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Was my Mother an SC?

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  • Was my Mother an SC?

    My mother is 60 years old, plump, graying, and wrinkly. She has not been ID'd for cigs or alcohol, for about.... twenty years now. She still kept her ID with her just-in-case until just a couple years ago. She now keeps her driver's license in her car without problems.

    Well, she was at Wally with her co-worker in a very long line around 10pm buying beer. It's finally her turn at the register and the very young, 18-20 ish worker looks at the beer, then looks at her and asks for ID.

    My mother's face went dark and evil. Very dark and evil.

    My mother considers it as an insult to be asked for ID because of well, her wrinkles and being a grandmother.

    "Do I look 21?!" she asked, loudly and angrily. The sentencing is short and weird because her english is limited. The worker does not say anything but looks embarrassed. "I am 60 years old!" The worker still looks embarrassed like he regrets asking. My mother has bad legs and does not want to walk back to the car for her id so she has her co-worker buy it instead with his ID. She knows that once the worker has asked for the ID, he cant retract it because she ran a grocery herself.

    While she's waiting for the transaction to finish, she turns and asks the people behind her, "Do I look 21?"

    One man agrees that the worker shouldn't have asked and shakes his head at the worker.

    Was my mother an SC for getting angry and yelling and pulling other people into it?

  • #2
    It depends on the ID'ing policy of that particular store. There are some chains that have rules that the clerk/cashier must absolutely ID EVERYONE who purchases tobacco/lottery/booze/other age restricted products or they can get fired on the spot no matter if the customer is some 18 year old kid or an obviously 90 year old senior.

    If the cashier is required to ask for ID then your Mother should have cut them some slack. The cashier is ONLY doing their job.

    Yes it sucks that she has bad legs but rules and policies are there.

    She should NOT have pulled others into this situation
    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


    • #3
      I once worked at a place where we quite literally had to ID everyone purchasing alcohol, and everyone in their group. The only exception was parents with young children, we didn't have to get ID from the kids. There were managers who could make an exception to the policy, but none of the cashiers could.
      The High Priest is an Illusion!


      • #4
        No matter what, in my opinion, if she pulled other customers in it to back her up in her "rightness" then she's an SC. Even if she was right.

        I had a friend who if I had a disagreement with her - mostly opinionated - then she'd pull out "Well all of my friends agree with me and they insert something that she believes makes them know better then I do."

        It's trying to gang up on the person, and that's honestly not fair, especially when they're just trying to do their job. If you mom doesn't want to deal with her bad legs because she left her ID in the car, she should keep it on her.
        My Writing Blog -Updated 05/06/2013
        It's so I can get ideas out of my head, I decided to put it in a blog in case people are bored or are curious as to the (many) things in progress.


        • #5
          Yes. she was. And my daughter's store makes them ask everyone. One old lady, obviously at least 70 asked my daughter that same question loudly and nastily one night. My daughter looked at her straightfaced and replied "I'm afraid you do look younger than 21, Miss. Therefore, I need to see your ID." The customer just stood there a moment, then started laughing, as did the rest of the line, and she pulled out her id.
          She's also ID'd me (her store allows cashiers to handles orders of friends and relatives unlike S&S on the East Coast), had the person behind me throw a fit, and I turned around and said "Hey you, did you see her ID me?"
          a very snotty "yes, but I'm.."
          I broke in "I'm her MOTHER! What makes you think you are more important or more well known to her than her Mother?"
          He shut up and showed ID.
          Now when someone gives a problem about IDing, they point to her and say "She's worse than we are. She ids her own mother!"


          • #6
            Quoth iPanda View Post

            Was my mother an SC for getting angry and yelling and pulling other people into it?

            Some places card everybody buying age-restricted items like alcohol and tobacco, even if they obviously look old enough to buy them. This Walmart may be one of them. That's their policy and it is their right to have it.

            If she's going to get so hot and bothered by this, she can either go someplace else that doesn't card everybody, or just go without.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              I'd tell her the same as I tell all my other customers, you live in this state as well as I do, you buy beer I have to I.D. you. I don't care if you're 90, you're not worth my job.
              No, I do not work here, yes I am open, No, it is not free, every item we had "in the back" has been eaten by drunken sailors. Now that we've covered the basics, how may I help you?


              • #8
                Yeah, sorry, she was. I'd definitely have a word with her. Big time.
                "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                • #9
                  My Mom's 70. She gets carded at Wegmans because their policy is "100% carding" for alcohol.

                  She doesn't get irritated over it - she just laughs.

                  And that brings up the question - why is it worth getting angry over? It's nothing the cashier can change. And in some stores the cashier will be punished for not asking.

                  Questions or complaints over policy rules should be directed to the manager or corporation. Not to the worker who's just trying to do a job. The worker should NEVER be punished for what the boss does. It's unfair to expect the worker to be the punching bag, or to lose a job just because a customer is mad about the company policy.


                  • #10
                    Taking everything else out of the situation, would you have liked to been on the receiving end of her behavior?

                    If your answer is no, then it was the incorrect way to handle the situation.

                    A problem with an employee's behavior or company policy should be addressed with management. It should be done calmly and politely.
                    Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
                    Save the Ales!
                    Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


                    • #11
                      I wonder if anybody's ever brought up the amazing transformation capabilities of prosthetic/stage makeup whilst carding someone.


                      • #12
                        'Fraid I have to agree that yes, she was. The poor employee couldn't do anything -- couldn't even walk away -- so she was deliberately targeting somebody who couldn't fight back. And that's not even remotely fair.

                        As for the carding, as others have said, what's the store's policy? If they have to card everybody, then that means your mom too. Mine, who is now 78, was asked 5 or 6 years ago for ID when she was buying cigarettes at a large supermarket that has (understandably) flung up its corporate hands and said, "Screw it, we're checking everybody from now on." She was dumbfounded but pulled out her ID and got her smokes.

                        These days, anybody who doesn't carry some form of acceptable ID on them has only themselves to blame when they want to buy something that's age-restricted and can't get it.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Oniontears
                          I wonder if anybody's ever brought up the amazing transformation capabilities of prosthetic/stage makeup whilst carding someone.
                          My girlfriend's mom doesn't get carded, but her grandmother constantly does precisely for this reason.

                          Apparently they get a lot of teenagers dressed up a little wrinkly old ladies.


                          • #14
                            sorry to say yep that was SC behavior

