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How dare employees have time to themselves?!?!

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  • How dare employees have time to themselves?!?!

    Ok, so Saturday I had to go into the Evil Empire, aka Wally World. I normally do not under any circumstances go into that store, mainly because of the way they treated my best friend when he worked there. But my mother really needed her perscriptions, so I went to pick them up for her. I get there around 1345 and the Pharmacy is closed. A very obvious sign says "closed from 1300-1400 Saturdays for lunch." No biggie right?

    So the employees come back and there is a nice elderly lady standing off to the side (not in line) all of a sudden I hear her daughter (late 30s to mid 40s) scream "MOTHER DON'T YOU DARE PAY FOR ANYTHING, WHAT THE DID WAS NOT RIGHT!"

    I of course am thinking, huh?

    No keep in mind, the elderly lady was not picking up any perscriptions, just some over the counter stuff they keep behind the counter. Well aparaently the daughter was NOT happy they had to wait for the pharmacy to re-open to get that stuff

    RBD=ranting bitch daughter
    DSF=daughter's snotty friend (also late 30s to early 40s)

    RBD: MOTHER! I talked to the store manager about them closing and all your supplies today are FREE!!
    M: But that's almost $50 worth of stuff
    DSF: *nose in the air* Yeah, that was very rude
    RBD: They also gave me a $100 gift card to do my other shopping today with! Lets get your supplies and go!

    Notice anything? RBD was not picking up anything, she was not even the one that was inconvienced by them closing, but she KEPT the $100 gift card for herself. So nice mother, Ranting Bitch Daughter, and Daughter''s Snotty Friend go skipping down the asiles with $50.00 worth of FREE medical supplies AND a $100 gift card just for being bitches.

    Let this be a lesson to you employees. You have NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to even think about a break or lunch. Your sole purpose in life is to wait on a piece of trailer park garbage and be there so she can complain and get free shit.

  • #2

    God forbid I take time out of my work schedule to cater to my own biological necessities. I'm pretty sure that if they were eating in the Pharmacy, they would have bitched as well. Probably say it's "unsanitary" or something. This is one instance where you wish that you could just crack some one upside the head and tell them to fucking relax for 2.5 seconds and maybe look around for a few minutes.

    Also, if it's OTC meds, then there's also nanaNA!!! Checkout line. They'll ring it up too.

    Good story!


    • #3
      What kind of person would be offended by the fact that employees are human beings who need to eat?

      It's people like that woman that made me start being honest about where my co-workers are in the middle of the day, "Carl is at lunch right now. You can leave a voice mail or call back in about 30 minutes."

      I used to dance around it by saying he was "away from his desk" or "helping a customer," but no more. If the mere fact that we are human is offensive, then you need to be offended often.
      The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

      The stupid is strong with this one.


      • #4
        There has to be more to this story.

        Free merch and a $100 gift card is a lot if the only offense is the pharm being closed for lunch when they happened to arrive. A clerk wouldn't be allowed to be so generous and I can't really can't see a business famous for watching every penny encouraging managers to give away $150 worth of stuff to people with gripes as petty as theirs.


        • #5
          Let this be a lesson to you employees. You have NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to even think about a break or lunch. Your sole purpose in life is to wait on a piece of trailer park garbage and be there so she can complain and get free shit.
          But, wait, if you're there all the time she has nothing to complain about and get free shit for...

          My first semester in college I worked the 2-4 shift in our little campus fast-foody restaurant thingy and we were closed doing prep work for 2 hours! I wonder what people ate They probably had to go to the cafeteria!
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Quoth mwolf805 View Post
            lso, if it's OTC meds, then there's also nanaNA!!! Checkout line. They'll ring it up too.
            It was OTC, but ones they keep behind the counter so the customer did not have access to them while the pharmacy was closed.


            • #7
              Quoth Auto View Post
              A clerk wouldn't be allowed to be so generous
              It wasn't the clerk, it was the store manager that she went and griped to. Keep in mind I was just standing in line, but from what she was ranting about, it was just due to the fact the pharmacy was closed.


