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Rude Snob in Line!

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  • Rude Snob in Line!

    Went to Kohl's with the Boyfriend. He went to stand in line with his purchase while I stood to the side. there were 2-registers open, both with customers in the process of being checked-out. We walked-up to the one on the right. There was an older lady with a cart waiting for the cash register on the left; she was right behind the person being checked-out, not straddling, not leaving her cart in our line to browse, nope. The customer at our register finished-up first, and just as they moved this vulture grabbed her cart and DARTED in front of us before my boyfriend finished lifting his foot! The cashier had the face, but started ringing-up the stuff the vulture had tossed on the counter. My boyfriend was stunned and I said in a loud voice "Well, that was VERY rude!"
    The vulture turned and literally looked down her nose at me and said "No, I was waiting first, I most certainly was NOT rude!."
    I said "You were clearly waiting in the other line."
    She said "No, there were two people in front of me and I was next...No, I'm not going to speak to you, I'm done!"
    (So, she thought because she was there with the first two people getting taken through the registers that the next would automatically be hers or something. There were LINES, it was not a line between registers with cashiers calling for the next person)
    I said "You really don't have an excuse. You were rude, you didn't even say excuse me." And at that moment the other register was free and called my boyfriend over. I heard the vulture grumbling to the cashier about us, and bitching over the prices on things, while we got through the transaction and were out the door before she had even paid!
    But geeze, what a B*tch!!!
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga

  • #2
    Wow. If I had been that cashier I wouldn't have rung her through. I would've said, "Ma'am you were waiting in the other line, please return to it or get behind these people who were waiting in my line."

    If I was another customer it would've been, "What? Did you fuck up in kindergarten and forget how to wait in line? Or is it that you're too stupid to understand what a line even is?"

    Then again I have a tendency to start arranging my stuff on the counter once the customer ahead of me is on the payment phase, keeping my head down and away so that they don't think I'm trying to get in on their information. So that lady would've had to slam INTO me and then I would've *RAWR* flipped her cart over. *Not condoning violence, it's just my natural reaction as I have had someone slam into my with a cart. I suppose it's just the "OW GET THIS AWAY FROM ME!"*

    I love her excuse though. Apparently because she is there first cutting someone else in another line is not rude. So I can get in line for a ride, then decide I want to go on another one and cut everyone in that line because I was waiting longer than they were and that makes me NOT RUDE.
    My Writing Blog -Updated 05/06/2013
    It's so I can get ideas out of my head, I decided to put it in a blog in case people are bored or are curious as to the (many) things in progress.


    • #3
      I've shot down assholes like that in the past. That shouldn't fly in any situation, and should never be rewarded.

      What a miserable human being that must be to be like that. I do know what I would have done. As I walked away, I would have said, "She's so rude, but at least those clothes she's buying will make her look fat!"


      • #4
        This is where my favorite scenario from Dead Like Me could come in handy. "I have a question for you, is everyone in this line an asshole?" "Uh, excuse me?" "Is everyone you just cut in front of an asshole?" "Um, no?" "So, it's just you then?" "I have children in the car." "I got a cake in the oven, *points to other guy in line* he's got three minutes left on the meter, *points to woman* she's got a lunch meeting. We all have a fine might amount of time, now get in the back of the line, and don't use your children like that, it's shameful." Cue applause.

