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It's not deliver! It's...ok, no, it's just not delivery...

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  • It's not deliver! It's...ok, no, it's just not delivery...

    Ok, another thread, while I'm remembering it and on break.

    Last month, in February around the 10th or 11th, the boyfriend xx_wolfie_xx (wolfie!) and I were wandering the mall. We passed on of those booths that are offering promotional deals and stuff, and one such deal was weekend local paper delivery, Thursday - Sunday, for $9.99. We usually get the papers JUST on the weekends because I like to coupon, and read a couple sections that have the upcoming free/low cost events I like to go to.

    We discussed it, and ended up signing up for the weekend deal, AFTER talking to the guy and explaining we live in an apartment, that's tucked out of the way, is that a problem? He said no, the charge would run in a few days, and delivery would start a week after that, and we'd get the 4 weeks worth for $9.99 before the card would be charged again. Ok, good deal.

    The charge came out on February 14th. So, we figured if it didn't start on the 16th, it'd start on the 23rd, since that was 1 week after, right?

    Well, say it starts on the 23rd, we SHOULD have 8, if not 12 papers by this point. in that time? We've received ONE Saturday paper.


    Funny thing is, we got an automated call after the deliveries started, asking if we were getting our papers. all the buttons were pushed saying no, and we were promised a rep would be SURE to take care of it.

    another week. No papers.

    we called last Saturday, explained, and were promised a credit of all the papers, except the one we received, and we were told the papers would be delivered correctly from now on.

    Last sunday, March 4, I was in the apartment, and wolfie's phone went off and I answered. It was the delivery guy. He said "I deliver in that area all the time, and you ALWAYS have locked doors in the complex, and so I go towards the office which is also locked, and instead I just throw it over YOUR fence)

    Couple of notes here:

    1. we have no doors, locked or otherwise, leading into the complex.
    2. it's not THAT hard to find our apartment. Go to mailboxes, walk in, turn left, there we are!!
    3. Our fence doesn't face the street he's talking about, it faces ANOTHER street.

    I tried to explain to him, remaining polite, because I know it's a bit confusing. Our address is 123 A Street, but our back fence faces B street instead. I tried to tell him that if he threw it over a fence, it wasn't ours, and he was essentially giving the papers we paid for to strangers.

    His response to that?

    "No, ma'am, it IS your fence. if you see a blue bag don't throw it away because THAT is your PAAAPER."


    He kept talking over me and talking down to me until I couldn't get a word in edgewise.

    Now, wolfie had been switching out laundry in the laundry room while this was going on, and I had walked outside to try and flag the guy down if necessary, and wolfie saw me. He asked what was going on, and I handed him the phone.

    He tried to pull the condescending BS with wolfie, and tried talking down to him, too. He even told wolfie to STOP calling the main newspaper office! That if he had any issues to call him, the delivery guy, directly! What the hell??

    Argh, yeah, right. we called the office again, and complained about the guy, and explained he'd have to actually, omg, get out of his car and DELIVER the paper to US. He tried to tell wolfie he was just concerned about our neighbors stealing it. Except...he was essentially doing the same by tossing it over random fences!! Ugh, just ugh. They do door delivery, we know they do, because we got ONE paper delivered before, so what the hell is going on?

    We're going to give them 1 more week, and if we get no papers starting tomorrow? We're cancelling and requiring ALL our money back.

    I like to think we did everything right. We confirmed that our address may be confusing and were told it was no big deal, and we gave them that extra week, just in case, but nothing.

    So, cross your fingers, and let's see how it plays out tomorrow, shall we?

  • #2
    D: You'd think he'd listen to you better, because they dock his pay every time a complaint comes in. What a jerk!
    By popular request....I am now officially the Enemy of Normalcy.

    "What is unobtainium? To Seraph, it's a normal client. :P" -- Observant Friend


    • #3
      Yeep, what a pain! I'm lucky, I don't have many problems. Though for some reason, they keep putting my papers under one of the front tires of the car Mother backed in one night because they were saying snow... It was behind the front passenger tire the next morning. Like, BEHIND it. I guess they don't want other people seeing it beyond us... Which is nice... But it somehow ended up ENTIRELY under the car yesterday and I thought someone had pilfered my paper
      Look, a signature!

      If every cashier in the world went on strike, retail would come to a screeching halt, even if for a couple hours.


      • #4
        Quoth Seraph View Post
        D: You'd think he'd listen to you better, because they dock his pay every time a complaint comes in. What a jerk!
        Exactly. We have to pay for those papers. (Which is why when I caught a newspaper thief in the act one morning, I chased her down and gave her a few pieces of my mind!)

        Difficult addresses suck to find, especially in the dark, but since you warned them, they should have been able to figure it out. And when he called you, there was no excuse to argue. I mean, you're the ones living there and know what you're talking about!

        There have actually been a couple instances where, for the life of me, I could not find the address, and I could only narrow it down two possibilities (no building numbers I could find on either house, nothing even on the utility boxes...grrrrr! WTF is wrong with you people?!?). If I got a complaint, I figured I guessed wrong and delivered to the other house. Boom, no more complaints after that. Problem solved.

