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Dick is the Nicest Way to Describe this SC

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  • Dick is the Nicest Way to Describe this SC

    The other morning on my way to work, I made a quick stop at a supermarket on my way to work. This store doesn't have a location near my home and they carry a lot of gluten-free items, so I stop in a couple of times a month when commuting.

    As I'm waiting to check out, the SC in front of me has his phone glued to his ear and he's too busy talking to acknowledge anything the cashier is saying. He only had one item, but he couldn't be bothered to set his phone down for less than a minute to do the transaction. The cashier had to tell him the total three times, despite the large display screen set up for the customers. He finally manages to balance the phone, pull out his wallet and throw a $100 bill on the moving belt (in this chain, the cashiers empty the carts, then set the items on a belt to move to the bagger). The cashier caught it in time, then had to count out his change while he got impatient. He asked where the ATM was (there's an in-store bank) then hurried his special self off to get some more cash.

    The cashier and the bagger were quietly fuming. They did the usual hi, how are you, did you find everything, I responded in kind, then said, "That guy was a complete dick. I'm sorry you had to deal with that." They both smiled a bit, but were trying to not appear to complain about a customer.

    I questioned one of the prices, so the bagger and I went quickly together to that section to doublecheck the price, and on the way I told her that I used to work retail and I felt bad that they had to be nice to assholes. She laughed a little then. Everything got straightened out, but before I left, the SC came stomping back by. We all rolled our eyes.
    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
    HR believes the first person in the door
    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
    Document everything
    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

  • #2
    Good grief. "Look at me, I'm SOOOOO important I pay with $100 bills -- which I'm TOO busy to hand to you politely -- and I can't put my cellphone down for a nanosecond or the entire economy will collapse!"

    What a prize ...


    • #3
      Yuck. And that is why, while I may be on my cell while unloading my cart, I always hang up or shove it my pocket when it's my turn.

      I hate when people talk on their cells when I'm trying to serve them.


      • #4
        And their reluctance to put down the phone and their volume are directly proportional to the importance of the call. Never once have I heard "Yes, we need to change the concrete formula immediately or the dam will collapse and wash the orphanage away..." or "Suture the larger vein you see on the left hand side first or there will be brain hemorrhaging..." No, it's always "And then I told Bill to fark off, 'cause I was drunk as sh*t, and then...."


        • #5
          I've noticed more and more stores have a 'we won't serve you if you're on the phone' policy. It's just common sense to me. If I'm about to be served and the phone's ringing, I'll just let it go to voicemail.
          the end of an era is not the completion of a destiny. Momentum comes when we believe the best for the future, we keep speaking life into the future, and we commit to the future - Brian Houston


          • #6
            My store doesn't have any policy like that, and we are supposed to greet everyone within 30 seconds of them setting foot in the store, but my OWN is that I won't scknowledge them until they've finished their conversation. If you can't put it away for one second for me to greet you, as is my job, then you can just wait until you're done.


            • #7
              Sounds like every day at the gas station, to me.

              Everyone walks in, oh so important, with their $100 bills and cell phones attached to their ears.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                Thank you, blas. I was going to say that was a regular occurrence at the C-Store. I loathe people who talk on their phone while I'm waiting on them. Loathe them. I only WISH we had one of those get off the phone signs like brucetiki mentioned!
                "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                • #9
                  Not a problem. And my gas station woes come from way back in 05-06, before everyone even had apps and super fancy phones. Like, the greatest thing back then was a damn Razr.

                  I used to think they thought I was a circus performer or a stripper, since they'd walk in and throw money at me.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    Quoth blas View Post
                    ...or a stripper, since they'd walk in and throw money at me.
                    In that business it's lots of ones, not hundreds.
                    I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                    Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                    Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                    • #11
                      I demanded a higher pay rate

                      Unfortunately, they always wanted change.
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                      • #12
                        Quoth brucetiki View Post
                        I've noticed more and more stores have a 'we won't serve you if you're on the phone' policy.
                        I'm sure Hannibal Lecter would be glad to serve someone who's on the phone - serve them with lima beans and a nice chianti.
                        Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                        • #13
                          Quoth dalesys View Post
                          In that business it's lots of ones, not hundreds.
                          Personal experience?
                          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

