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Lazy mailman

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  • #16
    Quoth blas View Post
    It all started because he refused to deliver mail if anyone's car was anywhere near the mailbox, because he didn't like to have to put any extra effort into parking next to the mailbox. Lazy ass. So Dad complained to the postmaster and actually tracked the guy down and had it out with him and got our mail. After that, our mail would mysteriously show up at the neighbor's house once every couple of months.

    If I'm ever awake on, say, a Friday at my parents' when the mailman comes (since no one else is there), and he can see me inside (very large windows), he'll make a dramatic show and pretend to struggle to fit his tiny little mailtruck by the mailbox because my car is "in the way". He does that any time he can see someone inside the house.

    Can I say, this dude needs to get fired.
    LINK (So I'm not accused of being a insider or anything else.)

    1.4Clear Approach

    Customers must keep the approach to their mailboxes clear of obstructions to allow safe access for delivery. If USPS employees are impeded in reaching a mail receptacle, the postmaster may withdraw delivery service.

    Subject to state laws and regulations, a curbside mailbox must be placed to allow safe and convenient delivery by carriers without leaving their vehicles. The box must be on the right-hand side of the road in the direction of travel of the carriers on any new rural route or highway contract route, in all cases where traffic conditions are dangerous for the carriers to drive to the left to reach the box, or where their doing so would violate traffic laws and regulations.
    Last edited by Aethian; 02-21-2012, 04:19 AM.


    • #17
      Registered mail is more expensive shipping and I believe is supposed to arrive a little bit faster than regular mail (not overnight or anything, but it's prioritized so it may arrive a day or two quicker depending on the route it has to travel). Because of that you'd think it was a better option.

      Nope, whenever there's a registered mail envelope the mail carrier doesn't even try to deliver it. He leaves one of those "Attempted delivery" notes in the box and then I have to go pick it up. If I'm working nights it's a hassle since the post office only stays open from 9am to 4pm.

      The sad thing is, I live about a block and half from a post office I could get to quick. But unfortunately it's not the right post office. I'm at the far end of my letter carrier's route and so the post office they deliver to is about 10 blocks away or so. Not even a quick drive in the car because the necessary post office is near the university and guess where all the parking spots get filled up?

      So far (knock on wood) I've been okay with actual packages. At least the larger ones too big for a mailbox. I think the postal service has a different guy to deliver those and I've never had any trouble receiving them. If it's envelope sized however, I'll have to go through the process above.
      Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart!


      • #18
        I park my car 15 or more feet from the mailbox. He's just being an ass.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #19
          Quoth blas View Post
          I park my car 15 or more feet from the mailbox. He's just being an ass.
          15 feet away, I know can get my car up to the mailbox to the newspaper tube. Those little mail trucks are at least as navigable as my car, if not more so since their front end is shorter. Your mailman is an ass.

          When you get within 10 feet, I start having trouble, but 15 feet should be fine.
          Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


          • #20
            After the first incidents of him refusing to deliver, my dad measured the space between parallel to the mailbox and to this tree. The tree is about 15 feet, so he said if I park my car and stop just before reaching parallel with the tree, I'm good.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #21
              Six months ago we moved into a block of new units. These aren't addressed like units, instead the units just have a single number on the front like normal houses. They look identical and are smooshed together though - it's OBVIOUS they're not actual, separate houses. Now the problem is that we're unit 2, and number 2 of our street is situated on the corner, so they're not immediately visible from the street itself.

              The amount of times we have received their mail, I've actually complained to Australia Post twice. Luckily I can walk over there and deliver their mail, but for god's sake, half the stuff we end up getting is their bills and envelopes marked "private and confidential"! It makes me really uncomfortable. Yet it still keeps happening. I taped a big note to our letterbox just now, after receiving their phone bill. Hopefully that will put an end to it.