        Quoth ThirdGenRetail View Post
        Yeep, what a pain! I'm lucky, I don't have many problems. Though for some reason, they keep putting my papers under one of the front tires of the car Mother backed in one night because they were saying snow... It was behind the front passenger tire the next morning. Like, BEHIND it. I guess they don't want other people seeing it beyond us... Which is nice... But it somehow ended up ENTIRELY under the car yesterday and I thought someone had pilfered my paper
        I try not to land them under the cars, but sometimes they slide. If it is icy or snowy, they will slide much farther, and it's hard to control where they land. I usually aim for next to the cars, but sometimes I miss.
        Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


        • #5
          Ooohhh, I didn't know pay got docked for every complaint! That makes a lot of sense. Also makes sense why he told us to stop calling the main office, and just call him directly instead.

          Well, Thursday. We're supposed to have weekday papers delivered by 6 am, weekends by 7 am. Wolfie left the house at 6:15, I left at 6:50. Guess wasn't at our door?

          I even paused while walking to the bus stop to the "first entrance" the delivery guy said he was throwing the paper into over that fence and peeked in. NO paper, no blue bag, nothing.

          Wolfie is calling on his lunch break today to cancel the service, and to ask for all our money back (save for the ONE Saturday paper we received). I'm kinda bummed because I do like to coupon, it's how I try new products here and there, or get deals on stuff we like, but usually don't snag because of pricing. I'm not an extreme couponer by any stretch, but damn.

          Part of the nudge that got us to sign up for this service, is the guy at the mall kiosk said coupons hit on Thursdays ANY Sundays, and we'd only been buying Sunday's paper since we both have that day off from work. I wanted to see a Thursday coupon insert.

          *scuffs the floor with her shoe and grumbles*


          • #6
            Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
            I wanted to see a Thursday coupon insert.

            *scuffs the floor with her shoe and grumbles*
            Well, stop at a store and grab one on Thusrsday morning then. They still sell papers during the week. Silly Lupo!
            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
            Hoc spatio locantur.


            • #7
              Quoth Geek King View Post
              Well, stop at a store and grab one on Thusrsday morning then. They still sell papers during the week. Silly Lupo!
              Logically I know that makes sense, but dangit I paid to have it delivered, so I wouldn't have to run out the door even EARLIER, and walk to the corner store 15 minutes away that's along the same bus route I need.

              CONVENIENCE!! I wants it...


              • #8
                Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                Ooohhh, I didn't know pay got docked for every complaint! That makes a lot of sense. Also makes sense why he told us to stop calling the main office, and just call him directly instead.
                Basically, you end up paying for that paper. In essence, contract carriers are buying papers at price A, and selling them at price B for a small profit.

                So, if I buy a paper for 25 cents and sell it for 30 cents, I make a 5-cent profit. However, if the customer calls in and says they didn't get their paper for whatever reason (I forgot/it was stolen/the wind blew it away), then I don't get that 30-cent credit. So rather than just losing my 5-cent profit I would normally take home on my check, I'm actually losing 30 cents.

                That's a simplistic view of the system (there's also car comp, tips, newspaper bag charges, lots of other stuff I can't think of off-hand that all shows up on my statement), but it does provide some incentive to make sure you get your deliveries right!
                Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


                • #9
                  Which means... it's in his best interest to actually *deliver* the paper instead of being a lazy jerk

                  and in this case he'll likely lose all of his money from their order cos he delivered one paper. ... which makes me wonder, if he was able to deliver it once why couldn't he find it a second time?


                  • #10
                    Maybe someone else did the delivery that day.


                    • #11
                      Quoth PepperElf View Post
                      ... which makes me wonder, if he was able to deliver it once why couldn't he find it a second time?
                      Quoth Solumina View Post
                      Maybe someone else did the delivery that day.

                      That's something we were wondering, and Solumina may be right.

                      *sigh* We called and cancelled. NO word whether or not we're going to be reimbursed yet or not, but gonna call again on Monday. They were sure quick to TAKE our money and not provide service. Wolfie says when he called to cancel, they asked why he was asking to cancel the service and he said "in the few weeks we've had the subscription we've received ONE paper"

                      They said "Ok, is cancelled" and pretty much ended the call. No talk of refunds for services not received. We'll see how this goes, I guess. Blegh


                      • #12
                        Should have called back immediately to say you want a refund. You don't say it you better not expect one.


                        • #13
                          We were already promised credit on the previous papers we never received. We're giving them until Monday, and calling back if nothing changes. But we will fight it. Sure, it's only $10, but still, we paid that expected papers to be delivered...


                          • #14
                            Quoth Geek King View Post
                            Well, stop at a store and grab one on Thusrsday morning then. They still sell papers during the week. Silly Lupo!
                            Locally, the newspapers sold in the stores usually have smaller inserts with fewer coupons. To get all the coupons, you have to get home delivery.
                            Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                            HR believes the first person in the door
                            Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                            Document everything
                            CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                            • #15
                              I signed up for two subscriptions on a special deal, also because I coupon. I was supposed to receive delivery on Thursday, Friday and Sunday. So far, I have received my two newspapers the last two Sundays; none before that. I have received one newspaper on Thursday and Friday, also only for the last two weeks. I've called, but most of it I did online. Once I started requesting credits for the newspapers I hadn't received, I kind of ended up with a personal CSR. It took almost a month for the newspapers to start showing up. I gave them a description of the location, told them they could leave them on the front lawn with my neighbor's paper and he would give them to me, even suggested they check Google street view.
                              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                              HR believes the first person in the door
                              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                              Document everything
                              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

