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Excuse ME for interrupting!

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  • Excuse ME for interrupting!

    So my BF's mom went into a C-store to pick up some meds. It is not a busy day, so she gets right up to the counter. As she is standing there, the clerk is completely ignoring her. Just takes the meds, rings it up and puts his hand out for money. No greeting, didn't tell her the total, nothing... he is just nodding his head and saying something on his cell phone about someone's problem. My BF's mom says to him, "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that." To which the clerk replies, "I'm sorry, I'm on the phone right now." BF's mom, "Oh, excuse me, I thought you were working!" and she took the bag with the meds, her change and walked out.

    The nerve...
    I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

  • #2
    Mom's response rocks.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      The only excuse for being on the phone when a customer is waiting is if it's work related, the phone rang before the customer got there, or it's a true emergency. And if that's the case, you do not just say, Oh, I'm on the phone.. I'd be tempted to wait until he actually said the total to me before giving him any money

      At least he said "I'm sorry"...I guess...nah, he sucks.
      Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 03-01-2007, 10:56 PM. Reason: complete words are good
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        Yes, he was being totally rude.

        Sometimes I wish at the gas station we didn't have a phone, because stupid people would call at all times of the day to talk to the owner (mornings were the worst because we were swamped and the phone was ringing off the hook....I didn't have time to call over to the owner and get him to answer the phone).

        Then in the afternoon people would call with stupid questions about gas or try to make me go look and see if we had something or how much something was while I had a line of people to serve.

        When I asked if I could call them back, they treated me like I was being rude. No, I'm not rude. I have a line of customers going out the door, the register is beeping like crazy because people want gas, it's Powerball day and the jackpot is up to $200,000,000.......I really cannot take your call right now, please call back later.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Oh GODS that pisses me off when I have to stand around at the counter and wait for the cashier to deal with one of those frackin' idiots on the phone! I just wanna yell, "Get your lazy fat ass over here if you got so many questions about the gas station! I got things to do unlike you!"


          • #6
            "Excuse me? Do you work here?"
            There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


            • #7
              Well, what makes this guy totally sucky is that he was on his cell phone on a personal call! If he was helping a customer on the phone, that would have been something different entirely.

              Believe me, I've been in a situation where I have lines out the door and the phone ringing off the hook (usually I just don't pick up the phone, f*** those people sitting in their living rooms, they can wait)
              I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


              • #8
                Just goes to show, that there ARE actually stupid employees as well.


                • #9
                  The 3rd key where I work does this... The moment she gets into the store and clocked in she calls her boyfriend to complain about her husband. Except she does it on the store phone.


                  • #10
                    When I worked fastfood I was always told that people in front of you take precedence over people on the phone.
                    Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                    I'm a case study.


                    • #11
                      This is my first time ever posting at CS and really had no plan to ever do so till I read this thread ( I just enjoy reading some of the funny stories ppl put up).

                      I completely understand how frustrating it is to stand in line for over an hour just to come up to someone who is suppose to be helping me but instead are on their cell phone for personal reasons. Ive had this happened to me so many times that I am surprised at my own self control of Not ripping the cell phone out of the person's hand and flinging it across the room.

                      One particular instance though stands out in my mind above all others..and to this day frustrates me in wishing I had done More.

                      I dont know how many military post on this site or not...but its a bit of common knowledge that if you want to get on a military base you must either A. have a day pass or B. have a military sticker for your car (which you must be/or be the dependant of/someone in the military to get...and are so much nicer because they dont expire as quickly as the day passes do). Either way, both are easily obtained from the little office building they have sitting by the side of the entrance gate. Most of the time all you need is your ID card, proof of insurance, licance and regerstration. No hassel, go in get pass or sticker, get out (as long as you have all your stuff together and ready).

                      Me and my mother were doing just that. For each base in differant areas it is sometimes nessary to have a differant pass (so even though I had an Army Base sticker on my car from NY, I had to get a Differant sticker for the SeaBee Base in MS to get in) no big deal right? Well...unfortunately for me it turned into a big deal.

                      It was appearantly a busy day for the little office (in 90 degree weather I might add) and it was Chalk full of ppl wanting to get on base (dont ask me why..I was just there to get a sticker so i could go to the gym and get my taxes done which would be for military familys...ahhh the sweetness).
                      So after waiting an HOUR in my workout clothing (boy did I feel out of place) I finally get up to the counter where there is a girl..Text messageing on her cell phone. I actually WAIT politely for her to finish pushing on her cellphone buttons long enough for her to semi-glance up at me and say "how can I help you?" I tell her hello, pass her over my things and say "I need a sticker for my car please."

                      Girl- "Active or Depentant?"
                      Me- "Depentant."
                      Girl - goes back to her cell phone as it beeps to read her in coming message and then text back while asking me.."branch, name and social"
                      Me - (information of husband) who I Also mention is Overseas at the moment (for they will often ask is "he or she with you?" so i thought skip it.)
                      Girl - "Is your husband present?"
                      (er no...dur..I just said he is overseas...)
                      Me - "No, he is currently deployed."
                      Girl - again...wastes my time with her cellphone as she reads Another incoming message and then replies to it before saying "I cannot give you a sticker."
                      Me - "why not?"

                      At this point her phone rings..tells me to please hold on a moment so that she may answer it and preceeds to hold a conversation in front of me. I clear my throat..which she looks slightly annoyed at and I repeat myself.."why not?"

                      Girl - "he must come in and sign for your sticker."
                      Me- "uh..he is overseas...there is no way he can sign for it"
                      Girl - "Then there is no way I can give you a sticker."

                      My mother red in the face jumps in - "you mean to tell me" (steadily pushing me out of the way and getting in the girls face and the girl tries to return to her phone once more after shuving my things back at me) "the Wife of a Man who is Risking his life cannot getting a base sticker? She is his Dependant!"

                      At that point I start dragging away my mother...saying "its ok, ill call someone, dont worry about it, we will get a day pass for now"
                      When the girl in all her glory Finally looks up Fully (having not bearly broken eye contact with her phone or looked up at us the whole time) and says
                      "Well if you get her husband Here to sign the papers then I can give her a sticker."

                      ooooh my god..I thought my mother would exploid. So I pushed her out of the way and said just give us a day pass...which the girl signs off on (luckily I had enough proof for that~) and I drag papers and my mother out of the building.

                      Later (unbeknown to me) I find out that my mother called the chief of staff of that little office ( I forget the rank or whatnot exactly) and informed me that we were Returning tomorrow to try agian.

                      ...try agian? WHY???

                      So we go back, I am feeling exstremely frustrated at this point for there again was the girl with her god forsaken cellphone. We get up to the counter and before I could say a word my mother leans over and Takes the cellphone from the girls hand says "I want to speak with Sgt. such-n-such, now!"
                      At which this girl gets a look of repulsion on her face that is clearing swelling with rage. Lucky for my sanity...Sgt. such-n-such comes up asking my mother if she was the woman who called him yesturday.

                      ...welll to make a long story at least a little bit shorter.. come to find out the girl Only had to tell us the first day that if I had proof of Power of Attorney then the whole "needs to be signed by your husband" could have been by passed from the git-go. (which by the way I had it in my glovebox..and if I had known would gotten it for her.) However, she was so busy with her cellphone she seemed to have missed that little question on her sheet of questions to ask. (yes, she litterally had a sheet of questions to ask..for the Sgt. clearly pointed it out to her.)
                      I produced my PoA, got the sticker..and we left.

                      After looking back on it..I got more and more frustrated with myself for not having done more for myself. Ive learned my lesson I guess though I do still try to be nice to the ppl behind the counter (lifes not trying to make it harder on anyone else). Thank god for livid mothers who have been military born and raised. I more than likely would have never gotten my dues as a military wife if it wasnt for her.

                      wow did I type all that? I apologize..well I hope someone out there finds this intresting.


                      • #12
                        I find it interesting. I'm a vet and a military widow, and this just appalls me. Was she a civilian employee? I would like to think that the COS reamed her a new asshole, but somehow, these days, I doubt it.
               do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                        Chickens are Asexual!


                        • #13
                          Quoth coldcupofjoe View Post
                          she calls her boyfriend to complain about her husband.
                          Did I just read this right?
                          "Who loves not women, wine, and song remains a fool his whole life long" ~Martin Luther
                          "Always send a lazy man to the angel of death" ~Martin Luther
                          My MySpace
                          My LiveJournal


                          • #14
                            Yes, SuperDan, you did...


                            • #15
                              to those other two cell phone stories- WOW. I think I would have exploded...and THAT takes some doing...

                              It was especially horrible how that dumb girl at the military base was so callous to a woman whose husband is serving overseas...
                              I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK

