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The land time forgot gets a visit

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  • The land time forgot gets a visit

    OK this is not about a dinosaur park or somethign but about a strange thing that happened in appalachia today.

    As some of you may know I live in the fringes of the appalachia region. Well today I was running deeper into SE Ohio. A region where if you dont pay attention it can be confusing as to what year it is sometimes. Which is important as part of the tale I must relate.

    I was in a small town in Adams county and stopped at what used to be a gas station/garage/store. Think Goober's garage from Mayberry. We where way off the beaten path ok? Well this place may have last sold gasoline under the carter administration. I mean it has old rusty pumps that still have the old odometer style guages on them. One of them is even labeled Leaded. Which kinda gives ya a hint of the age.

    Well today they are a small carry out/deli that is going to be going out of business soon I was told. Most unfortunate but they cant afford to compete with things so closing up they will go.

    But anyhow I was standing there reading the paper waiting for my sandwich to get done (they make excellent hot ham and cheese with lettuce and mayo, they use amish cheese and ham) and this big new SUV comes pulling up to the aforementioend pumps. Out hops Mr Businessman. Grabs the nozzle off the pump and shoves it in the fill tube. OK so far he at least got the unleaded one. He then stands there looking at it kinda like a toad in a hailstorm, he is also holding his wallet out.

    So instead of taking a closer look at things he comes inside and pulls out a Credit card! He goes up to the counter and asks "How do I pay at the pump?" Remember how I described these pumps in the begining? Ummm you think he wasn't paying attention? Amazing how he managed to get this far from the interstate. Must have been the GPS.

    My sandwich came up at this point so since I had already paid and was ready to go I went ahead and left with the guy trying to figure out what year it was I think. One of the last thing I heard was "But everybody takes credit cards...." (Ummm not this place they are strictly cash and carry or check if your family has lived in the same place for at least three generations.)

    Any how I thought I'd pass along this little example of when cultures clash. At least he didnt loose his temper or start yelling that might have not been good for his health. As the Hank Jr Song says when them ol boys raise their shotguns.....

  • #2
    Quoth Rahmota View Post
    I was in a small town in Adams county and stopped at what used to be a gas station/garage/store. Think Goober's garage from Mayberry. We where way off the beaten path ok? Well this place may have last sold gasoline under the carter administration. I mean it has old rusty pumps that still have the old odometer style guages on them. One of them is even labeled Leaded. Which kinda gives ya a hint of the age.
    I actually found three places like that out of Appalacia. SW Ohio, in the middle of the Dayton-Columbus-Cinci triangle, about 10 km apart. (One closed later, one remodeled, and one remodeled without, I believe, changing the pumps. Maybe repairing them, or replacing corroded trim.)


    • #3
      I know several places like that. Quite often, the smaller stations simply keep the older-style pumps as long as possible...since they're expensive to change. As long as they work correctly, why update? Occasionally though, the stations get forced to update when their pumps are no longer accurate.

      Somewhat along those lines...some years back there was a newspaper story, about how someone broke out of prison. The guy got caught, simply because his stolen, Land Rover ran out of fuel...and he couldn't figure out how to work "modern" gas pumps. He'd been in prison so long, that he simply couldn't handle technology--all of the cars he'd stolen during the escape were 1970s models, and he had to rob people for cash--the ATM boggled his mind!
      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


      • #4
        Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
        I actually found three places like that out of Appalacia. SW Ohio, in the middle of the Dayton-Columbus-Cinci triangle, about 10 km apart. (One closed later, one remodeled, and one remodeled without, I believe, changing the pumps. Maybe repairing them, or replacing corroded trim.)
        Hey! Welcome to my old stomping grounds.

        Although currently, I'm in Centerville. Send help, I'm surrounded by Yuppies!
        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
        Hoc spatio locantur.


        • #5
          There's a restaurant in my town that only takes cash. 'Course, that guy's more cheap than stuck in the past.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Our local market does not accept credit cards it does however have an ATM machine no more than five feet from the register. Most people are okay with it but every once in awhile some asshat will throw a tantrum. It takes less time to take money out of the machine than it does to shriek at the poor clerk. And if you really need to charge credit for your purchase then go someplace else.
            My Horror Blog



            • #7
              Quoth Geek King View Post
              Hey! Welcome to my old stomping grounds.

              Although currently, I'm in Centerville. Send help, I'm surrounded by Yuppies!
              The near-Dayton Centerville? I stomp that way often enough (work takes me all around the SW Ohio area). Can't help with the yuppies beyond saying "Move east, young man". And take heart, despite what you think, there are worse yuppy
              communities out there.


              • #8
                Hmm. I didnt think there was that many places that still used those old style pumps outside fo this region. Most of the places I've been to in the big city is the all digital look like they should be able to talk to you if not pump it for you types.

                Just an interesting little sighting I thought was amusing. As for the guy I dunno what his deal was. He just seemed totally perplexed that there was someplace that didnt have an ATM or didnt take credit cards.A defiante fish out of water sort of fellow. Oh well.

                BSE: MR Business man with the SUV wasnt the one who was stuck in the past I meant he probably felt like he was in a twilight zone episode where he went back into the past. Sorry if my meaning wasnt that clear.


                • #9
                  Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                  And take heart, despite what you think, there are worse yuppy
                  communities out there.
                  Oakland county, which is my stomping grounds is one of them. So I know what you mean.
                  The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                  • #10
                    hehe when my best friend was teaching me to drive, I drove him out to the little village in far-eastern ONtario where my mom is from. We stopped for gas, and he said he'd show me how to do that too, since I'd never pumped gas before. He walks up to the pump, looking back at me, saying, "So the first thing you do is stick your card into the pump..." turned around, and came face to face with a gas pump older than both of us put together

                    "Never mind," he says... "I'll show you how to do it when we get back to civilization!"
                    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                    • #11
                      Colome, SD still has the older pumps. I don't think there is a gas station in Dallas so you might have to go all the way to Gregory or Winner to find a newer style pump. I'm just guessing that Gregory would have the newer style pumps since it is larger than Dallas and Colome.
                      Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                      I'm a case study.


                      • #12
                        I found one of those places on a car ride home from a weekend at my brother's college (Truman State) Got to the pump, just slightly above E according to my gas meter, fill the car, go in, pay, etc, get home, realize my car got better mileage from the trip, assumed (for some crazy reason) it was because of the old time gas station.
                        "I call murder on that!"

