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b**** SC

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  • b**** SC

    I have an awesome assistant manager. (AAM) She worked her way up, knows how to do just about everything at the branch, has a work-horse work-ethic, and has that perfect mixture of polite and 'won't take no guff'.

    The other day, she gets caught up with a credit card dispute for a customer. Pretty standard procedure. We have to put together an affidavit for the customer to sign stating that the disputed charges were not authorized. If the customer cannot come in person to sign it (manager had SC on the phone) we can fax it to them, but they'll need their signature notarized. The dispute can take up to 10 business days to go through and re-credit the charge to the account (this is actually a provisional credit as the dispute can take much longer to resolve, but makes certain the customer isn't out the money or being charged interest or anything in the meanwhile).

    And, the credit card number must be canceled and a new number issued... you know, since you are stating that someone STOLE your number and did unauthorized charges using it. (Only time we don't have to replace the card number is when the dispute is a merchant error, like an accidental double charge.)

    Well, SC came in person today ranting and raving about how AAM screwed up EVERYTHING.

    The affidavit was faxed to her, but SC claims it was not (AAM had confirmed the fax number and made certain that the fax cleared through our side. She'd also told the SC that the fax would take no longer than 10 minutes to arrive and to contact us if it did not. So if it did not arrive, NOT her fault.)

    The credit was not yet showing on her account. (umm... what part of 10 business days do you not understand? While it does usually happen more quickly, we NEVER state anything shorter because it always seems that everyone files a dispute at the same time, and the dispute department goes from twiddling their thumbs to too busy to breath in the course of five seconds.) It has been THREE. And we still need that signed affidavit.

    And, biggest thing of all to the SC, her card was blocked!!!! Why was her card blocked? No one ever TOLD her her card was going to be blocked!!! AAM didn't specifically tell her that (I call BS, but considering how much she liked to talk over people, I'm willing to believe that SC never heard that part.) She is going to go to our corporate building and HAVE AAM's JOB, because HOW DARE we block her card and embarrass her like that!!!

    ...and on, and on, and on...

    Mean, rude, nasty, b****. And she had my AAM, who generally never lets customers get to her, practically in tears in the break room after she'd finally left.

    I convinced AAM that the branch would not implode without her for an hour (she was only manager on duty that day) so that she'd turn over her keys to another senior loan rep, and I drug her out of the building for lunch. Even though it is perfectly allowable for the manager on duty to take a lunch break and leave an acting manager in her place, AAM almost never does, instead eating in the break room while 'on call' for any problem.

    Only good thing is that corporate generally won't write up or get too much on a a manager's case on a customer's say-so. AAM will have to 'explain her side of it' which will suck, but frankly, with SCs insane attitude and just plain meanness, I'm thinking that she might be one of those SCs incapable of calming down enough to pretend to be reasonable when complaining to corporate, which means she'll just alienate them also.

    And seriously, someone stole your credit card number and has been using it online, and you DON'T want the card number blocked? SC was insisting that we unblock the card, and AAM had to keep explaining that we cannot do that when there is a dispute on file for FRAUDULENT transactions. So, you either withdraw your dispute, or you wait for your new card number to arrive, because we will NOT be potentially liable for more unauthorized transactions on a card we know is compromised.

  • #2
    That SC is ignorant. Whyyyyy would she attack the people trying to help her? And of course the card's blocked! Duh. I don't understand some people.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      I'm guessing that the charge she's disputing is actually valid and she is just screwing someone over for some (or possibly no) reason. She just didn't realize it was going to inconvenience her for a few days.


      • #4
        How about the SC is just a scammer who thought they could cry "FRAUD!" when in fact the charges were legitimate? Considering how angry she was over the card being blocked after the numbers were "stolen" says a lot about the SC.


        • #5
          Quoth Moosenogger View Post
          How about the SC is just a scammer who thought they could cry "FRAUD!" when in fact the charges were legitimate? Considering how angry she was over the card being blocked after the numbers were "stolen" says a lot about the SC.
          QFT. The second I notice something wonky with a card, I have that puppy shut down HARD. I don't want any more of my money going up in smoke. Something tells me she had buyers remorse..wants to keep the items and not pay for them.
          Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


          • #6
            Quoth Mytical View Post
            QFT. The second I notice something wonky with a card, I have that puppy shut down HARD. I don't want any more of my money going up in smoke. Something tells me she had buyers remorse..wants to keep the items and not pay for them.
            Or when she was told that the card would be blocked, she thought they meant it would be blocked so that the other person couldn't use it, not her.
            Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


            • #7
              When the PS3 network was compromised, I had my card shut down purely on principle, and my bank was awesome about it. I knew it'd cause me some inconvenience for a couple of days but they still explained all the options, how they'd handle in-transit transactions, we double-checked that nothing untoward was in progress, and I just found another way to pay for a couple of days. It's not difficult to do...

              I agree with other commenters, I think SC was trying to use the process to defraud some other business, maybe someone who wouldn't cave into an unreasonable refund demand?
              This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
              I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


              • #8
                I remember when Redbox charged my card for 2 movies I had never seen.

                I called the bank and cut up the card, and waited patiently for my replacement.
                Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                • #9
                  i had it happen to me too - had the card shut down instantly and started procedures to get the money back. even got a waiver on the time limit of getting the paperwork back to them cos normally they only give you 10 days to do it but... being on a ship underway in 10 days it might not even be to me yet.

                  as for the ps3... this is why my bf and i buy the cards @ gamestop instead. so our credit info has never been entered into the system to begin with

