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Sucky Customer almost made me miss my train!

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  • Sucky Customer almost made me miss my train!

    Well, I suppose he wasnt really sucky, but he was incredibly slow and stupid. I was getting my train home after visiting my parents, and I planned to be at the train station with plenty of time to get my ticket and board the train. The timetable on the Internet was wrong. I planned to be at the station with half an hour to spare, but instead I only had ten minutes, which still should have been more than enough.

    It's a VERY small train station, so there was only one person working in the ticket booths, and there was only one customer ahead of me, but my GOD! He took so long!

    I can't remember the whole conversation, but imagine the customer speaking in the dullest and slowest kind of voice imaginable.

    BL = Booth Lady

    BL: Well that depends sir, how long are you planning to stay?
    SC: I....dont...know...
    BL: OK, well for a single, it costs.... (she then went to quote every price possible)
    BL: Well mulitply the prices by the amount of people you want to bring.

    I kid you not, this part of the conversation went on for minutes, and the booth lady was staring at me, looking concerned and bored.

    BL: *quotes all the prices again*

    The platform intercom announces my train arriving, I am panicking! I look, and the SC has got a map out, and is asking if the random towns in the country he is pointing at have train stations!!

    BL: *quotes prices again!!!!*

    At this point I actually gasped "Oh f**king hell!" as I saw my train pulling in. The woman notices this and starts to look at my way, worried.

    I had no choice but to go to the self serve machine.

    I could have went to that machine in the first place, but I am avoiding using my credit card as much as possible, but I had no choice in the end. I was surprised the machine was working, every time I've got the train its been broken.

    I go on the train JUST as the doors were closing. I look and there is a HUGE queue behind the SC, who is still asking questions.

  • #2
    ugh. I guess you can't buy the ticket on the train? When I commuted to Philly I had a monthly pass but forgot it once and ended up paying cash after I was on the train. But then that's a commuter train so I guess it's different.

    for that SC:
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      You can buy the tickets on the train, but for some reason it costs twice as much. They now have this stupid rule to teach fare dodgers a lesson, so unless you buy your ticket before you get on the train, you're screwed.


      • #4
        Why don't people realize it's rude to hold other people up? The fact that you haven't anywhere important to be does not mean no one else does either.
        You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


        • #5
          Jesus tap-dancing Christ! I felt like pulling my hair out after reading that Glad you had the option of using the machine!
          -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
          -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


          • #6
            I HATE those people!!!
            I especially hate it when they get on the bus and hold the rest of the people up behind them as they ask the bus driver 1001 questions about every bus route in the city!!
            On Christmas Eve I was of course in a hurry to get home.
            I got on the bus with about 20 other people, all looking as anxious as me to get home.
            A few stops down this guy gets halfway on the bus and start asking the driver the 1001 questions!
            The driver can't even drive off, because the guy has one foot on the bus, one on the ground.
            He wants to know every bus that stops at a certain location, then where do they turn off, what train station do they stop at, etc.
            After about 5-7 minutes this one girl stands up and starts yelling 'GET ON THE DAMNED BUS OR GET OFF!! I HAVE TO GET HOME!!'
            He gets on. Then start yelling at the girl! 'It's not MY problem you need to get home!'
            She yells at him to get a bleeping map and gets off after a few stops.


            • #7
              "It's not MY problem you need to get home!"

              "IT WILL BE!"
              I think, therefore I am. But I am micromanaged, therefore I am not.


              • #8
                Quoth Blueberry View Post
                I HATE those people!!!
                I especially hate it when they get on the bus and hold the rest of the people up behind them as they ask the bus driver 1001 questions about every bus route in the city!!
                What about the drivers stuck *behind* the bus? Nearly every morning, some crackhead likes to waste time deciding whether or not to ride the bus...which pisses off the rest of us caught behind it
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

