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Grumpy Taxi Driver

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  • Grumpy Taxi Driver

    So the last few days I've finally been back at work after a nasty viral infection. I've still got some sinus problems and still don't feel all that great.

    My routine is walk to train station, get train, get off train and walk 10-15 minutes or so to work. If I'm not feeling well I will grab a taxi at the train station instead (happened 5-6 times in six months). Its a small fare but I always tip about 33% on top to make it up to a somewhat decent fare amount.

    A lot of the Drivers look at me in disgust when I get in the car and say "but its only 5 minutes round the back of the station, you know that right?" to which I say, "yep, I'd usually walk but I'm not feeling up to it and I don't want to play dodge-the-truck on the industrial estate."

    Unfortunately the last 2 days I ended up with the same taxi (Its a taxi rank, I was going for the one in front, the driver was out of the car, I looked around and by the time he noticed and moved towards the car someone else gazumped me and nicked that taxi. Therefore I got the one behind).

    The first day he's all ok about it and agrees with me that some of the drivers on the industrial estate are awful. Especially since we see a near miss accident between a van, a lorry and a car all of whom seemed not to be aware of the others!

    The second day he launches into a tirade about how its another two hour wait for a fare and that the people who got into the ones in front look like they are going to (local Army Base) and that's a £20 fare he's missing out on. I'm relatively quiet during this and try not to respond in anyway (but I naturally have an expressionful face so probably looked miserable especially with how I was feeling).

    When I go to get out I've got the money out and end up giving him an extra £1 which means that hes got about 60% extra than is on the meter. He kinda gives me a CBF and says "sorry I am grumpy in the mornings, need more coffee".

    Whilst I appreciate the apology I am rather steamed about the tirade and the whole grumpy nature of most of the taxi drivers to start with. They have other options and other taxi ranks so if they aren't happy with the amount of work then they should be using those instead of all piling up at the station! (Especially when I often can't find a taxi at all at those other ranks!)
    I am so SO glad I was not present for this. There would have been an unpleasant duct tape incident. - Joi

  • #2
    Hell, with that attitude he isn't going to get one of those other fares, as soon as they see his grouchy face they'll change their minds about taking his taxi.

    Sorry you had to deal with that. Very irritating.
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


    • #3
      hugs. Try not to let it get you down, maybe he really did have other things going on to make him unusually grumpy, at least he apologized, sort of.

      Anyone driving a Taxi has to accept that some fares are going to be short & not worth much, and treat everyone the same anyway, just as a shop clerk working commission has to help all customers equally, knowing some will make huge purchases, other will leave with a pair of socks.

      Madness takes it's toll....
      Please have exact change ready.


      • #4
        I talk to the drivers a lot. Being physically disabled, I often need a taxi as I don't drive (could but my reflexes suck so bad I am not willing to risk killing someone). The grumpy ones only want the high dollar fares. But the best drivers have told me they prefer the small or mid range fares as you make more on average. Since the large fare trips are usually paid only one way, and therefore you lose out making money the whole way back. When I did my grocery shopping, I always tipped the guys who had the courtesy to help me with the bags (helped them also since they got the cab emptied quicker. They would put them right by my door for me.)
        I've had drivers that would flat out claim they were there to pick me up specifically even when there were a bunch of people, And told me it was because they knew I would tip, and the other mobs were perfectly healthy, but wouldn't take their bags out of the trunk (boot?) or tip for help. (Drivers are not required to help - just to drive. )


        • #5
          Yeah, sorry you had to listen to this ... but he did apologize ... sort of, as Merriweather says!

          When I visit my mother I always feel guilty about taking a taxi for a short trip, but a sensible taxi driver will understand that not all trips are going to be across the city. I make it a point to always tip well (for some odd reason, taxis in My Hometown -- probably the most economically depressed area in the province -- are some of the nicest, cleanest, most up-to-date I've ever seen) and have never had any mutterings about short trips from any of the drivers. Hopefully he is embarrassed enough that he won't mention it again if you get him again.


          • #6
            Thanks guys. Its not getting me down, I was just still a little steamed and thought it would be a good tale for here too.

            I've got a Taxi driver friend in my hometown who says the same thing - Thats the job! put up with it!

            I am so SO glad I was not present for this. There would have been an unpleasant duct tape incident. - Joi


            • #7
              My uncle owned and drove a limo in Glen Ellen/Chicago for decades. He liked short drives, it meant he could use the smaller limo instead of the huge stretch job. Less gas, better profit.
              EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


              • #8
                Quoth Teskeria View Post
                But the best drivers have told me they prefer the small or mid range fares as you make more on average.
                An old saying about getting rich is, "A fast quarter is better than a slow dollar."
                "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                • #9
                  I drive a taxi at the moment myself. My (four month) experience is that it averages out. For every short drive there will be a lot of medium length and a few long ones. At payday it won't matter.
                  Then too, the people who are just going around the corner will usually tip well.
                  My personal record in short rides was a man with a broken leg. He had just come out of the hospital and wanted to go to the closest train station. He didn't know, but the closest station was just 100 meters away around the corner. He was hurting, so of course I drove him to the station and helped him down on the platform. He did tip 50%, which is high considered that tips are included in the fare in Denmark.

