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They're just GRAPES, for goodness sake!

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  • They're just GRAPES, for goodness sake!

    Ok, I made a mistake this week. DH wanted pizza for supper, so I stopped at the No-Frills in Dartmouth Shopping Centre on the way home. I like No-Frills, you can get some good deals there. Why was this a mistake?

    A discount grocery store.

    On the last Tuesday of the month. For those in other countries, here in Canada that's cheque day - Pension, Disability, our equivalent of WIC, that sort of thing.

    Yeah, I had a major brain fart. Place was mobbed. But I figure, okay, the clerks in here are FAST so even with the long lines it probably won't take THAT long, and the Sobeys down the road is tiny and doesn't have all the items I need for the pizza I wanted to make. SO...

    I get my stuff, get in line. Two people ahead of me and the line behind me is growing fast. Clerk is as speedy as I expected, until... Grape Lady. Her grapes ring up, and she opens her mouth. "I thought those were on sale! I ain't payin' no five bucks for a bag of grapes."

    My thoughts at the moment: Lady, at this time of year, grapes are still an import and that's a pretty good price for a bunch of green grapes.

    But no, that wasn't acceptable. Eventually the poor cashier has to take the grapes, try and force his way through the dense crowd at the front of the store over to the produce section to see what the price is 'supposed' to be. He comes back finally and tells her that the price she saw was for red grapes. As in, there was one bag of green grapes sitting on the pile of red grapes and the bloody sign SAYS 'Red Grapes - $2.99/lb'.

    GL: "Well, why didn't you bring me the red ones, then? I NEED these grapes!" Oh god.
    Cashier: 'Lady, you're killin' me,' but he goes back through the crowd and brings back a bag of red grapes. Rings it up.

    GL: "That's too much, take some out!"

    While the poor clerk is trying to void off the two sets of grapes and take some out of the bag, lady in front of me, me, and lady behind me (who shall be known as Grandma because the ice cream for her grandkids wasn't going to stay ice cream much longer, she told me) are starting to make comments along the lines of 'PRetty hard to read the whole sign, isn't it?'. Not loud, more to each other, but we were all staring hard at Grape Lady and she KNEW she was being an unapologetic pain the ass.

    GL: "I need these grapes, and I ain't payin' more than I have to for 'em"
    Grandma: "Next time don't be so stupid and rude and read the damn sign, you ignorant bitch!"
    GL: (To cashier) "I better get these rung up so you can stop pissing people off by making 'em wait!"

    Cashier finally gets things cleared away and starts ringing up the lady ahead of me. Grape Lady is still fussing away at the end of the belt, slowly and carefully putting each bag into her cart and since the next lady only had three things she was done and gone and Grape Lady was still standing there. Likewise with me - I squeezed my cart past her and gave her the LOOK - I have this stare that suggests I'm about to disembowel you and laugh at your remains. GL didn't like that too much.

    She liked it a lot less when Grandma got her ice cream rung up and then got in her face with what sounded like a lecture on manners and public civility, but I didn't stay around to hear it.

    So, Tuesday? I am never going to the grocery on Tuesday again. Lord love a duck, that was insane.
    What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper

  • #2
    Love the way GL tried to dump the blame on the cashier ... and I hope her ears are still ringing with Grandma's lecture!

    GL is lucky the cashier was able to go rectify stuff at all; at my last supermarket, the cashier didn't leave the machine for anything short of a fire. All I'd have been able to do is call for someone from produce (and they were notorious for not answering calls) or cancelling her grape purchase. Gee, she'd have had to get her lazy a$$ over there and pick up her own red grapes!


    • #3
      I would have paid to see Grandma rip into her, I love it when other customers do what we wish we could

      I had an SC almost exactly like her the other day x_x (only change was probably the ethnicity) Exact. same. problem. except that I was able to enlist a bagger to get the 'right' grapes. She wanted me to remove grapes and re-weigh the bag each time (and failed to grasp that I had to void the same weight that I rang in and I wasn't actually double charging her). Finally the customer behind her started getting antsy, when I finally finished the transaction she made a beeline over to customer service and started waving the grapes around. I have no idea what she was getting at, and the grapes I took out had to be sent back (they weren't in a grape bag so couldn't be sold, I don't know if the produce guys were able to wash them and add them to other bags).

      I hear the same shitfits about cherries; right now they're $4/lb on sale. The ones who throw the biggest fits about it buy the largest bags.
      Last edited by Dreamstalker; 06-05-2012, 08:50 PM.
      "I am quite confident that I do exist."
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      • #4
        Quoth mharbourgirl View Post
        GL: (To cashier) "I better get these rung up so you can stop pissing people off by making 'em wait!"
        Honey, it's not the cashier who's pissing people off and making them wait! It's you!

        Deliberate ignorance (ie, not reading the sign fully) is bad enough, but pinning the blame for her own bad actions on someone else? Immature, stupid and awful. I'm glad that one granny gave her hell; I would've been tempted to stay and cheer her on!
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
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        • #5
          In the time it took her to bitch about the damn grapes, she could have grown her own!


          • #6
            The problem I always had with grapes and cherries was when the SC failed to read the per lb. part of the sign. They would cram as many as possible into one bag and insist on getting the whole thing for the price on the sign.


            • #7
              Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
              She wanted me to remove grapes and re-weigh the bag each time (and failed to grasp that I had to void the same weight that I rang in and I wasn't actually double charging her).
              Aye, this was part of the problem. 5 or six transfers of grapes and voids later...

              Quoth XCashier View Post
              Honey, it's not the cashier who's pissing people off and making them wait! It's you!

              Deliberate ignorance (ie, not reading the sign fully) is bad enough, but pinning the blame for her own bad actions on someone else? Immature, stupid and awful. I'm glad that one granny gave her hell; I would've been tempted to stay and cheer her on!
              Love that transference of responsibility, eh? No lie, I scuttled out wishing she was MY Grandma. She had a LOT of ice cream in her cart.

              Quoth Bright_Star View Post
              In the time it took her to bitch about the damn grapes, she could have grown her own!
              I know, right? Now, I rarely get angry. Rarely get beyond 'middling irritated'. Here, I was annoyed, a few points beyond my usual. It was about to piss down outside, I'd had a shit day at work, and I wanted to get home and brutalize some pizza dough to get it out of my system - preferably without getting soaked. So I stared at her, I did. She didn't like that too much. See, when I get annoyed, I stop blinking. I am told it's a bit like a serial killer examining your anatomy to decide just how to divide up your carcass. My brother does tend to exaggerate things, though. Grape Lady stopped looking at me in a hurry, is all I know.

              Gah. I can only take people in small doses.
              Last edited by mharbourgirl; 06-08-2012, 01:33 AM. Reason: spellcheck happens the moment AFTER you post
              What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


              • #8
                The cashier was probably lucky the GL didn't eat half of the grapes while she was waiting ~_~
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                "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
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                • #9
                  Quoth EricKei View Post
                  The cashier was probably lucky the GL didn't eat half of the grapes while she was waiting ~_~
                  Smart dude, he took them with when he went to check the price. But the rest of us were so fed up we would have 'tattled', and she could probably guess that.
                  What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper

