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Wherein a little Rabbit is detained and almost has a heart attack...

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  • #16
    Quoth Pixilated View Post
    I was wondering that myself. Really ... is she going to phone across the Atlantic to make sure you actually have that job?

    It sounds like the simplest solution but ... maybe somebody more knowledgeable can address whether this is a good idea ... ?
    Not sure. Watching Border Security, it seems that sometimes Australian Immigration does call to double-check the job (they did for one lady from...Nepal? Romania? Something like that), so you never know.
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


    • #17
      Sometimes you give people a badge and it goes right to their heads! I'll be flying for the first time in 10 years and NOW I'm nervous!

      But, the last time I flew, it was across the US for a medieval reenactment. I didn't want to lose my expensive suit of chainmaile if my checked luggage got lost, so I put it in the carry-on. Wanna know what happens when the Xray shows a gigantic solid heap of metal at the bottom of your suitcase? Hee, the guy put on gloves and gingerly took out the maile, then realized what it was and I ended-up giving him the website for our group! So, a little but ended-up working out.
      "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


      • #18
        I was detained once coming back into the U.S. from visiting my family. It was very soon after I got my green card and I suspect the system didn't update properly.

        I've been picked for a random search more than once in customs. My favourite was before the days they made everyone take their shoes off. I had to open up all my bags and take off my sandals, which were also searched. It must've been and extremely random search as I am statistically speaking the least likely person to be suspected of terrorism.

        What I recommend with the customs question is give them the short version, (I'm on holiday, these are my details on the form you had me fill out), unless they ask for more details.

        I have way too many stories about airports and customs. I'd write them up but details are a bit fuzzy when you're jet lagged and sleep deprived.
        How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


        • #19
          Speaking of airports and travel, I can't wait to see what mini-adventure we have coming back from Hawaii this summer. We've been twice before and had small issues with the TSA people there both times.

          The first time (four years ago, oldest child was just over 18 months old, wasn't even pregnant with the second yet) had to do with the diaper bag when going through security, specifically with our box of baby wipes. Now, we went through security in two different airports during the trip there and had no issue with it. It's baby wipes, slightly damp cloths but not a proper liquid, not to mention it's for the baby and in our diaper bag, which according to the TSA's website is perfectly fine. We've been able to take an entire bottle of juice through security before, since it was the baby's juice.

          Anyway, Hubby has both our daughter and the diaper bag as he's going through security. I get through ahead of him with all my stuff, but notice he's being held up for a while in the line. He finally gets through and tells us that the security person pulled out the box of wipes, looked it over several times, then lectured Hubby about how it was a liquid and should've been in the one-quart ziplock, and almost threw it away before Hubby pointed out that it was for the toddler he was holding. He said the security guy gave him a dubious look but let it go at that point, which was good because those were the only wipes we had with us and there's no way we would've been able to manage the super-long trip all the way back to CT from HI without wipes. But seriously, wipes are a liquid and need to go in a ziplock for security? And he's the only security person ever to have that problem.

          The last time we went (two years ago, two children at this point), it wasn't the luggage that was the problem. This time, I got randomly pulled aside to go through the new backscatter device, which I had never seen or heard about before so I had no clue what it was. And I ended up with the world's surliest TSA agent. Yay. She told me to stand in the thing. I did. Then she snapped at me that I was supposed to hold my arms out. Well I didn't know that, because I'd never seen these things before. So I held my arms out. It apparently wasn't good enough because she snapped at me again and finally demonstrated, then snapped a third time for me to hold still. Good grief. I finally got out of there, thank goodness, but that was not exactly pleasant.

          So we'll see what happens this year.
          "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
          - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


          • #20
            I'm glad it didn't take too long for you. And I understand what it's like to be questioned somewhat.

            My BF has learned that it's best for him to shave before he flies or before he tries crossing the border.

            (not to mention to never wear this shirt while trying to board a plane. )


            • #21
              Quoth Kogarashi View Post
              This time, I got randomly pulled aside to go through the new backscatter device, which I had never seen or heard about before so I had no clue what it was.
              There was one of these set up last time I flew back into Heathrow (London, UK!). I was looking at it, as I was waiting in one of the other lines, thinking that I'd have trouble even getting my arm up in that position (Rotator Cuff problem on my left shoulder)


              • #22
                My mother tell a story about my father being detained at the Swedish border. This was in the late fifties and my sister was in diapers and of course in these days it was cloth diapers.
                My father had been separated from the rest of the family and was carrying the diaper bag. The police got very suspicious at this lone man with a giant bag full of used diapers and detained him for a hour to search every diaper for contraband .


                • #23
                  To be fair, some Spanish people have a hard time understanding European accents, especially the ones that are really thick. One of my fellow employees asked me to handle a customer who had a thick English accent because she honestly couldn't understand what he was saying.

                  I'm sure I'd have a hard time understanding other dialects, too, if I went to other countries. Sometimes, you just have to be used to something to really understand it.

                  Personally, it sounded like the customs official was being extremely cautious and wasn't buying your story about how long you planned on staying - especially after you mentioned losing your job. It sucks, but it's to be expected by customs.


                  • #24
                    Quoth Moosenogger View Post
                    To be fair, some Spanish people have a hard time understanding European accents, especially the ones that are really thick. One of my fellow employees asked me to handle a customer who had a thick English accent because she honestly couldn't understand what he was saying.
                    Sorry I found this funny because you've kinda put the wrong word in there

                    Spain is part of Europe, and therefore Spanish people are European

                    (I know, I know, you mean Hispanic. Its just something that tickled me).

                    But yes, I was going to say regarding phoning a job, I've actually heard of that being done to confirm a traveller will be returning home. Its not really a difficult thing to do, in all honesty- just get the phone number (easily obtained from if the traveller is not forth-coming or doesn't have it), phone up, and ask "do you have an employee by this name? Are they are on vacation? Do you expect them back by such-and-such date" etc.

                    Not much different really to the phone call my future father in law recieved.

                    But yes, for people who are saying they won't check; I've been detained twice now, I don't take chances, I always tell the truth. Its not like it would be difficult to (and as the shop I worked for is just I personally think if I had someone who had English as their first language it could have been smoothed over at the desk. Like I said though, I haven't been detained for like 8 or 7 years and I'm so used to just answering the questions and going my own way that I didn't think of it until after she started giving me the evil eye.

                    But seriously, another thing- you flick through my passport and is it filled with US border stamps. This means I have been to the US numerous times. Surely if I was gonna sneak in, I would have by now?

                    Uggh, well hopefully long before I have to do all that again I'll have another job anyway. That kinda thing doesn't sit well with anxiety disorder lol.


                    • #25
                      I'm so sorry to hear about the work & home stress and I'm super proud that you handled all that & didn't have a panic attack! If that'd been me....
                      Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum! - Don't you dare erase my hard disk!

                      This is Tech Support, not Customer Service.
                      What's the difference?
                      We're allowed to tell you "no".


                      • #26
                        Quoth Little Retail Rabbit View Post
                        And while I understand that Spanish is widely spoken in America, I also understand that English is the official language and it was not her first language. Surely it was not appropriate to have her waving in English travellers when she was having trouble understanding me? She asked me to repeat myself quite a few times.
                        She's probably Hispanic, not Spanish. Some English accents can be hard to understand, especially those that are not "The Queen's English."

                        Heck, I have a hard time with some American accents.

                        Quoth wagegoth View Post
                        After 9/11, the TSA was established as part of the new Homeland Security. They hired thousands of people, most of whom are not paid much, and I don't think there are a lot of job requirements to get a position.
                        A high school diploma and a clean criminal background check. That's it.

                        Quoth Little Retail Rabbit View Post
                        My mum told me I shouldn't have told her anything at all,
                        You have to answer the questions, but what they're looking for is what you gave them: an overly complicated story that is the hallmark of a poorly thought out lie. Unfortunately, that also catches people who are actually telling the truth.

                        My answer would have been much simpler. "I'm a tattoo apprentice." Doesn't matter you're not actually working right now. They're not going to call up your employer and check.
                        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                        • #27
                          Quoth Panacea View Post
                          You have to answer the questions, but what they're looking for is what you gave them: an overly complicated story that is the hallmark of a poorly thought out lie. Unfortunately, that also catches people who are actually telling the truth.

                          My answer would have been much simpler. "I'm a tattoo apprentice." Doesn't matter you're not actually working right now. They're not going to call up your employer and check.
                          Well like I said, due to 8 years of experiences where I didn't think about it, just "I was just made redundant" was all I was going to say. She not only misunderstood me (so I used the term "laid off" afterwards, but I still had to say that at least 2 or 3 times) and then she started giving me the evil eye. It was from that point I elaborated because I could see what that look meant. She did also ask why I was laid off and what job it had been and what i was going to do etc. And being as I had to repeat myself several times just to give her the gist of it, I'm still convinced it was a language barrier problem. I definately wasn't trying to give her my life story at this point, just answer her questions as simply and truthfully as I could while dealing with someone not fluent with English.

                          I try not to waffle through Customs for various reasons- one, as you say, they seem to assume wafflers are liars, not just people with verbal diahorrea (guilty!) But also because I just want to get to my next flight. Oh and there is often a queue behind me. As I said, it never occurred to me. When I booked the flight, I was still working. At the time of this flight, I was under a huge amount of stress and was very depressed. Lying about being a tattoo apprentice never occurred to me because one, I just don't lie about things like that, seems pointless to me (and- hindsight- if they HAD decided to phone up the studio, that would have been pretty freaking awkward...they WILL phone to check up if they decide its appropriate! Apprentices make little money, so they would've wondered how I had afforded it) and also, as daft as it may sound...I didn't even wanna think about the apprenticeship. I'm still super depressed over it, I'm trying to pretend it never happened. So it would never have occurred to me.

                          Shouldn't be a problem next time anyway. I won't be able to afford another trip until I have a job.

                          (You know, now that I think about it, when I was 18, I did use the money from a temp job to fly out, and knowing me, I'm SURE that I would have said I was unemployed...and I was NOT detained at that time. In fact that was my second trip and it was very smooth. So, yep, I'm still standing by the language thing.)


                          • #28
                            Probably was random. Every so many people get some extra questioning.

                            I've never had any bad experiences with customs in any country. Set off the detector for explosives when I came home from Afghanistan at Atlanta. I explained my job, showed them my note, they didn't find anything and I was on my way. New Zealand sure did ask a lot of questions. UAE at Dubai seems to be very curious about why I had facial hair (I'm clean shaven in my picture, but one time I had a goatee when I went through and another time I had a beard.). The last time I was there, the guy started asking me about the origin of my name (It's a biblical one). Was nervous about having that discussion but he liked my answer.

                            US customs is always easiest for me. I'm not sure if it's because I'm an American or what, but they never hassle me.
                            "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


                            • #29
                              All customs and immigration officers can either be nice as pie or mean and nasty as they come.

                              I have been accused of trying to become an illegal alien when I had a B1B2 visa and was just transiting to another flight to Canada. When the officer for that got really nasty I might perhaps have mentioned the shitty US economy and how as most citizens couldn't feed themselves why would I even bother. (low blow I know but I was pretty fed up by that stage)

                              My BF has also gotten really angry and started shouting at the boarder guards for asking too many questions. After telling him to sit down and answering all the officers questions he explained to me how I could make my next crossing easier (and he was right).

                              Ironically when we went back to NZ last year I got the hard time and the BF breezed through immigration.... same thing when I had my ancestory visa for the UK and we went to Paris for the week. I came back through and was grilled for a good 20 minutes while the BF was waved through.

                              I am pretty used to it now and am practiced at staying calm and answering slowly, firmly and clearly.
                              I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                              • #30
                                I can't imagine why someone from the UK would be jumping into marriage to move to the States. It's not like it's easy to find a job there these days! And the government support in the UK MUST be better.

