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Monopoly suck

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  • Monopoly suck

    The restaurant chain "Chez Ronald" has recently started their annual promotion based on a certain board game. At one local outlet, some kids (I'd guess around 10 years old) are hanging around the soda machines (self-serve) and asking everyone "Can I have your game pieces?" When I mentioned this to one of the staff (cleaning tables), I got an earfull.

    It seems that they do this every year, she has told the manager about it, but he doesn't kick them out. Also, I'm not the only paying customer to complain about this. What sort of manager will tolerate non-customers harassing the paying customers?
    Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.

  • #2
    An idiot manager.
    Sure kid I'll sell it to you for$
    I'd tell them to get lost if they bugged me more than once.


    • #3
      A manager who seems to have mislaid his spine?


      • #4
        Quoth wolfie View Post
        When I mentioned this to one of the staff (cleaning tables), I got an earfull.

        It seems that they do this every year, she has told the manager about it, but he doesn't kick them out. Also, I'm not the only paying customer to complain about this. What sort of manager will tolerate non-customers harassing the paying customers?
        Oh, no. No, no, no. If a worker told me that, my response would be, "Get him out here. I'm about to ruin his day." And once I'd ruined his day, I'd have gotten corporate involved.


        • #5
          I'm just wondering who's letting their kids run into mcdonald's unescorted...


          • #6
            Lots of parents, as these boards have highlighted. Sadly.


            • #7
              I went in to one of these places with the intention of buying a medium drink (for the game pieces) versus the large, which does not. The group ahead of me included a kid, about 13/14. They stepped aside, I ordered and handed over money. The worker pulled off the cup and set it on the counter while waiting for the register to print out the ticket. Kid grabs my cup. I said, rather sharply, "That's not yours." The kid turned and scowled at me, said, "No, that's my cup." Cashier said nothing. I said, "I paid for that cup, so you better hand it over." Just then, the parent of the group noticed, and said "(kid) your cup is right here." He scowled and threw the cup on the floor and stalked off. The cashier just kind of looked at me with a deer in headlights look. I said, helpfully, "Just give me a large cup." She did. I did end up with a free drink (they let me keep both cups) but yeah, that kid knew exactly what he was doing when he grabbed mine. Probably wanted the game stamps.

              I did see one kid hanging around near the trash cans, watching people throw away their food. He would offer to take the tray, then check the boxes/cups to see if they had left one behind. That I'm okay with because the people were going to throw it away anyway, so why should they care if a kid rescues the stamp before it gets thrown away? Begging for them at the drink fountain is so not on. I would be calling corporate to tattle on that spineless manager.


              • #8
                Quoth sevendaysky View Post
                I went in to one of these places with the intention of buying a medium drink (for the game pieces) versus the large, which does not.
                That's one that gets me about the U.S. promotion (as an over-the-road truck driver, I've seen both the U.S. and Canadian) - having stamps on the medium cup but NOT the large, so if someone upsizes their combo (since fries and fountain pop are cheap to produce, store almost certainly has a higher profit margin on upsized combos) they don't get any extra stamps (gain by going to large fries, but lose by going to large drink) - especially since some outlets (service plazas are the ones I visit most often, naturally) won't sell a "mixed" (different sizes of fry and drink) combo.

                In Canada, both the medium and large drinks have the stamps, so someone upsizing their combo gets an extra pair of stamps.
                Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                • #9
                  having stamps on the medium cup but NOT the large
                  then again, many establishments are under fire for trying to convince people to up-size their meals. so this may be one of the results... no tickets - or no extra tickets - for upsizing ?


                  • #10
                    For Americans, just upsize the fries but not the drink. You don't have to upsize both. I agree that not having it on the large is really strange.


                    • #11
                      For me it's annoying. I like to buy the large size and then nurse the same drink over two days. With the medium I have to drink it same-day or dump the drink into another cup or container when I get home, because the medium cup is paper... can't keep it in there long or it starts to eat into/through the paper. Large is plastic so it lasts longer. Also, in my area of the US (Northwest) I don't think you can upgrade just the drink or the fries, you have to upsize both if you are ordering a meal off the menu.

                      In my area they are selling drinks at $1; in others, they still charge different prices for med/lg cups. You would think they'd put them on the large (I seem to remember one year they did that) to encourage people to spend more. The whole "restrict people to buying less soda because it's BETTER FOR YOU" stuff is more suited for fratching, so I won't go there.


                      • #12
                        Huh. Plastic. That's cool. Still all paper here.


                        • #13
                          Where I live, a large supermarket chain often has special actions running where they give some kinf of free collectibe when you spend x amount. The children often love those collectibles, so they hang around the entrance/exit to ask each person coming out if they can have their collectible. At some point it became a policy to have official 'begging spots' where the children could stand to ask, and nowhere else.
                          It's still annoying though, but luckily, no kid has ever been rude to me about it.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Slayer View Post
                            For Americans, just upsize the fries but not the drink. You don't have to upsize both. I agree that not having it on the large is really strange.
                            As I stated, most of the outlets I've been to in the U.S. (travel plazas) won't sell a "mixed" (different size fries and drink) combo.

                            Quoth sevendaysky View Post
                            For me it's annoying. I like to buy the large size and then nurse the same drink over two days. With the medium I have to drink it same-day or dump the drink into another cup or container when I get home, because the medium cup is paper... can't keep it in there long or it starts to eat into/through the paper.
                            When I get a large, I always ask for the cup they use for the sweet tea - it's foam, and so holds temperature better than the plastic one that's "normal" for the large soda.
                            Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Slayer View Post
                              For Americans, just upsize the fries but not the drink. You don't have to upsize both. I agree that not having it on the large is really strange.
                              Our local stores won't do that and these are regular stores, not travel plazas. Depends on the region I suppose, your mileage will vary.
                              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

