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Panda Sighting

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  • Panda Sighting

    So last night I decided to treat my family to delicious Panda Express, in an un-eventful adventure to the restaurant we expected no trouble, nor a troll at the store. Walking in we were greeted by the sound of a troll attempting to order her food. Every thing she ordered she wanted it to be different so in a two entree meal she wanted.. halves. So IE: 4 half entrees for EACH order she made. Once she was rejected by the staff she kept asking and each time, after being told no kept repeating "Ohhhh I KNOW you CAN do it, but you just will not do it, but that's... OK...." Bah I hate people like that, and I accidentally said a little too loud: Entitlement whore... That was greeted by the CBF, then she kept trying to haggle the price at the end.. Oh was so happy that her order was to go.
    Crono: sounds like the machine update became a clusterf*ck..
    pedersen: No. A clusterf*ck involves at least one pleasurable thing (the orgasm at the end).

  • #2
    Of course they CAN do it, they'd just charge you for 4 full entrees.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      Maybe Panda Express should employ a couple of guard dragons.
      Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


      • #4
        Geez, I love leftovers, especially Chinese food leftovers. Just order the full size and spread it out.

        I actually order full meals at the nearby restaurants for lunch. There aren't any cheap places to eat around here, so by buying the dinner I can stretch it over two or even three lunches and save money.
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #5
          I do know they can do half-and-half -- on rice. NOT on entrees! (EW is right.) Corporate policy.
          I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6

