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I never write complaint letters and I've just had to write 4....

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  • I never write complaint letters and I've just had to write 4....

    My entire life up until this month, with one notable exception, I have never had an issue with any company that I felt warranted writing in to complain about something. And now all of a sudden I've felt the need to do so 4 times this month.

    Thankfully none of it involved sucky staff, just defective and/or shitty products.

    1. The Paper Store.

    I bought some wedding-themed gift wrap and other stuff there, and they threw it all in a purple plastic bag. Brought it home and threw it all in my closet, still in the bag, since I wouldn't need it right away. When I did take it back out I noticed the purple coloring ont he bag was flaking off all over the damn place.

    Thankfully it didnt' get on anything important, but come on, really? If that had gotten on to the present I'd bought I would have been really pissed, because what I bought is not easily cleaned.

    Ended up firing off an email to their head office to say their bags suck.

    2. THe Cheesecake Factory.

    I don't know if all their locations are like this, but the one I was at....great food, great staff, VERY reasonable wait time considering the huge crowd.....lousy door handles.

    That may sound like an utterly trivial thing to be annoyed about, but they seriously had the WORST door handles I've EVER used, and they had the same ones on the main doors and the bathroom doors.

    What was the problem? Well, they clearly chose form over function. THe handles consisted of two flat semi-circular pieces of chromed metal plate joined together by 1-inch diameter colored balls. THe metal plates were about a 1/4 inch thick with edges round only just enough to keep them from being a knife-edge. They looked pretty, but when you pulled on them, all the pressure was focused right on the edges of the metal plates, which was quite noticeably uncomfortable, especially when the handle rotated in your hand as the door opened.

    And I have healthy hands.....I can only imagine how bad it would be for someone with arthritic hands.

    Another note sent off to corporate. I was polite about it, and made sure to point out that other than tat everything was superb.

    3. Sony's Wheel of Fortune iPad app.

    In a word, that app sucks. By far the buggiest iOS app I've ever encountered. And it didn't help that the "support" link they provided on their App Store page was a dead link. Sent off a LONG email (too many problems to even get into here) to their "Contact Us" email address, complete with screen captures of one of the bugs in action...only to be told I'd emailed the wrong department.

    4. Dole fruit.

    I've been buying individual cups of diced apples in apple juice (as opposed ot the sickly sweet syrup that a lot of fruit cups come packaged in) as part of my diet plan so I can have something healthy to go with my sandwich. All of sudden, I've gotten spoiled, sour fruit across at least two different packages, 4 bad cups in total. In all 4 cases, they smelled (and tasted...the first one I started swilling the juice before I noticed the smell) like they'd been packaged in robitussin instead of apple juice


    Once I was willing to write off, but today it happened for the FOURTH time, so this time I saved the lot numbers and sent off a complaint to Dole.

    (And if you're wondering why I don't just put an apple in my lunch bag and be done with it, it's because I can't stand eating apple peel. It always gets stuck in my teeth, I don't like the feel of chewing it, and I don't want to have to bring a vegetable peeler to work every day.)

    I dunno....I feel like I've just been having bad luck with stuff lately.

    And like I said, I was polite about all these complaints. None of the foaming-at-the-mouth overwrought BS that we've all posted about here before.
    Last edited by Dave1982; 06-26-2012, 12:07 PM.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    Can't comment on the others, but the Cheesecake Factory near me has the same handles. However, these seem to be a bit more rounded off than yours. A stupid design, I agree, but not uncomfortable, at least. Maybe the ones at your location weren't finished properly (or mine have just had more wear)...
    "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


    • #3
      Yeah, that's why I rarely store stuff in those plastic bags. They're not meant for storage, just convenience. I've had the bags disintegrate on me before.

      That's unfortunate about the Dole cups. Something must have gone wrong somewhere along the line. I actually prefer the fruit packed in water & no sugar added versus the juice/syrup stuff. Though I buy the Delmonte brand for that usually.


      • #4
        Were the fruit cups all bought at the same store?
        To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


        • #5
          (And if you're wondering why I don't just put an apple in my lunch bag and be done with it, it's because I can't stand eating apple peel. It always gets stuck in my teeth, I don't like the feel of chewing it, and I don't want to have to bring a vegetable peeler to work every day.)
          It's your lunch.

          I'd also recommend checking the grocery store you got them from too.


          • #6
            They were bought at the same chain, but I couldn't tell you if all of them were bought at the same single store. I go to a few different locations depending on what other errands I need to run. There's also the fact that I have a habit of tossing my grocery receipts because I so rarely have any issues, so I can't prove I bought it from them.
            "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

            RIP Plaidman.


            • #7
              That could be a factor then - if they perhaps had an issue with shitty distribution or a warehouse issue.

              Although receipt or no, now that you have the lot number(s) you can tell the grocery store of the issue and ask them to check the product. Assuming the chain gives a flying fuck of course.

              Or just try a different chain if there's a reasonable alternative.

              but i do hope you get a response.


              • #8
                I'm with you on the apple peel thing. But what I do is just peel and chop up the apple at home.
                "They gave me a badge with my name on it. In case I forget who I am." Dr Who - Closing Time

                "I reject your reality and substitute my own." Adam Savage-Mythbusters


                • #9
                  Quoth Lovecats View Post
                  I'm with you on the apple peel thing. But what I do is just peel and chop up the apple at home.
                  Adding on to this, to prevent browning - some people submerge the sliced bits into apple juice (the real stuff, no-sugar added) to 'coat' it; others brush lemon juice on. I've heard that lemon sodas like Sprite, 7-up, off-brand lemon-lime sodas - can also be used. Or really, anything with citric acid in it, I suppose. I just use apple juice.


                  • #10
                    Quoth sevendaysky View Post
                    Adding on to this, to prevent browning - some people submerge the sliced bits into apple juice (the real stuff, no-sugar added) to 'coat' it; others brush lemon juice on. I've heard that lemon sodas like Sprite, 7-up, off-brand lemon-lime sodas - can also be used. Or really, anything with citric acid in it, I suppose. I just use apple juice.
                    You don't even need the citric acid, anything that will keep the apple flesh from coming into contact with the air will do it. That said, I usually use a bit of diluted lemon juice as a dunk when I chop apples to go in salads or for baking or what have you.
                    You're only delaying the inevitable, you run at your own expense. The repo man gets paid to chase you. ~Argabarga


                    • #11
                      I always throw in half a squeezed lemon into my bag of apple slices. Yes, half a lemon. I like my apples tart. I agree that peeling and chopping apples are much easier at home. Saves time during the week (do 6-7 at a time in individual bags on the weekend, then grab and go) saves money (well, not if you use plastic bags, maybe a plastic box) and it's better for your health (the fruit cups are way too sweet).
                      Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


                      • #12
                        Quoth ralerin View Post
                        I always throw in half a squeezed lemon into my bag of apple slices. Yes, half a lemon. I like my apples tart. I agree that peeling and chopping apples are much easier at home. Saves time during the week (do 6-7 at a time in individual bags on the weekend, then grab and go) saves money (well, not if you use plastic bags, maybe a plastic box) and it's better for your health (the fruit cups are way too sweet).
                        I usually put mine in one of those plastic reuseable boxes. It works really well and they are washable.
                        "They gave me a badge with my name on it. In case I forget who I am." Dr Who - Closing Time

                        "I reject your reality and substitute my own." Adam Savage-Mythbusters


                        • #13
                          Sounds like the fruit cups were starting to ferment, as in turn to alcohol.

                          Had that happen once with a jug of home made apple cider I bought in West Virginia. I didn't drink it fast enough (I bought several jugs; it was great stuff), and it turned into apple jack on me
                          They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                          • #14
                            I got an auto-generated reply from Dole, saying they are sorry to hear about that and will send me a replacement product by mail.
                            "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                            RIP Plaidman.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Dave1982 View Post
                              I got an auto-generated reply from Dole, saying they are sorry to hear about that and will send me a replacement product by mail.
                              Then they will. Dole is good that way. You'll get a packet of coupons/gift certificates for free replacement, or that has been my experience. I buy a lot of Dole pineapple and I've occasionally come across a can/fruit cup that had gone off. Sending them the lot numbers was very helpful, too. They know where that lot was shipped and will be able to get the store to pull it off the shelf if there are any still for sale.
                              What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper

