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Fun Run Follies

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  • Fun Run Follies

    I'm a member of a volunteer organisation that, amongst other other things, assists with community based events by providing support staff who help out with stuff like road closures, traffic diversions etc.
    Recently I ran in a fun run where our group was doing road closures along the race route and caught up with a few of the guys afterwards. Heard these gems from one of the boys

    Volunteers 1 Dickheads 0
    VM (my mate the volunteer)
    DH (Dickhead)

    VM was manning a barricade blocking a side street that opened directly onto the race route, shortly after the start of the race DH drove up and started yelling

    DH: Hey get that shit out of the way I need to get through here
    VM: Sorry mate, you'll have to turn around and go back via [street1] and [street2]. This road is closed due to the fun run that is happening this morning
    DH: What f**king fun run there's no-one here. Get out of the way.
    VM: Fun Run happens this time every year and is well publicised, this road is closed until midday, you will have to go around via [street1] and [street2].
    DH: (gets out of car) F**k that I'm going through here. (starts to try and move barricade)

    At this point the leading runner reached this part of the course and being the leading runner he was being followed closely by a police motorcycle.
    DH left shortly afterward the not so proud recipient of 2 traffic infringement notices for failing to obey traffic directions and failure to move along.

    What is wrong with people?
    VM was doing road closures for a different run a few years ago when a runner passed out directly in front of him.
    (Probably worth mentioning at this point that this particular event has about sixty to seventy thousand people running in it.)
    He and the guys with him on the roadblock dash out to grab this unconscious woman and start first aid before she gets trampled by the crowd.
    Do the other runners go around them or stop to help? No, they start hurling abuse, swearing and telling them to get out of the way.

    Volunteers 2 Dickheads 0
    Later at the same race Young Dick Head (YDH) wearing muscle shirt, a couple of chains and hat on backwards drives up to the road block in a hotted up V8

    VM: Road's closed mate, you'll have to go back and find another way around.
    YDH: This is bullshit man, move out of the f**king way. I need to get through
    VM: (points to race route) You see all those people there? You've got probably another two or three hours before they all go past. Go back the way you came, and go around another way.
    YDH: This is f**ked, I'm going to f**k you up.
    VM: Well you'll still have to go around
    YDH swears some more but gets back in car and drives off - back the way he came. About an hour later he's back this time as the passenger in his car with an old guy driving

    VM: (to the other guys manning the road block) Oh for f**ks sake he's back and he's brought his Dad to complain too.
    Dick Head's Dad (DHD) and YDH get out of the car and walk up to road block. YDH is looking very quiet and subdued.
    DHD: (smacks YDH across the back of the head) What did you want to say?
    YDH: (quiet voice) that I'm sorry
    DHD (smack) Damn straight you're sorry!!! Tell him why you're sorry
    YDH: Because its not his fault and he's just doing his job
    DHD (smack) That's right! Now get back in the f**king car. (to VM) You're doing a good job mate, keep it up. (gets back in car and drives off)
    VM: What just happened??
    Be Nicer To Retail Workers 2K18, also known as: stop being an incredibly shitty human to people just doing their job.

  • #2
    OMG that last one was PRICELESS!! Was the kid actually stupid enough to go home and BRAG about what he'd tried to do?? Because how else could Dad the Smacker have found out about it?

    Three cheers and free beers for Dad!!


    • #3
      That dad rocks! Wow!


      • #4
        Yay to the Dad!!


        • #5
          I believe that dad is that rare case of a good parent having a sucky son. ( best guess? either sucky friends or sucky mother)


          • #6
            Quoth the lawsmeister View Post
            VM: (to the other guys manning the road block) Oh for f**ks sake he's back and he's brought his Dad to complain too.
            Dick Head's Dad (DHD) and YDH get out of the car and walk up to road block. YDH is looking very quiet and subdued.
            DHD: (smacks YDH across the back of the head) What did you want to say?
            YDH: (quiet voice) that I'm sorry
            DHD (smack) Damn straight you're sorry!!! Tell him why you're sorry
            YDH: Because its not his fault and he's just doing his job
            DHD (smack) That's right! Now get back in the f**king car. (to VM) You're doing a good job mate, keep it up. (gets back in car and drives off)
            VM: What just happened??
            Well, that was unexpected What an awesome Dad!
            Ne auderis delere orbem rigidum meum! - Don't you dare erase my hard disk!

            This is Tech Support, not Customer Service.
            What's the difference?
            We're allowed to tell you "no".


            • #7
              Quoth the lawsmeister View Post
              ...VM: What just happened??
              You just had a sighting of that rarest of creatures, the Lesser Spotted Competent Parent.
              "It is traditional when asking for help or advice to listen to the answers you receive" - RealUnimportant

              Rev that Engine Louder, I Can't Hear How Small Your Dick Is - Jay 2K Winger

              The Darwin Awards The best site to visit to restore your faith in instant karma.


              • #8
                Quoth the lawsmeister View Post
                VM was doing road closures for a different run a few years ago
                And thank you VM.
                Years ago I was on a yearly bike ride, which involved some side streets getting closed. Apparently one of the marshalls had a driver objecting about the road closure, and how it was not acceptable/legal. The marshall politely suggested he argue this with the bikers who were planning to use this road shortly. You know, the 200+ chaps lined up over there? Staggeringly, the driver declined and left...

