog park we took her to the vet to see what she needed.

    As to be expected she was excited even in the waiting room, wanting to smell everything, smell the other dogs, greet people. Another dog was there with a "cone of shame" on its head, barking at everything. I had to take Dublin out to the dog-walk area twice when she started getting too bouncy. Finally she calmed down a bit when the barking dog was taken outside for a walk. And then the vet called for us and we went in. (Overall maybe a 30-45 minute wait but I'm not entirely sure).

    The checkup itself wasn't too bad. Dublin wandered around the room as we talked to the vet. She only got upset when he had to take her blood for a heartworm test - we both had to hold her head still as the vet drew the blood. Test results were pretty quick - they tested for 4 things actually but I don't remember what, just that she came up negative. We're switching her heartworm meds too - the adoption agency had given us a 4 month supply but even the vet didn't recognize it so we opted to use a better brand.

    Then I found out what the yellow thing on her collar was for. We don't make Dublin wear her collar and use a chest-harness for her leash since it's less apt to choke her. We bring the collar with us for proof of the rabies tags but she'd worn that thing for so long it had started matting her fur down. We may eventually get her a better one but to be honest we don't care much. she doesn't go out without us anyway.

    but anyway the collar has a green tag for the rabies and some yellow tag shaped like a house with a number on it, with the words "homeagain".

    We found out that... although the adoption records didn't state it, Dublin is microchipped.

    I froze at first thinking the Vet was going to take her away from us. They put "not microchipped" on the adoption papers! No... you mean Dublin can't be ours?

    The vet accessed the HomeAgain site to find out who the dog was registered to and came back to us with the information.

    She was registered to a "Mr. B. A. Baracus" (name changed) as .. Dublin. As per policy (law?) he had to notify HomeAgain and attempt to contact the registered owner but since we were calling her by the same name she was registered as, that we had adopted her from the owners and that they just hadn't notified HomeAgain of the transfer yet.

    We looked over our adoption papers and noticed... they were signed by "Mrs. Baracus" which was even more proof that yes Dublin is our dog.

    However we were going to have to send HomeAgain a form and possibly a small fee to transfer her into our name.

    Here's where the confusion really sets in.
    HomeAgain contacted "Mrs. Baracus" with the notice that "Dublin has been found" and who found her (the vet). She was terrified by the news, thinking that we had abandoned her or that she had somehow run away from us. after trying for so long to find her a home and she was back to square one....

    Even worse, she had to call the vet THREE TIMES before they realized where Dublin was. At first they figured she had been put in the shelter next door (another stab of fear for "Mrs. Baracus") and finally they realized, "Oh yes, Dublin. She was here for a checkup earlier today!"

    The vet called my boyfriend to verify that we had her. My BF said we had her at the dog park and that she was with us and playing with the other dogs.

    Confusion over
    My BF was planning on mailing in the form today but happened to get a call from "Mrs. Baracus". She was thrilled to find out what really happened - and that Dublin was safe with us and still being pampered and that we'd even taken her to the vets for a checkup.

    She's going to contact HomeAgain herself to conduct the transfer. Technically they should have done that in the first place but... we're just glad we still have the wonderdog and that everyone finally figured out that yes she's fine and safe and that she IS ours.

  • #2
    Awww I love stories with a happy ending. Glad she got a clean bill of health and that all that confusion got cleared up.


    • #3
      Wow! how scary! Did the adoption agency say anything about this snafu? How could they miss the chip? Have they adopted out any animals where the owner was genuinely looking for their chipped pet?


      • #4
        My dog has two microchips too due to he was rescued at the shelter. The shelter did not tell me he had a microchip. So when he got microchip he had two when they verified the first one worked they found the second one. He was signed over by the owners and the vet know that (as I had his adoption papers) so they did not have to call Home Again to get that verified. Thank goodness. I do not understand that though, as if you have the adoption papers showing where the owner signed away their rights why call Home Again?


        • #5
          On the plus side for Mrs Baracus: she now knows Dublin has a good home!
          Seshat's self-help guide:
          1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
          2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
          3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
          4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

          "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


          • #6
            Quoth Raveni View Post
            Wow! how scary! Did the adoption agency say anything about this snafu? How could they miss the chip? Have they adopted out any animals where the owner was genuinely looking for their chipped pet?
            Quite the opposite actually. I believe "Mrs. Baracus" is the owner of the adoption agency. So yes they adopted out a microchipped dog but... one they had gotten microchipped themselves. I figured they did it because she'd gotten loose once and was missing for 4 days. My BF didn't remember that story but I did. And the collar they gave us had the microchip number on it.

