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Did you just call him stupid to his face?

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  • Did you just call him stupid to his face?

    WTF is wrong with you woman!

    We have a coworker, he's an okay worker, not the best, not the worst. He is young so he doesn't know what a lot of our stock is for. That said, he is polite and when asked will help a customer as much as he is able. It's a part time job, he is still in high school and as we sell a lot of housewares he doesn't always know what things are but he works hard enough for us to keep him around.

    A customer today called him stupid, to his face.

    A this woman cornered me as I was walking back to my register (I work cash, I don't know where everything is in our departments) but she asked for me to show her where X item was. This guy was free so I asked him to help her and he had no idea what this item was. She wanted a cushion inner. She had toss pillow covers and wanted to know if we sold them (we don't) He was JUST about to say "I am going to get someone from that department to help you" when she shouts at him

    "wow are you stupid or what?"

    because a 16 year old kid didn't know what a toss pillow cushion inner was

    you cow!

    Who does that? Our manager was standing there and heard her, told him she would take over and let the woman know she was WAY out of bounds. The customer was an Aussie and ironically so was our manager so when the customer tried to play the "its a cultural thing, you Canadians need to eat a bag of cement" the manager asked me if it was a cultural thing down under to call people stupid and laying on my accent as thick as I could I said " I don't think that's the cultural norm anywhere, my mum would have skinned me alive if I said that to someone" and the woman huffed and walked off.

    She came back 30 minutes later and was nice as pie.

    oh yeah and I handed in my two weeks notice today!!!
    *eating a bag of cement means to toughed up* she didn't actually want people to eat a bag of cement
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

  • #2
    How is it that screaming "It's a cultural thing!!" doesn't make these idiots realize what they've just indicated about their culture??


    • #3
      In the hallowed words of General Sir Charles Napier: "You follow your customs, we'll follow ours.".
      The customer is always right, but this is a public house, and you are a guest.


      • #4
        Maybe she would have preferred that your coworker bullshit his way through it, rather than find someone who knew the area. That's what James the Wonder Idiot used to do. Of course, that caused all kinds of headaches at the checkout, when the customers would say, "That red-headed guy told me it was only THIS much!" And worse yet, he once tried to give construction advice, despite having no clue what he was doing. The company ended up having to pay for the project when the whole thing ended up collapsing.
        Sometimes life is altered.
        Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
        Uneasy with confrontation.
        Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


        • #5
          WTF is a 'toss pillow cushion inner'?
          The High Priest is an Illusion!


          • #6
            Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
            WTF is a 'toss pillow cushion inner'?
            i would assume from the name its the guts of a throw pillow. not being much for "fancy" things like that i dont rightly know.
            This is a drama-free zone; violators will be slapped. -Irving Patrick Freleigh
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