              • #8
                WOW! Total spineless manager! o_O


                • #9
                  Do these people do that at the doctor's office to get out of paying the $15 co-pay because they also are closed during a certain lunch hour?


                  • #10
                    Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
                    It was OTC, but ones they keep behind the counter so the customer did not have access to them while the pharmacy was closed.
                    They're cracking down on a lot of decongestants and stuff, so even OTC meds like Tylenol Sinus (my favorite for my recurring sinus problems) are kept behind the counter, and you're made to sign a log to purchase them, and to show ID.

                    Granted, the last time I bought the stuff, I did so at Meijer, and could have just done my other shopping if the girl hadn't been behind the counter at the exact moment I walked up. I did buy way too much stuff in the pharmacy area anyways, given how crappy I was feeling at the time.
                    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                    • #11
                      Quoth Auto View Post
                      There has to be more to this story.

                      Free merch and a $100 gift card is a lot if the only offense is the pharm being closed for lunch when they happened to arrive. A clerk wouldn't be allowed to be so generous and I can't really can't see a business famous for watching every penny encouraging managers to give away $150 worth of stuff to people with gripes as petty as theirs.
                      Don't be so quick to judge. A couple of years back, I worked for Bellsouth and dealt with a nasty African-American woman whose beef was the fact that she was speaking to a "white trash representative" instead of "someone of her own kind" to quote her. Because she did not get an African American rep when she called in, she requested a supervisor which also had to be African American or she would not speak to anyone else. When I got her what she wanted, she was provided with a $100 credit for no reason except for she did not get an African American representative in the beginning!


                      • #12
                        Quoth greensinestro View Post
                        Don't be so quick to judge. A couple of years back, I worked for Bellsouth and dealt with a nasty African-American woman whose beef was the fact that she was speaking to a "white trash representative" instead of "someone of her own kind" to quote her. Because she did not get an African American rep when she called in, she requested a supervisor which also had to be African American or she would not speak to anyone else. When I got her what she wanted, she was provided with a $100 credit for no reason except for she did not get an African American representative in the beginning!
                        That's mindboggling.

                        But then the baby bells never had Wal-Mart's single-minded focus on controlling costs. So I can see a BellSouth manager doing something like that, but not a manager at Wal-Mart.

                        That's why I said there has to be more to the story. My guess is that if the Wal-Mart manager ever had to justify his generosity to his boss, he'd be fired.


                        • #13
                          Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
                          . . . Your sole purpose in life is to wait on a piece of trailer park garbage and be there so she can complain and get free shit.
                          I learned that lesson during my first week in retail.

                          Quoth Auto View Post
                          There has to be more to this story.

                          Free merch and a $100 gift card is a lot if the only offense is the pharm being closed for lunch when they happened to arrive. A clerk wouldn't be allowed to be so generous and I can't really can't see a business famous for watching every penny encouraging managers to give away $150 worth of stuff to people with gripes as petty as theirs.

                          I don't know if there's more to this story or not but I believe it because it happens all the time at my store (not WM but similar). The louder/longer the SC yells the bigger his/her prize. It's truly pathetic.
                          Retail Haiku:
                          Depression sets in.
                          The hellhole is calling me ~
                          I don't want to go.


                          • #14
                            I totally believe this story. Not a doubt in my mind this is how it happened.

                            Do I have to bring up again the "trailer trash" woman at the grocery store who got me SUSPENDED for trying to scam the store? Not to mention all the coupons and freebies she was given?

                            *I know this because I intended to write a letter in my defense to corporate......and I read my manager's statement....saying that to make up for my "rudeness", he had to give her coupons and gift cards*
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              Quoth blas87 View Post
                              Do I have to bring up again the "trailer trash" woman at the grocery store who got me SUSPENDED for trying to scam the store? Not to mention all the coupons and freebies she was given?
                              Actually, yes, I would love to read about this one! Read this thread and it will probably be similar to your story:


