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Public Relief

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  • Public Relief

    On our way to dinner tonight, we stopped at a stop light in a suburban area. A women with three small kids was waiting. Mrs. IA and I watched as she fiddled with one boy's pants (he was about 3). Then we saw a steam of pee come shooting out. For a little kid, he seemed to have a lot of pee. Afterwards, she zipped him up and they crossed the street.
    "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

  • #2
    Yikes, that is crazy! Who the hell does that??? Oh wait, I forgot what site this is.
    "Employees can make or break any business, so treat them with respect. Job satisfaction has little to do with money. Discover what it has to do with and make sure they get it."


    • #3
      Quoth Sandiercy View Post
      Yikes, that is crazy! Who the hell does that??? Oh wait, I forgot what site this is.
      That is something usually reserved for drunken idiots.
      Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
      Save the Ales!
      Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


      • #4
        Hmm... as a parent, I can see both sides. It's not what I'd choose to do, but I can the reasoning behind it. Kids that young often wait until the last blessed second to tell you they gotta pee. By that point, they're bursting and can't hold it any more. In a suburban area, I'm going to assume there weren't many stores with public bathrooms to be had and they were probably far enough from home that turning back wasn't much of an option either. So, just let JR relieve himself in a less messy manner than peeing himself.

        On the other hand, to be so public about it? Whatever happened to screening or at least finding an out of the way area to do it? (I had to teach boys how to handling the need to pee during rough camping or if we're far from camp. Find a tree, check for poison ivy, check for wild animals and then pick the side away from the group to pee.)
        If I make no sense, I apologize. I'm constantly interrupted by an actual toddler.


        • #5
          She'll regret teaching him that the next time he drops trou in a nice restaurant or at the in-laws' house!
          "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


          • #6
            Quoth LillFilly View Post
            She'll regret teaching him that the next time he drops trou in a nice restaurant or at the in-laws' house!
            Or in her house. That would be funny if next time he had to pee he just does it in her lliving room.


            • #7
              Quoth LillFilly View Post
              She'll regret teaching him that the next time he drops trou in a nice restaurant or at the in-laws' house!
              Yup. Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD. as evidenced by a recent case in Philly where a woman was ticketed for letting her 2 year old son pee in public. She claimed they had been shopping and the store wouldn't let them use their bathroom. So she let him go outside, in plain view.


              She was quite upset and didn't see what the big deal was. But my feeling is, if you let your kids go wherever, whenever, they'll think its ok no matter what the circumsstance.


              • #8
                This is why I used to keep a potty seat in the back of my van when my kid was a toddler.

                Other moms regarded me as a hero. We were out someplace once and no bathroom and a all of a sudden they all had to go. Cue panicked moms. Cue me opening up the van and showing them the the little loo I had back there, complete with wipes, sanitizer, and privacy. You put a piece of a "chux" in there, then put the soiled chux into a baggie, seal it, and then dispose of it when you reach a place where it's appropriate to do so.

                When they have to go, seconds literally count.
                Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 09-28-2012, 03:18 PM.


                • #9
                  And if you read the comments to the article I linked, many are outraged that the store wouldn't let the child use their bathroom. My guess is they don't HAVE a public bathroom, and most people don't get the whole liability issue.


                  • #10
                    i remember mom telling me what happened with her youngest grandson (my nephew).

                    They were taking him on a walk in their favorite park where he suddenly had to go *right now* and couldn't hold it until they got back to the park entrance.

                    So they saw a tree with a hollowed out bottom - C shaped and told him it was a "potty tree".

                    although i think he was older than 3. at 3 i think he still had "accident pants" just in case of situations like that.


                    • #11
                      Oh you think thats bad? I got one even worse

                      I was in town one afternoon- I do remember it was sunny, and I believe it was still opening hours (shops and businesses all around). A couple of chavtastic women on the other side of the road had stopped. One of them had unclipped her daughter from the pushchair, stripped her from the waist down and was holding her OVER a drain in the road (one of the open-grate ones that sit right at the edge of the road and the pavement) and just held her there in midair, bare-bottom for all the drivers to see, as she just pee'd into the drain.

                      I just thought it was appalling. The kid actually looked young enough to still be in nappies anyway, but whatever, I understand the problems some parents have with the kids that have to go right now but being as there were plenty of shops/businesses nearby etc, not to mention it was the middle of the street and broad daylight... I don't think there's anything right or decent about stripping your toddler half naked and just holding them over the drain in the road. I mean, that seems slightly dangerous anyway...roads in the UK tend to be nice and wide, but can't help but think that holding your kid that close to traffic is a bit risky

                      They were utter chavs anyway, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

                      Oh actually, at my old job, I once had a lady with a small boy of about 5 or 6 in a pushchair- he'd broken his leg and had to keep his leg outstretched on a board for some reason and she'd bought a pushchair for this purpose (she told me herself). Now, I understand the kid had an injury, but for his dignity at LEAST she could have just taken him towards the fitting rooms for privacy when she had him pee into a bottle>.< But nope, she had to do that in the middle of the store, and yes I saw...


                      • #12
                        Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
                        And if you read the comments to the article I linked, many are outraged that the store wouldn't let the child use their bathroom. My guess is they don't HAVE a public bathroom, and most people don't get the whole liability issue.
                        Yeah, unfortunately, the liability issue is a big one for places with no official public loo. Trust me, the staff don't like turning people away ... we've all been there, either with a kid or ourselves, LOL ... but I can understand why shops do this.

                        Then you get places like my new workplace, which have NO bathrooms at all ...

