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I loathe the gym because of people like this

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  • I loathe the gym because of people like this

    I'm quite happy to actually to do my workouts, esp when I have a sched to follow and I am trying to be less lazy.. But, just like anywhere else (my job for one), there are people who think they are better than everyone else. This chick is the worst I ran into for a while.

    Here's a 3 part story about her:

    Chapter One: Her Driving
    I sometimes have horrid road rage when people in front of me go 10 miles under the speed limit. But I was pretty calm since I wasn't in a rush. This lady in her GMC Tahoe was riding my ass the whole time. Finally out of the one lane road I get in the right turn lane. The lady still up my ass. I finally make a lovely turn and speed up to 40 mph. Shes way behind. I miss the green light of course and shes next to me. We go around the circle, shes trying to get in front of me. Tough shit. She gets behind me. I finally get to the turn for the gym and take my time turning. Haha. Thought I lost her. Nope. She uses the other enrty and is again back behind me. We park in the same row, just me a bit aways from the gym entrance while shes parked closer. Bah!!!

    Chapter Two: The Old Guy with a Cane
    She zooms right past him and I. I let him go through first cause again, wasn't in a rush to workout. I let him get signed in first, even though he was a bit slow. My job has taught me a bit of patience when there is no rush. He was done but getting his stuff put away I go around him (nicely) and get to the back to stretch and do my workout.

    Chapter Three: The Workout
    I just finshed stretching. She was on the tredmil doing a slow walk (kept my eye on her just in case) and she comes up to where I was standing. Now, since it was morning, no one was on the otherside of the back area. She just wanted to intimidate me. HA! She picks up a 5lb dumbell and does these little workouts (I mean, she wasn't even sweating or panting like I was). I have 2 12lb dumbells, I think I win in the case of muscle and strength. She had the "I'm prettier than you, smarter than you, skinnier than you, richer than you" attitude. Sorry, the only good thing about you was that you weren't a twig. And if you wanted to be, the way you are working out isn't the way to do it. I don't care about money that much. As long as I can pay my bills and eat, I'm ok. The gym and my trainer is just a nice thing to do for myself, esp when I want to better my life. You are prolly smarter than me in some areas, I'll give you that. But I'm not some stupid bitch who thinks I'm better than everyone else. And beauty isn't whats on the outside. She was only there for like 20 min. I guess she realized that I'm not intimidated by her.

  • #2
    Quoth cashierbex View Post
    She was only there for like 20 min. I guess she realized that I'm not intimidated by her.
    If I didn't know better I'd say you just met my sister in law.....she brags on fb about her amazing and oh so difficult workouts*, that burn 150-200 calories(yes she posts what the machines say she burned), and then whines when she gains any weight.....

    *she's 24 and has zero physical problems, just no concept of anything, she was actually shocked that to burn a pound takes 3600 calories burned, and further shocked when she found out my work commute burns close to 1000 calories, and I do that EVERY DAY!
    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


    • #3
      Fragging Heck.

      MY workouts are tougher than hers, and I'm sure you all know at least vaguely about my physical problems.
      Seshat's self-help guide:
      1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
      2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
      3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
      4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

      "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


      • #4
        At the athletic club, most people's workouts include running their damn mouths (while blocking workout equipment). Blah blah blah blah blah for hours.

        Puhlease. If talking burned that many calories, I'd be thin as a feather.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          I guess her "workout" consists of trying to one-up people. Wonder how many calories that burns?
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            It was just pathetic. Little kids workout harder than that.


            • #7
              Maybe she was stalking you. Sounds like a story similar to that old Spielberg move called "Duel".


              • #8
                Definitely sounds a bit like the kind of person who's there just to show off rather than being there for the actual health benefit.
                "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)


                • #9
                  Quoth cashierbex View Post
                  She just wanted to intimidate me. HA! She picks up a 5lb dumbell and does these little workouts (I mean, she wasn't even sweating or panting like I was). I have 2 12lb dumbells, I think I win in the case of muscle and strength. She had the "I'm prettier than you, smarter than you, skinnier than you, richer than you" attitude.
                  Weird. I've had that happen a few times, and I've never understood it. I'm competitive, but I guess I just never learned to play those games. It always seems to be really tiny brittle looking women who try that with me though (at least those are the ones I notice), and I'm always puzzled because it's pretty obvious I could hip-check them into the middle of next week. I treat them like small, very nervous, and probably bitey dogs to be totally honest! (Slow movements, don't show fear, don't engage, don't show aggression... )

                  Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                  she brags on fb about her amazing and oh so difficult workouts*, that burn 150-200 calories
                  ... I'm pretty sure I burn more than that just breathing...

                  Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                  my work commute burns close to 1000 calories, and I do that EVERY DAY!
                  Nice! Cycling, I take it? That's the BEST way to get to work - and if you have a tough day you can really hammer it on the way home and get it out of your system. That's how it works for me, anyway!

                  I have no idea how many calories I burn biking. All I can tell you is I get *really* hungry and my clothes never seem to get any tighter no matter how much I eat. How did you figure yours out?
                  Last edited by Buglady; 03-19-2012, 02:49 AM. Reason: ADHD


                  • #10
                    Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                    If I didn't know better I'd say you just met my sister in law.....she brags on fb about her amazing and oh so difficult workouts*, that burn 150-200 calories(yes she posts what the machines say she burned)

                    and further shocked when she found out my work commute burns close to 1000 calories, and I do that EVERY DAY!
                    Even my slow walk to work burns more than her workouts!
                    I am so SO glad I was not present for this. There would have been an unpleasant duct tape incident. - Joi


                    • #11
                      At work, I walk a mile to, and a mile from my favorite taco stand.

                      Yes, the energy used to work to and from the taco stand is defeated by consuming said tacos, but they sure are delicious! And its also lunchtime anyways. The energy used to walk there reduces the caloric intake of my lunch significantly.


                      • #12
                        I burn more calories then that screaming at idiots when i play left 4 dead..
                        If anyone breaks the three pint rule, they'll be running all night to the pisser and back.


                        • #13
                          I get so annoyed by other people when I'm at the gym. The people I detest the most? Are the sweaty people who sweat all over the place and then don't wipe down the machine. That alone turns my stomach


                          • #14
                            Quoth Buglady View Post

                            Nice! Cycling, I take it? That's the BEST way to get to work - and if you have a tough day you can really hammer it on the way home and get it out of your system. That's how it works for me, anyway! <snip>How did you figure yours out?
                            yup, as to how I figured it out, speedometer on the bike and time I spend on it..

                            basic chart for speed and weight

                            and if you want to get fancy-here's a calculator that allows for multiple activities(for example if you bike to work and take a walk on your lunch then hit the gym for a quick workout) to figure out total daily calories burned.
                            Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                            • #15
                              A friend of mine at my TKD school and I like to compete on how sweaty we get during class, and how loud we can be when we yell on kicks and strikes.

                              It's the best we can do. We're both rather overweight, and will never be the next Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee.
                              They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.

