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Cable Co. Follies

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  • Cable Co. Follies

    Not so much sucky customer, as I am the customer, but I couldnt' figure out where to put this so its here.

    I recently switched from cable to another company for my phone, tv and internet. Initially cost was the reason, but the new company also offers a whole bunch of stuff, including certain channels, my cable co. does not. So I made the switch, and once all my emails were deleted, moved etc. I called to cancel. I felt like I was talking to a really sleazy salesman and had to try really hard not to start laughing at him.

    So I’m on hold with the disconnect dept, and they tell the wait will be 10 minutes. I’m guessing they hope you’ll get tired of waiting and give up. Then I get on, give my info, and am first thanked for being a loyal customer since 2004. Ok, whatever. Then I tell him I’d like to cancel, and no I’m not moving, but I chose another provider. He asked who, and I told him. Then told me well, you might want ot have your phone checked since I hear a lot of static, etc. and am only hearing about every third word you say. Really? That’s funny since in MY end its perfectly clear.

    Then he says well, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t make you an offer, so I listened, but it was just ok. And they don’t offer certain channels, such as the NFL network, and I told him that. HE said well, we’re trying to get it, but this is the funny part “The men will really like that” Oh no you didn’t! I am a woman and LOVE football, as do many of my friends, so that made me laugh. In the end, I finally told him, I appreciate your offer, but I still want to cancel. Which he supposedly did.

  • #2
    I can't believe he tried the, "You're breaking up" excuse.

    "What? You want to what? Buy a chancel? What is that? Would you like to hear our new offers?"


    • #3
      Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
      So I’m on hold with the disconnect dept, and they tell the wait will be 10 minutes. I’m guessing they hope you’ll get tired of waiting and give up.
      Either that or there are a lot of other customers who wish to cancel.

      Of course, another possibility is there's only maybe three operators and they're all hassling to talk each of them out of cancelling for 10 minutes.

      There's nothing wrong with asking why you're canceling and trying to make things "right", but after they keep hounding you to come back after you've said you made up your mind, it really gets annoying.
      Fiancee: We're going to need to do laundry. I'm out of clean pants.
      Me: Sounds like a job for Gravekeeper!
      Fiancee: What?!
      Me: Nevermind.


      • #4
        I agree, and I don't mind being asked why or made an offer, even if I know I'm not going to take them up on it. I had already made the switch last week - what made me laugh was the way in which he tried to get me to stay; it was so steroetypical sleazy sales guy it made me laugh. But to then tell me my phone sounds crappy, hello? Do I look like I fell off the back of a turnip truck?


        • #5
          When he pulled the phone sounds crappy bit, I would have said 'Well that just proves cancelling your company is the correct move for me. Since today I am still on your lines.' hearing him try to backpedal would add amusement.


          • #6
            Quoth Teskeria View Post
            When he pulled the phone sounds crappy bit, I would have said 'Well that just proves cancelling your company is the correct move for me. Since today I am still on your lines.' hearing him try to backpedal would add amusement.
            I wasn't though; it was the competitor's which is why I think he was trying to badmouth them, and perhaps get me to come back. HA - not going to work. It was just all around funny, and as long as I'm cancelled, and once I bring all the equipment back, I'm good, I'm fine with it all.


            • #7
              Quoth Moosenogger View Post
              I can't believe he tried the, "You're breaking up" excuse.

              "What? You want to what? Buy a chancel? What is that? Would you like to hear our new offers?"
              LOL my cable provider tried that whole breaking up thing with me because I pointed out that I had vonage because of my job [they didn't want me taking calls on a cell phone but VOIP was ok and their chosen provider was vonage] but i was calling on my cell phone. I had called because my router had died and I wanted a return number to bring it into the office ... I guess he didn't stop to think that if my router was dead, how could I be making a VOIP call
              EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


              • #8
                Oh, I love being sent to user retention when I'm trying to cancel. They'll think of a dozen new "discounts" to give you to keep you, but if I'm moving and the company isn't available in my new area... well, those "discounts" aren't gonna do me a whole lot of good now are they? Or "No, I'm not going to another competitor. I don't NEED this kind of service any more." (Cable being swapped to satellite because cable wasn't in our new home area.) It's like you just kicked their puppy...

                Or better, your hubby works for competitor and well, one of the benefits is that you can get their service for half the price.. try telling THAT to the retention person! You didn't just kick the puppy, you fed a kitten to it too!

                I realize that it's their job, but dang, it gets hard to not laugh at them at times. I mean, it's like the worse break up movie or soap opera in history and all you can do is keep saying "No."
                If I make no sense, I apologize. I'm constantly interrupted by an actual toddler.


                • #9
                  Quoth raudf View Post
                  I realize that it's their job, but dang, it gets hard to not laugh at them at times. I mean, it's like the worse break up movie or soap opera in history and all you can do is keep saying "No."
                  I have a close friend who does retention work and boy I don't envy her her job at all. You have to do your job and it ends up pissing off the customer because it's annoying.
                  Great YouTube channel check it out!


                  • #10
                    I recall some time back, not sure if some companies still practice this, but it wouldn't surprise me. Anyhoo, when I worked as a CSR for a big box cable company they actually paid employees a bonus if they kept so many customers calling to cancel from actually canceling. It was a per month quota IIRC.


                    • #11
                      I made the mistake of signing of for Real Games several years ago. Lying liarly bastards. So I decide to quit. The only way to quit is to call a phone number. Which immediately went to a hold message. And no one ever picked up.

                      At the time, I had a small office at work, so I called Real Games on one line, and put them on speaker. It was an 800 number, so I stayed on hold. I kept the call connected for an hour and a half; no one ever picked up. I ended up calling my bank, explaining the situation, and they issued me a new credit card number so I wouldn't be charged again.
                      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                      HR believes the first person in the door
                      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                      Document everything
                      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                      • #12
                        Our Cable Co tried the "you're breaking up" gag on us too when we canceled their frequently-nonfunctional service and went to a competitor. There were a few others, but I liked that one best. The moment we'd heard from Kid that the new service was installed and working fine, The Husband called Cable Co to cancel -- from his mother's house, on her Cable Co phone line. The rep was right about the bad quality, though. Mother's signal practically keels over every time the neighbor's sprinklers come on.


                        • #13
                          i remember listening to the radio about how a certain isp was notorious for refusing to let customers cancel. it reminded me that i was still in my trial month ... which i had only gotten in order to download the ISP i really wanted (this was dialup).

                          so i made a point of calling them that day knowing they were going to try to refuse. especially since i was in the trial month.

                          First rep tried to upsell me but I wasn't buying it so my account "turned out to be in maintenance status" so they couldn't cancel me - i would have to wait 48 hours for them to finish.

                          I waited 20 minutes. The second rep processed my cancellation without any bullshit or lies.

                          No one else has ever given me issues. Granted my excuses to the other companies were pretty rock-solid so there wasn't a point in trying to keep me.

                          excuses like... "my computer & tv were just stolen so it's kinda pointless to be paying for cable". or "i'm moving and you don't exist in the area I'm moving to" (although ... well now they do - they bought out the local company)
                          Last edited by PepperElf; 04-27-2012, 12:26 PM.


                          • #14
                            I'm sure they do get some kind of bonus or brownie points for getting customers to stay, but like i said, it wasn't just the price, it was that my new company has stuff they don't even offer, so even if it was free, I'd still decline.


                            • #15
                              aaaand those fees he was telling me would be way higher than theirs? HA - got my first bill, and it was actually less than what their had estimated initially. And the fees; not bad at all. Take that evil cable co!

