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No cups for you

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  • No cups for you

    Saw this at a fast food place today. Stopped in to get a burger for lunch.

    While I was filling my drink, I overheard the following exhange:

    SC: I'd like to get a cup, please.

    Cashier (C): OK, that will be $x.xx.

    SC: Oh, I don't want to get a soda. I just want some water.

    C: OK. But I still have to charge you for the cup, sir.

    SC: Why? I just want some water [cue whiney voice]

    C: I know. But when I give you that cup for free, and then you go fill it with soda and leave, then that will mean my job. So, that will be $x.xx

    SC paid up.
    They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.

  • #2
    Brilliant employee.
    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


    • #3
      Awesome that he stuck to his word.

      Tho here, if water is an option on the dispenser, places have those small white cups to give out since you can't charge for the water. They charge only for bottled water.


      • #4
        I'm thinking that maybe that SC is a repeat offender and has done that little trick before.


        • #5
          Quoth Moosenogger View Post
          I'm thinking that maybe that SC is a repeat offender and has done that little trick before.
          Ha. You know I'm tired when that thought hadn't even crossed my mind XD oops.


          • #6
            A lot of places do their drink inventory by cups too. If more cups are taken then were rung up inventory is off.


            • #7
              I've seen some places with very small cups next to the water dispenser. That way even if they try to get soda instead, they won't get much.
              When you start at zero, everything's progress.


              • #8
                At the golden arches near my place, there is a Catholic high school across the street. One day right before school let out I was in there grabbing a quick lunch and they were filling cups with water and ice and lidding them up. I asked why and they said it was because of the asking for water cups and filling them with soda problem, they were saving time by getting the water ready ahead of time. If I'm not crossing memories, I think they had to shut down the fountain machine while the school crowd was in there and serve drinks from the one in the back...


                • #9
                  I'd also suggest talking to the school. Nothing like having the school taking action on that with some fire and brimstone.


                  • #10
                    Quoth laborcat View Post
                    At the golden arches near my place, there is a Catholic high school across the street. One day right before school let out I was in there grabbing a quick lunch and they were filling cups with water and ice and lidding them up. I asked why and they said it was because of the asking for water cups and filling them with soda problem, they were saving time by getting the water ready ahead of time. If I'm not crossing memories, I think they had to shut down the fountain machine while the school crowd was in there and serve drinks from the one in the back...
                    Quoth PepperElf View Post
                    I'd also suggest talking to the school. Nothing like having the school taking action on that with some fire and brimstone.
                    Considering the nature of the school in question, it sounds like the students need a refresher on their "top 10" list, especially item #8.
                    Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                    • #11
                      In my experience, kids in Catholic schools are there because their parents want them there, when plenty of those kids would be better off someplace else. Like prison.
                      The customer is always right, but this is a public house, and you are a guest.

