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He said WHAT??

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  • He said WHAT??

    Okay, this didn't happen to me but my coworker who sits in the cubicle right next to mine. I heard her entire side of the conversation and put his in from what she told me he said after she hung up.

    She called in to a company...ostensibly a credit card company...that had deducted a 14 dollar charge from her bank account. She noticed it when she was in her account online and called to find out what the charge was for since she didn't recognize the company name.

    MC: My Coworker
    AH: The rearend chapeau on the other end of the line.

    MC: I was just calling about this charge on my account-

    AH: (asks for name and address to verify, MC provides)

    AH: I'm showing its the same charge that we've been applying every month since you opened the account in 2006.

    MC: But I've never had an account with you, I never asked for an account and I haven't shown any other charges from you in my bank account...

    AH: Well, I'm showing its the same charge we always charge you.

    MC: I don't even know who you people are. I don't have an account there. I want you to stop charging me for this.

    AH: It's the same charge we've always charged you, I don't know what you're upset about.

    MC: You've never charged me before, I have no account with you. I'm looking at my bank account right now...

    AH: You're just arguing about this because you don't want to pay it any more. It's the same d*mn charge (yes, he said this) you've had since 2006.

    MC: I'm telling you right now that I've never been charged this before...

    AH: You're a liar, its the same d*mn charge.

    MC: Look, I don't have to deal with...let me talk to your supervisor. I just want you to stop charging me and take this off my acc-

    AH: Lady I'm the manager and you're full of s***!

    MC: Well you're full of s*** too! I want-

    At that point the AH hung up. I had stood up about halfway through the call and when she blurted out 'Well, you're full of s*** too!" I swear my jaw dropped. I was so shocked he'd said that to her...I didn't at that point know the rest of what he'd said. I went over and she showed me her bank account statement going back four months...there has been no previous charge by this company at all, despite his claim that he was billing her the same amount every month. I told her to call her bank and get a stop payment on it, dispute the $14 charge and let them get it reversed for her.

    I mean, good lord! Why would he act like that when all she wanted to know was why the charge was on there and to get it stopped? If he thought she had an active account why not just apologize and close her account? Why be such a Jerkle McIcky about it?
    My dollhouse blog.

    Blog about life

  • #2
    I can only hope that your co-worker IMMEDIATELY contacted her bank and requested that any future charges from Dipsh*t Company X not be honored. Then I'd go over my bank statements to see if there really was any sort of charge.

    At best, this is a hugely unprofessional enterprise, but at worst it's some kind of fraud.
    Not all who wander are lost.


    • #3
      Yeah, that's a scam of some sort. They're drawing money illegally out of her account. She's lucky the amount is so low...probably it's low like that in the hopes she won't notice it.

      I hope she's allready called the bank.


      • #4
        It is a scam, just like the company that owns the website that charged me for a package of ringtones I never bought.

        If a rep cannot give you a clear answer as to why the charge is on there, as in a date and time of purchase, etc etc, and only answers with "I don't know" or "You bought it" or "We've been charging you every month since...." know they are fake.

        I was certain someone had stolen my phone number or debit card, but as it turns out.....any time a person downloads a ringtone or two off of their site (they do cost money), they keep your number and are notorious for later charging you for packages. I did some research, not to mention nearly everyone I know that used that site for a one time ringtone ended up charged for a package that they didn't order.

        Plus a big sign it's fake.......if the rep starts swearing or getting defensive for no reason. If nothing was done to provoke the person and they start getting frisky, you know it's fishy.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          She did go over her last bank statements and this charge was not there before at all. I was looking over her shoulder as she did so (at her request) so we're positive this wasn't any sort of repeating charge. I was listening to her tone throughout the conversation...she was surprised and confused at first but polite and calm, until he started swearing at her, then she started getting upset.

          And yes, she has called her bank to stop this activity.
          My dollhouse blog.

          Blog about life


          • #6
            i hope she reports this 'company' as well; i'm wondering how they got her information in the first place. it might be time for her to check if it's related to other things, because it sounds like some info sharing has been taking place somewhere along the line (time to chew out some other place maybe??).
            look! it's ghengis khan!
            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


            • #7
              Sorta OT, but I gotta say, "Rearend Chapeau" !! I gotta remember that one.
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                Definately sounds like a scam to me too. A few small bee stings may not sound like a big profit but if they do that to enough people who dont catch them then That could add up a bit.

                I would suggest looking at the financial records and other data with a fine tooth comb to see if there's anything else funky going on. Also do some research to see what sort of connection dippydoodahs may have with anyone else your coworker has had business with.


                • #9
                  Google the company name or the listing on your statement and see if anyone else has commented on this


                  • #10
                    I first heard of this scam years ago. (It was easier for people to steal your card number when the whole card was imprinted. Also, I seldom write checks anymore as I don't want my checking account number going through any number of hands.)

                    They hope that you'll ignore a small charge, or that you won't notice long enough that you will be past the time you can charge it back. That, sadly, has happened to people who simply hadn't kept up with their statement reviews due to illness or other problems.

                    At least your friend was diligent enough to check everything on her statement.
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                    • #11
                      Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                      Sorta OT, but I gotta say, "Rearend Chapeau" !! I gotta remember that one.
                      I think "Derriere Chapeau" works better. As I believe Steve Martin said many many years ago "You can say 'I gotta take a shit' in French and it would sound good."
                      Civilized men tend to be ruder than savages because they know they can be impolite without getting their skulls split, as a rule.
                      - Robert E. Howard


                      • #12
                        Quoth ForestDragon View Post
                        I think "Derriere Chapeau" works better. As I believe Steve Martin said many many years ago "You can say 'I gotta take a shit' in French and it would sound good."
                        Yes, I have to agree

                        or how about

                        Sombrero del asno (Spanish)
                        cappello dell'asino (Italian)
                        Esel Hut (German)
                        chapéu do burro (Portuguese)
                        ezels hoed (Dutch)

                        (Disclaimer: I got these by translating "ass hat" in Babel Fish, so they may not be how a native speaker would say it. )
                        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                        • #13
                          Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                          Sombrero del asno (Spanish)
                          cappello dell'asino (Italian)
                          Esel Hut (German)
                          chapéu do burro (Portuguese)
                          ezels hoed (Dutch)

                          (Disclaimer: I got these by translating "ass hat" in Babel Fish, so they may not be how a native speaker would say it. )
                          Don't forget, Babel Fish sees "ass" as referring to "donkey". You might try "buttock" instead:

                          sombrero de la nalga (Spanish)
                          cappello della natica (Italian)
                          Hinterteilhut (German)
                          chapéu do buttock (Portugese)
                          bil hoed (Dutch)
                          chapeau de fesses (French)
                          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                          My LiveJournal
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                          • #14
                            Do not forget the funniest word in the German language: underhosen!!!
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              Quoth XCashier View Post
                              Don't forget, Babel Fish sees "ass" as referring to "donkey". You might try "buttock" instead:

                              sombrero de la nalga (Spanish)
                              Oh the number of times my "nalgas" have been referred to...

                              And I thought the funniest word in German was liederhosen...but then again I just think it's funny-sounding.
                              "I live in Los Angeles, and I was on the walk of fame. I was drunk, and I got a henna tattoo that says, 'Forever.'" -Zack Galifianakis

                              Call Sophia Moore or Kent E. Ryder for a good time!

