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Loud SC on phone

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  • Loud SC on phone

    So I just went out to get yummy burrito goodness and walked past a cell phone store and got to hear a SC losing her mind... I first saw this lady standing outside cell store when I went into DD to get an ice coffee didnt hear her talking but saw her pacing on phone. Then I walked behind her on way to get a yummy burrito and heard her shouting at I'm assuming a poor CSR on phone. She was talking about how shes always been a good customer and has been with that company for years. That yes she knows she doesnt usually pay by the 7th but that shes usually only a couple of days a lot. She doesnt understand why her cell phone got shut off. Really? I wish I was making up what she said. I really LOL'd at her and got a dirty look. She was still outside pacing on phone when I left with my food.

  • #2
    Sounds like she has other issues with them instead of just being late with them all the time.

    We were often late because our checks crisscrossed with their printing of the bills. Now with online payments we're never late.


    • #3
      I wanted to stay around to hear more just being nosey and having nothing better but witness a SC. But I got caught listening in since I openly turned around and was watching her and laughing at her. So I settled for my coffee and burrito and came home


      • #4
        Quoth hotelslave View Post
        I wanted to stay around to hear more just being nosey and having nothing better but witness a SC. But I got caught listening in since I openly turned around and was watching her and laughing at her. So I settled for my coffee and burrito and came home
        Lol!! Smooth


        • #5
          Quoth hotelslave View Post
          I wanted to stay around to hear more just being nosey and having nothing better but witness a SC. But I got caught listening in since I openly turned around and was watching her and laughing at her. So I settled for my coffee and burrito and came home
          Well.... I can understand wanting to leave and thinking it rude to stay behind to listen in.
          But I also think that you have every right to do it anyway.

          Too many people seem to think "i'm on the phone" means that their conversation has to be given special treatment... while they're in public and talking loudly. It's as if they think as soon as the phone touches their ear they get a magical cone-of-silence ... and it doesn't work like that.


          • #6
            Quoth hotelslave View Post
            But I got caught listening in since I openly turned around and was watching her and laughing at her.
            I wonder if it occurred to her that there was a very good reason for you to be laughing at her? ^_^
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