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Immovable object

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  • Immovable object

    I'm in the process of cleaning up the house . . . going through stuff and designating it for sale in one form or another, donation to a charity, or throwing into the trash.

    So I bundle a box of movies and books together and trot them down to the very nice used bookstore we have in my area. You can get cash or store credit there, which I like very much, and the selection is really good. I don't go there often, though, because the parking situation is truly miserable.

    So I get there, get parked, and pick up my big and VERY heavy box of books to take into the store. A very nice gentleman holds the door open for me as I'm walking in and trying to balance the box and grab the door handle. As I walk in, there are two customers blocking the only path in (they were looking at displays).

    I say a polite, "excuse me," and the two customers immediately move out of my way.

    Whereupon a teenaged boy with a DVD/computer game in hand tries to push past them and me to get outside. I can't get past him, he can't get past me.

    We stand there, staring, for a moment, at each other. Neither of us move. Finally, the kid steps back and lets me past.

    Really . . . is it that hard to understand that the person carrying the heavy load has right of way?
    They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.

  • #2
    lol, maybe he was in bus mode. Off first, on second XD

