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Not very bright for would-be uni students are you???

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  • Not very bright for would-be uni students are you???

    So classes are due to start on Monday and of course, that has my sister (first year undergraduate) and me (first year postgraduate), very excited. We're both doing education degrees in exactly the same fields, the only differences being that my course goes for 2 years while hers goes for 4, I get less field experience overall than she does (except that about half of hers is all observation, while mine consists of maybe 1-2 weeks observation and the remaining four to six weeks teaching) and I do some topics that are postgraduate only, while she does the undergraduate equivalent.

    Our university has a database of sorts that students can either submit assignments, discuss the classes, fire off interesting debates and such or even contact tutors and other students, however seeing some of the stuff up there at the moment is making me wonder just how bright some of the students actually are. (some of you may be familiar with the system: we used to use WebCT up until this year, which has been replaced with what I THINK is Moodle)

    In addition to the topics I'm studying, I also have access to an area set up separately for the field placements (every education student has this) and every time you miss a lecture that contains important information for those field placements, you have to complete a declaration saying that you understand the material. For the first and third year students, the lectures are linked to a particular topic: the topic in question varies according to your program of study and also if you're a primary or middle school/secondary student. For the individual topics themselves, some tutors have already started to get discussions going.

    (quick note: when I say first-year, I mean first-year undergrad. My degree pretty much has me doing the third and fourth year topics, plus several postgrad topics)

    Here's where the stupidity comes in:

    -Even though classes haven't started yet (and the undergrads actually don't have their field placement lectures for another 2-3 weeks!) about 20-30 people have pre-emptively posted declarations before the semester has even started. That applies for both the first-year froshies AND the third-year students (which is about the equivalent of a first-year postgrad student).

    -For one of my topics, the head of the topic has already posted up a little discussion to get us thinking about the topic ahead. There was a short reading and we were encouraged to respond. Someone asked if we had to read it before the first workshop (which is either on Monday, Thursday or Friday), which was understandable. Another student however, started up a new thread AND posted in both the threads already running, asking where the short reading actually WAS. It was in the top right hand corner of the original post. I was wondering why she didn't look there in the first place!

    -In the third-year field placement section, we have our own separate area to post declarations. A few questions have popped up, asking what time, where and if it applied to them. The co-ordinator has ALREADY responded in kind, explaining that the primary students have their own session and it's here, the middle school/secondary students have their session here and so on. One first-year student asked "I'm studying <topic that all first-year undergrads regardless of what year level they're teaching take> and it says that my lecture's on Wednesday, why isn't a Monday lecture on my timetable?"

    What. The. Fark.

    Seriously, if the section SAYS "third year undergrad/first year MTeach students", it should be CLEAR that it doesn't apply to you!

    (and for the record, my sister understands perfectly that she doesn't have lectures for a few weeks and that her lectures are in a different time-slot and location)
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...

  • #2
    Perhaps they should all be graded on "Reads and follows directions well."
    "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


    • #3
      Quoth Ironclad Alibi View Post
      Perhaps they should all be graded on "Reads and follows directions well."
      Funnily enough, both of the undergrad topics (and I suspect one of my postgrad topics) requires me to actively participate in the workshops, so I suspect that we'll have to read and follow instructions anyway!
      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

      Now queen of USSR-Land...


      • #4
        Oh man, an update from this morning.

        I had my first field placement lecture.

        First thing out of the lecturers mouth: "Is there anybody here doing Middle School/Secondary degrees? If you are, then you need to go down to <location>." About HALF of the theatre got up and left. I kid you not.

        It actually does say in whatever topic that's linked to the field placement lectures, WHEN the lectures are on as well as WHERE. It actually does say ether <location 1> or <location 2>
        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

        Now queen of USSR-Land...


        • #5
          Quoth fireheart View Post
          First thing out of the lecturers mouth: "Is there anybody here doing Middle School/Secondary degrees? If you are, then you need to go down to <location>." About HALF of the theatre got up and left. I kid you not.
          Read and follow the directions? That's for the little $%^&*%@$#*&@'s I'm going to teach, not ME!
          I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
          Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
          Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


          • #6
            Quoth dalesys View Post
            Read and follow the directions? That's for the little $%^&*%@$#*&@'s I'm going to teach, not ME!
            Fortunately the folks in my English class COULD follow instructions: rock up in time, sit down and shuddup. (on a side note, my English lecturer rocks!)

            But yeah, that was a very unique moment. (the secondary students have slightly different placement needs to the primary and early childhood folks)

            On top of that, for my PE class of doom that's starting this week, we all received an email saying that we had to dress up in sports gear since it's a practical class (so trackies, sports shoes and t-shirts. I'm wearing a plain black skirt that could pass for a netball skirt, with a t-shirt and sneakers). Apparently according to my sister (also taking said class, but at a different time to me thankfully), a few of her class rocked up in jeans.