            It was just something they overlooked in the excitement of finding her a home I think. they'd been trying to get her adopted out since march so... having the ad go online and literally getting called about it the next day really got them excited.

            Quoth Seshat View Post
            On the plus side for Mrs Baracus: she now knows Dublin has a good home!
            Yep. and I just sent them an email with 2 shutterfly links. I started posting pictures there to share with my family and gave them the links too. ... with one exception ... on my BF's request I didn't share the picture of Dublin on her back showing off her belly - he called it a "centerfold photograph". He was already embarrassed that I'd shared it with my family... only my family thought it was cute cos it reminded them of our first car and how she use to do that too, but I agreed to hold that one back from the adoption agency. (though they've seen it before).
            Last edited by PepperElf; 01-24-2012, 12:50 PM.


            • #7
              I'm glad things are working out with Dublin! Just FYI, PepperElf... Two of my 3 dogs have HomeAgain microchips and they are a yearly service. They will send a yearly bill for the dog's continuing chip service, once Dublin is registered to you.

              They tend to send several bills after you pay, though, which is weird. I've had to call them to make sure they've gotten my payment, to keep up with the service. Being that I travel with my dogs, I want to make sure they're up to date.

              HomeAgain also sends an email newsletter with local lost dogs, and if you see one, you can report to them to help people find their lost pets. The newsletter also contains tips on travel, health and play for pets.

              My 3rd dog has an Avid chip from wherever she came from. That one is a lifetime chip, no newsletter or yearly bill, but I have her registered to me. She was a stray that someone left in our neighborhood, and her chip was "empty". No one had ever registered her.


              • #8
                i'll let my bf know about the yearly fee. i dont think it will bother him though. i kinda like knowing that she's chipped in case she gets free.


                • #9
                  Quoth PepperElf View Post
                  ... the picture of Dublin on her back showing off her belly ... reminded them of our first car...
                  I had a car that did that. Daughter & I hanging by our seatbelts, grandson strapped in his carrier on the ceiling...

                  Oh sure you meant cat...
                  Last edited by dalesys; 01-24-2012, 02:47 PM.
                  I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                  Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                  Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                  • #10
                    Quoth dalesys View Post
                    I had a car that did that. Daughter & I hanging by our seatbelts, grandson strapped in his carrier on the ceiling...

                    Oh sure you meant cat...
                    ROFL... yes I meant cat.
                    although i've been in an upside down car before too.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Yurimaru View Post
                      She was a stray that someone left in our neighborhood, and her chip was "empty". No one had ever registered her.
                      How on earth could that happen? Isn't that like the DMV sending you a license plate with nothing on it? And who would install a blank chip in a dog anyway? What would be the point?

                      (Reminds me of the old joke. "I played hooky today." "Aren't you taking a correspondence course?" "Yeah, I sent in an empty envelope.")

                      afterthought: are these chips programmed before or after installation (insertion, whatever the term is) in the dog? If they're supposed to be programmed afterward, then I could see it.


                      • #12
                        It's probably like HomeAgain where the chip has a number that the vet can read via RFID.

                        Whether that number actually brings anything up in the system however is a different story.


                        • #13
                          I don't know a lot about these systems but from what I've heard, each chip does have a unique ID for tracking. But after the chip is inserted in the animal, it is up to the vet to read the chip's ID number and record it. If that second step isn't done, then the chip won't have anything associated with it, so all scanning it will do is tell you "Yup, I've got a hunk of plastic in me with a number on it." and no other identifying information.


                          • #14
                            The vet does register the number and with Home Again, the company will also email and snail-mail confirmations that your dog is number thus-and-so. I keep that in the binder I have, with folders for each dog's records.

                            And it's only about $17 per year for a pet, which is worth it to me. I have small dogs and I worry about them getting lost when we travel and the collar coming off. The chip is peace of mind. It's also proof that the pet is your pet, should some person take the collar off and decide to "keep the cute doggie."

