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Self Sighting

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  • Self Sighting

    I've been kind of a jerk lately, and I don't know why. I can't apologize to the people I was a jerk to, so I'm apologizing to you.

    1. The grocery store I use has a loyalty card. The receipt prints out with your name and the cashier is required to say, "Thank you for shopping with us today, Miss Fatale."

    I usually just smile and say thanks, even if they mispronounce my name, because who cares?

    Sunday, I went to the store, and the cashier said, "Thanks for shopping with us today, Miss Fatal."

    Instead of saying thanks, I said "Close enough," which then led to the cashier asking how to say my name properly, and then me explaining.

    In the long run, who cares? Why did I have to correct the cashier? I'm sorry for being a jerk.

    2. Yesterday I went to the tea store. I got a ton of tea for $30. I was really happy. When the cashier told me my total, I said "Great!" then turned to Mr. Fatale and said, "That's awesome, I'm used to Teavana where it's $15 for just two ounces."

    Mr. Fatale said the cashier looked very unhappy when I said that.

    I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be a jerk. I was really happy to get the tea.

  • #2
    My last name gets butchered all the time (French name that the family Americanized the pronunciation of). Sometimes it bugs me but I've heard it butchered so much over the years it rarely does. Having said that, I've been on both sides of that one.
    Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
    Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


    • #3
      I don't get how you were a jerk in the second story, at all. You were saying you got a great deal. As a cashier, I'd probably respond something like, "Cool. I'm glad we saved you some money!" It makes me happy when my customers find good deals.
      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


      • #4
        The cashier could have thought she as bragging that she usually buys tea where it is much more expensive.


        • #5
          I often teasingly tell my husband that I married him for his easy to pronounce and spell last name. My maiden name is apparently nearly impossible to pronounce and it's only 5 letters long! I'd gotten so used to it being mangled that in common everyday transactions, I'd just shrug it off. I only corrected teachers and other officials - often times, ticking 'em off. Hey, you getting it right is important for X or Y reason! It saves us both paperwork fixing it down the road!

          And.. I've done something akin to the second part. I didn't MEAN to make anyone feel bad, but I just don't always THINK before speaking. Like I went to Taco Bell to place an order. Said item was out and I said, "You're out of X? Okay, I'll take a Y instead." And wound up with 10% off because of it. Kinda stunned me, but Hubby said they did it because I sounded angry. Umm.. okay... didn't mean to, honest. I just couldn't put much pep in the ol' voice because I was tired and it was late at night.
          If I make no sense, I apologize. I'm constantly interrupted by an actual toddler.


          • #6
            Ok um... so where's the suck again?

            1) It's OK to tell people how to pronounce your name. If I can't pronounce a customer's name I'll try to ask, or call them "ma'am" or "sir" instead. I personally hate butchering names because mine gets butchered so much.

            I mean sure I'll laugh about it but ... I respect those who make an effort to learn.

            I often teasingly tell my husband that I married him for his easy to pronounce and spell last name.
            my bf's name is like mine - long & Polish. The only difference is that it's actually pronounced the way it looks. So yeah it might be easier but not by much.

            2) Unhappy cashier? Considering you just gave THEM the sale and not Tevana perhaps the cashier should rethink being annoyed about your compliment on their prices. Technically they're stealing Tevana's customers so they shouldn't really pout so much about it.

            i mean sure i love their tea too... but my wallet does not. which is why i've only purchased theirs twice. (same for TeaNY too). all of my tea now is from the grocery store.
            Last edited by PepperElf; 02-28-2012, 02:08 PM.

