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Next time, I'll renew online (a brain burp/self-sighting and a rather bitchy trainee)

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  • Next time, I'll renew online (a brain burp/self-sighting and a rather bitchy trainee)

    My state ID expired last month on my birthday. However, I only just got around to getting to the DMV to renew it today because we're going out of state for Christmas this year and because my mom had the day off and could drive me there. */backstory*

    The Brain Burp/Self-Sighting

    So I get my number and we sit down to wait. Luckily, we didn't end up waiting very long and, when my number was called, I went up to the desk. I explain why I'm there and give them my old ID. Sometime last year, though, their policy had been changed so people needed a proof-of-address to get a new ID.

    Alas, I did not have that, so I called the bank. They couldn't fax it because they can't do such things just over-the-phone. Lucky for me, though, there was a Whiskey Foxtrot branch a couple blocks away and the lady I'd spoken to said that I could go get the papers I needed and, when I came back, wouldn't need to take a number and could just wait on the red Xs near the front.

    As we were leaving the DMV, though, and this is where the brain burpiness comes in, my mom spotted a banana yellow sign on the door detailing the new policy. We both had gone right past it and somehow didn't see the damn thing. So we drive to the bank, I get the proper documentation (the teller automatically knew what it was for when I told her what I needed ), and we come back.

    All's well and no harm done, right? C'mon, y'all should know better than that.

    The Rather Bitchy Trainee

    So we come back to the DMV and, standing near the entry/exit door is a woman with a shiny 'Trainee' badge. We explain to her that we'd gone to get the necessary proof-of-address and that we'd been told earlier that we wouldn't need to take a new number.

    Her: "No, you need to take a number. Too much time has passed."
    Us: "But we were told by one of the tellers that we wouldn't need to."
    Her: "Nope. You need to take a number."
    My mom: "I can see the woman right there. She assured us we could just go in."
    Her: *huffs* "Fine. Go ahead."

    That was it. No verifying with the employees (the one who'd helped me earlier was *literally* about 10 feet away). Just arguing. But we finally go in and wait.

    As we were there, it turned out that one of my mom's former coworkers was there as well, so we were chatting with her and her son when Bitch-in-Training comes over. Rather abruptly/demandingly, she says "You need to be standing directly on the Xs if you're in line. Otherwise it just looks like you're standing around." I can understand and appreciate that rules are rules, but she said it in the snottiest way possible.

    As it turned out, though, we probably should've just taken a freakin' number, because it was taking a while and I was third-or-fourth in line behind everyone else who was waiting on the Xs. So my mom goes to see if she can get a number. Bitch-In-Training gets what I can only describe as a Cheshire Cat grin and says (I could hear it perfectly because the office isn't really that big), "You insisted that you didn't need a number, so you'll just have to wait."

    Luckily, I finally got stuff taken care of after another...I dunno how long it was. We left the house at noon and got home at about 3:30, if it's any indication of how long the overall process took. As we were leaving the second time, I said to my mom as we were getting in the car, "Next time, I'll just do the whole renewal thing online if I can."
    "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)

  • #2
    Wow, uhm, I would've seriously talked to a manager about this. That kind of attitude is just unprofessional and it's not like the DMV needs any more bad reputation for being a terrible place to have to go to already.
    My Writing Blog -Updated 05/06/2013
    It's so I can get ideas out of my head, I decided to put it in a blog in case people are bored or are curious as to the (many) things in progress.


    • #3
      Quoth AmbrosiaWriter View Post
      Wow, uhm, I would've seriously talked to a manager about this. That kind of attitude is just unprofessional and it's not like the DMV needs any more bad reputation for being a terrible place to have to go to already.
      We probably should've, but I think both of us were just so freakin' tired of her attitude that we just wanted to be out of there. Also, the combination of stress and the fact that I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast was giving me a severe headache, so I'm not sure how a talk with the manager would have gone.
      "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)


      • #4
        This reminded me of when I had to renew my state id last year. Now I have an unusual situation with my birth certificate. I have a copy of my hospital birth record, with a state seal on it, that has served me well all my life. It's not the state issued one but it does have my correct name on it. My state one has a screwed up version of my name so I hadn't used it. I only got a copy of it in the last few years, my mother never bothered. Again because my hospital one served me just fine, including the dmv!

