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A Nasty DD employee

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  • A Nasty DD employee

    Went to a 24 hour DD for coffee this morning. As I was sitting there drinking my coffee, I decided I wanted something a little more substantial than a coffee and two donuts, so I got up to order a tuna melt on an Everything Bagel. (That's basically onion, seeds, and all the other ingredients on the same bagel as opposed to just one particular flavor of bagel)

    The cashier repeated the order back to me and I handed her my card. So far so good, right? A few minutes later I got my sandwich and I had sat down when I realized the tuna melt was on a croissant. I looked at the receipt and realized the cashier had put in the order wrong, so I returned to the counter.

    Very politely, I said to another employee, "Excuse me, this is my fault, I should have checked the reciept-"

    "I asked you if you wanted anything to drink but you handed me your card all ready!"

    I stood there in stunned silence as I turned from the guy I was talking to, to the cashier who rang me up. A, I didn't know why she felt the need to be so snappy and defensive, and B, I hadn't even finished my sentence yet so she didn't know what I was even going to say.

    Without changing my tone I simply finished, "I had ordered a tuna melt on an Everything bagel."

    The same cashier continues with the attitude, giving me snottiest, most arrogant grin I have ever seen on a woman who wasn't related to me and says, "Well we didn't hear that."

    Um, you repeated it back to me when you entered it. But without breaking her toner she snatches the croissant from my hand and says, "But we'll make it again anyway."

    At this point my adrenaline is rushing. I really don't like conflict of any kind and for the briefest of seconds I considered just leaving after I got my sandwich. But instead I took a deep breath and asked another employee to see the manager.

    When the manager came out I said in the same calm tone, "I'm not trying to start problems. But the cashier got my order wrong and when I came up to fix it, she bit my head off before I even said anything."

    "I am very sorry for that," The manager said. "I will speak to her right away."

    So I did witness him call the nasty little brat into the kitchen area and I witnessed what I assumed was her giving him the version of the story where I was the nasty and demanding customer.

    But I didn't leave the store until I finished both my bagel and coffee. If a health inspector graded attitudes this woman would have been ushered into the back of a truck by people in hazmat suits.

  • #2
    Quoth NateTheChops View Post
    If a health inspector graded attitudes this woman would have been ushered into the back of a truck by people in hazmat suits.
    Gives a nice visual to the term "toxic people".


    • #3
      Ugh, attitudes like that bother me more nowadays than they used to, because of our crappy economy. Hordes of decent, hard-working people are desperate for jobs and THIS little jerk is working.
      "There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't."


      • #4
        Quoth Laund-o-rama Mama View Post
        Ugh, attitudes like that bother me more nowadays than they used to, because of our crappy economy. Hordes of decent, hard-working people are desperate for jobs and THIS little jerk is working.
        As someone who is a decent, hard-working person who was laid off, I agree.


        • #5
          Quoth ADoyle90815 View Post
          As someone who is a decent, hard-working person who was laid off, I agree.
          My sympathies are with you. Still, being legitimately laid off is easier to explain away than being fired and simply telling potential employers you were laid off.


          • #6
            Quoth Laund-o-rama Mama View Post
            Ugh, attitudes like that bother me more nowadays than they used to, because of our crappy economy. Hordes of decent, hard-working people are desperate for jobs and THIS little jerk is working.
            This is exactly how I have felt in the last two years and still feel, since I am STILL unemployed. Everyday, I go into several businesses I have applied at and most of the "trainee" labeled employees are rude, nasty, and make me want to punch them! but, I don't and seethe in silence, but it is truly getting above ridiculous for me now. I am a very hard working person who will surely be able to hold the job longer than a week like most of these idiots do, because they either quit when they find out the jobs harder than they expected or are fired for being a complete dunce. My favorite example was I applied for a server job at a new pub/dinner that opened up. As many of you older members might remember, I have previous experience for this. After the interview, the manager explains to me that they just hired 3 girls who had NO previous experience in this position and then proceeds to tell me that my 2 years of experience wasn't enough. I was like are you fucking kidding me? Then I saw the three girls. Tall, skinny, pretty, sluttish looking blonde bimbos. Vs me, a somewhat average height, overweight woman with glasses and short cut bright red hair (had just redyed it the day before, so the color hadn't fully settled). Yeah, I didn't have enough "experience", meaning I wasn't hot enough for them. Awesome. Two weeks later, they called and said those three girls later quit because and I quote, "They weren't making as much in tips as they did at *local strip club* So could I take the job before they started interviewing other girls. I am very desperate for a job, but not that desperate. I told them firmly no, because it all made me feel very uncomfortable and hung up.
            Just because they serve you, doesn't mean they like you. And just because they smile and act polite doesn't mean they aren't planning to destroy you.

            "I put the laughter in slaughter."

