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Nice Weather + Theater = Annoyances

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  • Nice Weather + Theater = Annoyances

    What a lovely sunny day today was. Our city hit the upper 60s, the sun was shining and I was excited to see Mission Impossible 4 at the 2-dollar theater. What could possibly go wrong? Oh wait, where was I again? Forgive me if this is a little hodge-podge, I'm trying to type with a kitty laying across my arms.

    So I go to the theater this lovely Sunday afternoon. Lot of people, lots of families and lots of kids. As in, lots of kids. Including a fussy baby. Dammit, people, I'm not going to suggest you keep your family at home, but at least keep them quiet. And might I suggest, a movie with gunshots and explosions may not be suitable for the wee one fussing in your lap. At least wee one fell asleep early in the movie. And I can understand, for I too enjoy snoozing to the soothing sounds of a prison riot on the big screen.

    After the movie, I made a quick stop to the bathroom and while throwing something away, did the stupid move of standing too close to the door. *Bam* "Oops, soooorrrryy!* Don't worry, I'm not injured, just...ouch. And I should've known better.

    I made my way to the exit. The exit consists of 2 double-doors. *Bam* Lady is standing in one of the doorways, chatting away. In the other door, 3 kids are jumping inside the door...then outside the door...then inside the door...then outside the door.... *Bam* Lady sees me waiting and shoos the kids away so people can, you know, exit.

    Ah, what a beautiful day! Lookit that sun! Feel the warm weather! Ahhhhh...wait, is that a dog barking? Why yes it is! A cute little wiener dog that someone left locked in their car while they went and saw a movie. Granted, it was only 68F or so, but inside a car still gets HOT, there's no shelter, and the assholes didn't even bother to crack a window.

    So I go back inside and find a manager. Who, I might add, clearly had no idea what to do with the upset woman complaining about a dog locked in a car. He tells me the movies are letting out now, so someone should come to the car soon. Well at least the dog didn't seem to be in too much distress. Is it wrong of me to hope doggie pissed on the seat?
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

  • #2
    Quoth bainsidhe View Post
    Is it wrong of me to hope doggie pissed on the seat?
    If so, I'm wrong, too.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      My sister and I were driving up to Alabama for a funeral. We stopped at a hotel for the night, and noticed that we could hear a dog crying if we stood outside. We wandered across a field toward a Pizza Hut and found that someone had left a tiny puppy in the back of their pickup on an EXTREMELY cold night. The poor thing was whining and crying, and we were seriously considering taking it (or calling the cops or something). However, the idiot owners came out at that point and drove off with the puppy still in the back of the pickup.


      • #4
        You guys are gonna scream about this, I wanted to, too.

        I've gone to the gym and, while walking to the door, have heard barking, and seen accessory dogs sitting in the front seats of vehicles.

        Seriously? Seriously? Gym time may not be as long as a big shopping trip or a movie, but why did you bring your dog with you and leave it in the car?!
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Quoth bainsidhe View Post
          Ah, what a beautiful day! Lookit that sun! Feel the warm weather! Ahhhhh...wait, is that a dog barking? Why yes it is! A cute little wiener dog that someone left locked in their car while they went and saw a movie. Granted, it was only 68F or so, but inside a car still gets HOT, there's no shelter, and the assholes didn't even bother to crack a window.

          So I go back inside and find a manager. Who, I might add, clearly had no idea what to do with the upset woman complaining about a dog locked in a car. He tells me the movies are letting out now, so someone should come to the car soon. Well at least the dog didn't seem to be in too much distress. Is it wrong of me to hope doggie pissed on the seat?
          Yes, it's wrong - to take halfway measures. I'd hope that doggie got frustrated, shredded the seats, and dropped a deuce.
          Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


          • #6
            I always leave my puppies home. Weiner dogs too. Now when we just has Sterling, he was annoying as hell. Now that we have Karuso, he calmed down. They need buddies (human or another dog). Only time I left the dog in the car was when I took a quick trip to the store for some smokes. Otherwise, they stay at home. Poor animals.


            • #7
              Quoth wolfie View Post
              I'd hope that doggie got frustrated, shredded the seats, and dropped a deuce.
              Preferably down the seat belt hole where it'll require tearing out the whole seat to clean it out.
              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
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              A page we can all agree with!

