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An Overheard Sighting and Someone Tries to Rip off a Non-Profit

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  • An Overheard Sighting and Someone Tries to Rip off a Non-Profit

    Story the first - An Overheard Sighting

    The other night I was at the Red-Haired Girl's restaurant having dinner with my niece when a group of teenagers/young adults piled into the booth next to us. My niece and I were having a lovely conversation when my ears picked up on the conversation next to us.

    Well, apparently one of the teenagers went to "Eat Fresh" and ordered a sub. When he went to pay, he gave the cashier a $20 and got ~$13 back. He started to put the money in his wallet and the cashier said "Oh, sorry, I forgot to give you your change." And gave the teenager ANOTHER $13.

    The kid said "Thanks" and walked out. Thus, he not only got an extra $6 bucks, he got a free sub as well.

    Story the second - Attempting to Rip off a Non-Profit

    The organization I am a part of was holding a flea market/yard sale over the weekend to raise money for our relief fund. How it works is that anyone who has wares to sell (homemade crafts, gently used clothing, used CDs, etc) can rent a table and sell whatever it is that they have. We also had a table set up that people could donate stuff to for us to sell at our organization's table.

    A fellow member (S) was put in charge of collecting the table fees and reserving the names of those who wanted to participate in the yard sale. These fees are paid in advance. Well, they should be anyway...

    S had been doing last minute checks on her list and noticed that the people across the parking lot had not paid and had taken up practically the whole side of the lot to sell their stuff. S went over there to inquire about the table fee and the woman said "I have to make money to give you money. I'll pay you at 3." Ok, so S was being rather nice and said that was fine. When she told another member who just happened to be our current Treasurer? I must make a note to Never Piss Her Off!!

    T (Treasurer) marched over there and told the woman that she had to pay up or get off the property with all her crap in tow! She paid up. The jerk part? I'm told that woman and her husband had shown up at 7 that morning to set up and had been purposely dodging S hoping that she would be too nice or embarrassed to say anything.

    The woman also had way more space than the table we allotted her to use, and had told other people who wanted to set up near her to "move along, you can't be here." Might I add that this was the first yard sale this woman had participated in at this venue and she nor her husband were members of the organization? She just saw the ads we posted and responded accordingly. Needless to say, it was agreed that if she wants to be a part of the next one, she has to pay in advance and can't set up until the members in charge show up.

  • #2
    Kudos to T for standing her ground! I'm betting that without that, the invader would've either whined poverty at the end of the sale and said she had no money to give, or would've snuck out without paying.
    I hope T also told the invader that she had to reduce the space she was taking up. People like that are beyond disgusting.