            Yes. Jeans. Now you would expect to be running around and participating in the activities that are being taught as part of the class. Depending on the cut of the jeans, that would've been interesting.
            The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

            Now queen of USSR-Land...


            • #7
              Quoth fireheart View Post
              Apparently according to my sister (also taking said class, but at a different time to me thankfully), a few of her class rocked up in jeans.

              Yes. Jeans. Now you would expect to be running around and participating in the activities that are being taught as part of the class. Depending on the cut of the jeans, that would've been interesting.
              Hey now, I wore jeans to the college gym class I took to round out a loose hour I needed for graduation. Of course, they were the same type of jeans I wore for scouting activities, loose fit on the legs and breathe well.
              The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
              "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
              Hoc spatio locantur.


              • #8
                Quoth Geek King View Post
                Hey now, I wore jeans to the college gym class I took to round out a loose hour I needed for graduation. Of course, they were the same type of jeans I wore for scouting activities, loose fit on the legs and breathe well.
                If they were loose fit I could understand, but given the trend of late for people to be wearing skinny jeans around campus....

                Friday morning is going to be VERY interesting....(my own PE class)
                The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                Now queen of USSR-Land...


                • #9
                  Quoth fireheart View Post
                  If they were loose fit I could understand, but given the trend of late for people to be wearing skinny jeans around campus....
                  Then they get what they deserve. Much like the people we used to laugh at, who would wear designer (inappropriate) clothes and flip-flops on 14-mile wilderness hikes.
                  The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                  "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                  Hoc spatio locantur.


                  • #10
                    Mebbee they were jeggings?
                    Don't wanna; not gonna.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Geek King View Post
                      Then they get what they deserve. Much like the people we used to laugh at, who would wear designer (inappropriate) clothes and flip-flops on 14-mile wilderness hikes.
                      You got that too, huh?

                      In my case, it was on the mandatory hike at our church's girls' camp the year I was in charge of the 12- and 13-year-olds (I was 17 at the time). Despite the information sheets from the church leadership telling everyone what to pack for the four-day camping trip (grubby clothes, clothes you don't mind getting dirty, sneakers, no fancy stuff, etc.), I had at least one girl on the hike who, halfway through when it started drizzling, whined and stood under a tree complaining that she was wearing her good school clothes and sandals and refused to go any further. At this point we were about as far away from the campsite as we could get, too, so I'm not sure what she thought complaining was going to accomplish.

                      We finally got her moving again by telling her that she could stay there if she wanted, but the rest of us were going to finish the hike and we could send a leader back for her later. She decided she didn't like that and finished the hike, griping about her clothes getting dirty the whole way.
                      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                      • #12
                        Who would wear designer clothes on a wilderness hike?

                        Dumbbunnies, of course.
                        Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                        • #13
                          And a few people wore jeans today.

                          Fortunately about 95% of the class rocked up in sensible gear (I was the only one in a skirt, everyone else had on trackies)
                          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                          Now queen of USSR-Land...


                          • #14
                            OT: This reminds me of the girl who turned up for abseiling at a camp wearing a short skirt.

                            Those of us who had been before took pity on her and had a quiet word with her and her friends about how you will be heading down a cliff with everyone below you looking up (in theory. Don't get me started) and making sure you are ok while decending

                            Fortunately she took the hint quickly
                            It's like trying to get laid by showing a girl your resume.
                            Look, I was good at Biology and Woodwork.
                            So I know where stuff is and I'm good with my hands.

                            - Dan, The Gruen Transfer


                            • #15
                              Another stupid uni student moment today.

                              In my special education topic, we'd finished having a guest speaker from the EDucation Department about how to report your fears and referrals and whatnot. So after that, our tutor/convenor gets up and talks about two upcoming assessments. One of those assessments is a quiz. He then goes "The quiz will have 7 essay questions, 3 multiple-choice questions and 1 true-false question".
                              Someone raises their hand and goes "How many questions is that?"

                              On a more positive note, I have a class clown. He's this guy who's in most of my classes and he hams it up BIG time. In my music class, we're often tasked with doing funny things, like making a "wild ruckus" (from where the wild things are) or similar. I should also add that he rides his bike to uni. This is important.
                              The music lesson the other week had us creating that "wild ruckus" in groups. He wasn't in my group, but while my group stuck to simple ideas (banging three tables together, pounding a chair and so on), he decides to put his bike helmet on, grab his chair, bang the seat on his helmet and adopting a gorilla face and stance.
                              Today he was telling one of the other ladies in my course (who's in most of my classes) about our assessment for special ed (we're doing it together) which involves putting together a powerpoint presentation about a disability group (our group is doing hearing impairment). He starts telling her how it's an "experiential" assignment: we go down to the medical centre nearby and they start messing with us. And he's so nonchalant about it, I'm just standing there with a grin on my face not to give the game away.

                              The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                              Now queen of USSR-Land...