        Fast foward to last year....I bring my hospital record and unopened mail or something to prove the address and social security card and two vials of blood to get the damn thing renewed like their rules stated. It's much harder to get this done than it used to be. So I get up there and find out that my birth record doesn't cut it anymore they need the state one. So I'm like...well my name on that one is wrong and this one is right, and they said it's ok we'll get the name right just bring in the state copy. Thankfully I had the thing at home, but what if I hadn't? It would have delayed everything by quite a bit. So I had to go home and come back another day to do it because their computers went down that same day and they couldn't do anything anymore
        Great YouTube channel check it out!


        • #5
          Quoth telecom_goddess View Post
          This reminded me of when I had to renew my state id last year. Now I have an unusual situation with my birth certificate. I have a copy of my hospital birth record, with a state seal on it, that has served me well all my life. It's not the state issued one but it does have my correct name on it. My state one has a screwed up version of my name so I hadn't used it. I only got a copy of it in the last few years, my mother never bothered. Again because my hospital one served me just fine, including the dmv!

          Fast foward to last year....I bring my hospital record and unopened mail or something to prove the address and social security card and two vials of blood to get the damn thing renewed like their rules stated. It's much harder to get this done than it used to be. So I get up there and find out that my birth record doesn't cut it anymore they need the state one. So I'm like...well my name on that one is wrong and this one is right, and they said it's ok we'll get the name right just bring in the state copy. Thankfully I had the thing at home, but what if I hadn't? It would have delayed everything by quite a bit. So I had to go home and come back another day to do it because their computers went down that same day and they couldn't do anything anymore
          When I moved to my current state a few years ago, I called the DMV to see what I needed to bring to get a license (I had a current license from the next state). Now, let me give a little BG. I have used 3 names in my life - birth name, 1st husband's name, and current husband's name. I have also had drivers licenses since the late 60s, in at least half a dozen states. So I'm not new at this. Usually, I've needed current license and proof of new address.

          Here's what I was told I would need to bring -

          current license from out of state
          two acceptable proof s of new address
          birth certificate
          marriage license to 1st husband to document name change (35 years ago)
          divorce papers from 1st husband (25 years ago)
          marriage license to current husband to document that name change

          Can we say overkill? Can we say stressed out over searching the house for papers from a marriage that ended 3 decades ago?

          Ok, so I finally, after a week or two, get everything together, go to the DMV with my file folder full of papers.

          Give them my current out-of-state license
          Show them lease with my new address
          Show them my birth certificate

          and get my driver's license

          Yup, all that, and they never even asked or needed all the other papers.

          Madness takes it's toll....
          Please have exact change ready.


          • #6
            I notice that the DMV here varies from office to office as far as what's required.

            When I registered my car from California. I was told at one office that I had to have my ex present to confirm that the car was now mine, despite the fact that I had a notarized statement saying that he was relinquishing all claim over the car, had signed the title over to me and everything matched.

            I went to another office about 2 miles away and they looked at the info and started the process with no issues what so ever.
            Random conversation:
            Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
            DDD: Cuz it's cool

            So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


            • #7
              Quoth Merriweather View Post
              Here's what I was told I would need to bring -

              current license from out of state
              two acceptable proof s of new address
              birth certificate
              marriage license to 1st husband to document name change (35 years ago)
              divorce papers from 1st husband (25 years ago)
              marriage license to current husband to document that name change

              Can we say overkill? Can we say stressed out over searching the house for papers from a marriage that ended 3 decades ago?
              Did they maybe misunderstand what you wanted and gave you the list for the enhanced driver's license? That sounds like the list of items you need for my state's enhanced DL if you don't have a passport.


              • #8
                hell was getting my NY enhanced ID.

                i forgot the laundry list of shit i had to get... SSN card, mail / utility bills, lease, birth certificate, old DL... probably more but i forget.

                over the phone they told me my receipt for my SSN card would be valid because it has the number on it. at the DMV they refused. thankfully i had a w2 lying around or i wouldn't have been able to get it at all. and my ssn card never came in for a couple of months at least...

                turn around and for my new id here it was much easier, and i had my ssn card now at least. well except that they misspelled my name. but they fixed it right away at least.

