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Possibly karma of the hair falling out variety

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  • Possibly karma of the hair falling out variety

    So a couple weeks ago, I went and did my weekly shopping. While I was shopping, I decided to splurge on something I have a coupon for and get this hair treatment kit. Altogether, I bought about 4-5 bags worth of things. Then I went home and unpacked my bags. Then worked on chores. Then napped. Then realized, "Wait a second, I never put away this, this, this, and this that I bought," one of those "thises" being the hair treatment kit.

    So, I looked around trying to find these products/the bag they're in and came to realize I left them in the store. So I called the store and explained to the manager what happened, he told me the procedure was to watch the video, and to bring the receipt in. So I went to the store, met the very nice manager, and he told me the person who got in line behind me (I was at self checkout) stole the things. How very rude! He told me to go get what all was lost and they'd replace it.

    Fast forward a week or so. I decided to find a link of information on the hair treatment kit to send to a friend only to find at said link that the hair treatment kit is HORRIBLE and caused several people to lose chunks of hair and have 2nd degree chemical burns, amongst other things.

    So that person who stole from me? Yeah, they may be bald now and not by choice.
    Last edited by TexasT; 04-08-2012, 09:44 PM.

  • #2
    i've had that happen... sadly, more than once.

    First time was at the Navy Exchange and must have been left at the checkout. the bag was found by an employee so when I came back to claim it I had to rattle off what was in it and they gave it back to me. In fact I was still listing the contents when they were handing it over

    Second time, I left a bag at the local Wegmans. I went back a couple of days to see if it had been found. Turned out they'd found it in the parking lot in the cart. But since I listed the contents again they let me re-shop the items.

